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Results 33 - 40 of 1568 for Poland (0.1616 seconds)
Geopolityczne, etniczne i migracyjne uwarunkowania przekształceń społeczno-demograficznych struktur przestrzennychGeopolitical, ethnic and migration factors behind transformations of spatial structures [4.32% relevance]
focus on the issues of geopolitical location of Poland, as well as evolution of political landscape of … . The subject of our interest are, in the main, Poland and countries of the former USSR,
project_en/events/geopolityczne-etniczne-i-migracyjne-uwarunkowania-przeksztalcen-spoleczno-demograficznych-struktur-przestrzennychgeopolitical-et.html - 32.73 kB
Ewolucja wieloletniej zmarzliny podczas ostatniego zlodowacenia na przykładzie unikalnych form pierścieniowych w północnej Polsce [4.32% relevance]
the fringe of the last Scandinavian Ice Sheet, N Poland: Landforms and their internal composition. - … at the last Scandinavian Ice Sheet margin (N Poland). - Geomorphology 2024, 466 - s. 1-19.
project_en/events/3_9569.html - 28.13 kB
Anna Kozłowska [4.32% relevance]
Reference map of potential natural vegetation of Poland as a basis for interpretation of selected … geographical environment; as exemplified by SE Poland). 2008 – habilitated (post-doctoral) degree
member/show/anna_kozlowska.html - 71.05 kB
Rozwój infrastruktury transportowej a przesunięcia międzygałęziowe w przestrzeni Polski w latach 2000-2010 Transport infrastructure development and modal shift in the Polish space in the years 2000-2010 [4.32% relevance]
road and railway transport within the space of Poland in the first decade of the 21st century. The … use of commute data obtained by GUS during the Poland National Census 2011 as well as of regional
project_en/events/p3_068.html - 29.76 kB
Piotr Rosik [4.32% relevance]
infrastructure development in Spain and Poland). 2004-2007 – PhD studies: Poznań University of … between inflation and unemployment in Poland in the years 1991-2003). Academic career and … and
member/show/piotr_rosik.html - 121.03 kB
Biskupie drzewa. Historia środowiskowa Puszczy BiałejBishops' Trees: The Environmental History of the White Forest [4.32% relevance]
tax registers of the White Forest (Central Poland). - Research Data Journal for the Humanities and … in the preindustrial forest landscapes in Poland - an overview. - Elementa: Science of the … and
project_en/events/3_8834.html - 27.16 kB
Monitoring zmian potencjałów ruchotwórczych oraz uwarunkowań rozkładu ruchu na sieci drogowej w transporcie ciężarowym w Polsce w latach 2005-2015 (HGV-Monit) Monitoring changes of traffic-generating potentials and determinants of the distribution of fre [4.32% relevance]
national roads and the distribution typical for Poland and calculated in the framework of this project … on the network of extraurban national roads for Poland as a whole, taking into account
project_en/events/3_3523.html - 26.4 kB
Multimodalna dostępność transportem publicznym na poziomie gminnym w Polsce Multimodal public transport accessibility of Polish gminas [3.78% relevance]
of multimodal potential accessibility in Poland at the very low aggregation level (2,321 units, … of public transport accessibility of gminas in Poland, calculated with the aid of a potential model:
project_en/events/Multimodalna-dostepnosc.html - 31.29 kB