Zakład Badań Geośrodowiska
Tomy / Volumes
Volume 27-28 - 1993-1994 year
A R T I C L E SL. Starkel
Frequency of floods during the Holocene in the Upper Vistuta basin
M. Łanczont
Chronostratigraphy of Pleistocene deposits and conditions of lheir accumulation at Prałkowce near Przemyśl
E. Niedziałkowska, K. Szczepanek
Vistulian silty sediments of the Vistula river fan in the Oświęcim Basin
B. Gądek
An attempt to reconstruct glacial processes in the Mała Łąka Valley in the Tatra Mountains during the last glaciation
A. Kotarba
Record of Little lce Age in lacustrine sediments of the Lake Morskie Oko, High Tatra Mountains
W. Chełmicki, J. Święchowicz, J. W. Mietelski, P. Macharski
Natural factors of 137Cs distribution in soil on the example of forested slope in the Carpathian Foothills
W. Rączkowski
Rockglaciers in the Martello valley (Ortles-Cevedale Massif, Italian Alps)
Antonin lvan, Karel Kirchner
Relation between topography and structure in the Moravian and Silesian parts of the Westem Carpathians
Mojmir Hradek, Rostislav Śvehlik
Geomorphic research on the present-day processes and landforms in the Westem Carpathians in the Czech Republik
Witold Zuchiewicz
Structural geomorphological studies in the Polish Carpathians. A review
Zofia Rączkowska
Research on presentday geomorphic processes in the Polish Capathians (state of the art)
Jón Urbanek, Jón Lacika
Morphostructures of the West Carpathians of Slovakia
Miloś Stankoviansky, Rudolf Midriak
The recenŁ and present-day geomorphic processes in Slovak Carpathians (state of the art review)
Dan Balteanu, Mihai Jelenicz, Nicolae Popescu
Geomorphology of the Romanian Carpathians. New trends and evolutions
Kiril Mishev, Ivan Vaptsarov
The neotectonic period of development of the reiief in the Stara Planina (the Balkan) orogenic system