Past Landscape Dynamic Laboratory


Books, reports | Articles, chapters, papers and others | Abstracts, reviews, notes | Documentation studies

Books, reports

Articles, chapters, papers and others

Abstracts, reviews, notes

  • Kaszkiel Adrian, Baranowski Jarosław, Bartczak Arkadiusz, Czarnecka Kaja, Halaś Agnieszka, Jarocińska Anna, Kaczorowska Joanna, Kowalczyk Patrycja, Kuchcik Magdalena, Lindner-Cendrowska Katarzyna, Łuców Dominika, Słowiński Michał, Słowińska Sandra: Multi-scale recognition of the climatic functioning of peatlands in Poland – the MIRECLIM project. [w]: Envilink - International platform for exchange of experience between young scientists in environmental research. Book of abstracts. May 2024. Red. Mariusz Ciesielski, Małgorzata Białczak, Maciej Lisiewicz. Sękocin Stary: Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, 2024 - s. 73-74.
  • Słowińska Sandra, Baranowski Jarosław, Bartczak Arkadiusz, Czarnecka Kaja, Halaś Agnieszka, Jarocińska Anna, Kaczorowska Joanna, Kaszkiel Adrian, Klisz Marcin, Kowalczyk Patrycja, Kuchcik Magdalena, Łuców Dominika, Lindner-Cendrowska Katarzyna, Pilch Kamil, Słowiński Michał, Zin Ewa: Comprehensive study of peatland climate in Poland - from microscale to analysis of multispectral satellite images. [w]: AGU24 Annual Meeting. 2024 - 1 s.
  • Słowińska Sandra, Słowiński Michał, Baranowski Jarosław, Bartczak Arkadiusz, Czarnecka Kaja, Halaś Agnieszka, Jarocińska Anna, Kaczorowska Joanna, Kaszkiel Adrian, Kaszkiel Adrian, Kowalczyk Patrycja, Kuchcik Magdalena, Lindner-Cendrowska Katarzyna, Łuców Dominika: Climatic functioning of peatlands in the context of microrefugia the MIRECLIM project. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2024 - 1 s. (EGU General Assembly 2024)
  • Słowińska Sandra, Słowiński Michał, Halaś Agnieszka, Giraud Chloe, Garneau Michelle: Differences in peat temperature and moisture under lichen (Cladonia spp.) and moss (Sphagnum spp.) patterns on a peatland in Eastern Canada. [w]: AGU24 Annual Meeting. 2024 - 1 s.
  • Słowiński Michał, Kardasz Cezary, Brykała Dariusz, Dietze Elisabeth, Jonczak Jerzy, Szewczyk Krzysztof, Halaś Agnieszka, Mroczkowska Agnieszka, Łuców Dominika, Słowińska Sandra, Tyszkowski Sebastian, Swoboda Paweł, Chojnacka Aleksandra, Gmińska-Nowak Barbara, Kramkowski Mateusz, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka, Kowalska Anna, Kołaczkowska Ewa, Kruczkowska Bogusława, Róg Dominik, Przybylski Paweł, Stadnicka Maria, Związek Tomasz: Crawling Anthropocene - tracking environmental degradation, landscape transformation, and legacy forest management in Central Europe over the last millennium with a multidisciplinary perspective. Washington, D.C.: American Geophysical Union, 2024 - s. AGU24-1673585.
  • Słowiński Michał, Szewczyk Krzysztof, Jonczak Jerzy, Halaś Agnieszka, Mroczkowska Agnieszka, Łuców Dominika, Słowińska Sandra, Tyszkowski Sebastian, Kowalska Anna, Kołaczkowska Ewa, Swoboda Paweł, Chojnacka Aleksandra, Gmińska-Nowak Barbara, Kramkowski Mateusz, Kardasz Cezary, Barbarino Vincenzo, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Kruczkowska Bogusława, Brykała Dariusz, Związek Tomasz: Human impacts on the environment in the preindustrial forest landscapes in Central Europe - an overview. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2024 - s. EGU24-12672 (EGU General Assembly 2024)
  • Kittel Piotr, Mazurkevich Andrey, Gauthier Emilie, Kazakov Eduard, Kublitskiy Yuriy, Rzodkiewicz Monika, Mroczkowska Agnieszka, Okupny Daniel, Słowiński Michał, Szmańda Jacek, Hajdas Irka, Dolbunova Ekaterina: A great history in a small wetland: Human-environment relationshis on the East European Plain in the last 13 thousand years. [w]: XIII Sesja Paleolimnologiczna "Ekosystemy jeziorno-torfowiskowe - jeszcze naturalne czy już antropogeniczne?". Bydgoszcz, 23-24 marca 2023. Książka abstraktów. Red. Mateusz Kramkowski, Monika Okoniewska, Halina Kaczmarek. Bydgoszcz: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego, 2023 - s. 47-48.
  • Kowalska Anna, Zawiska Izabela, Wolski Jacek, Baranowski Jarosław, Affek Andrzej, Regulska Edyta, Kołaczkowska Ewa, Gierszewski Piotr, Kruczkowska Bogusława: Potencjał regulacyjny łęgów jesionowo-wiązowych w dolinie środkowej Wisły. [w]: VI Konferencja "Las i woda", Lipowy Most, 18-20.04.2023. Sękocin: Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, 2023 - s. 47-48.
  • Petera-Zaganiacz Joanna, Milecka Krystyna, Płóciennik Mariusz, Dzieduszyńska Danuta, Forysiak Jacek, Twardy Juliusz, Michczyńska Danuta J., Słowiński Michał, Okupny Daniel: Aspekty paleogeografii schyłku visulianu w stanowisku Wolskie Bagno (Wysoczyzna Bełchatowska). [w]: XIII Sesja Paleolimnologiczna "Ekosystemy jeziorno-torfowiskowe - jeszcze naturalne czy już antropogeniczne?". Bydgoszcz, 23-24 marca 2023. Książka abstraktów.. Red. Mateusz Kramkowski, Monika Okoniewska, Halina Kaczmarek. Bydgoszcz: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego, 2023 - s. 17-18.
  • Rzodkiewicz Monika, Zawiska Izabela, Woszczyk Michał, Jasiewicz Jarosław: Diatoms, their diversity and occurence in lakes with different trophic status.. [w]: 6th International Hybrid Conference "Water resources and wetlands". 2023 - 1 s.
  • Rzodkiewicz Monika, Zawiska Izabela, Woszczyk Michał, Jasiewicz Jarosław: The use of modern diatom assemblages in paleoenvironmental reconstructions. [w]: XXI INQUA Congress, Time for Change. Rzym: INQUA, 2023 - s. 1.
  • Rzodkiewicz Monika, Zawiska Izabela, Woszczyk Michał, Jasiewicz Jarosław: Okrzemki, ich różnorodność i występowanie w jeziorach o różnym statusie troficznym. [w]: Kongres Geografii Polskiej. Geografia Niepewności. Poznań, 31 maja - 3 czerwca 2023 roku. Książka abstraktów. 2023 - s. 159.
  • Szewczyk Krzysztof, Łuców Dominika, Woszczyk Michał, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka, Halaś Agnieszka, Mroczkowska Agnieszka, Jończak Jerzy, Kruczkowska Bogusława, Chojnacka Aleksandra, Związek Tomasz, Ważny Tomasz, Gmińska-Nowak Barbara, Słowiński Michał: Odporność małych torfowisk kotłowych na zaburzenia spowodowane zmianami klimatu i użytkowaniem gruntów w ciągu ostatnich 2000 lat (północna Polska). [w]: XIII Sesja Paleolimnologiczna "Ekosystemy jeziorno-torfowiskowe - jeszcze naturalne czy już antropogeniczne?". Bydgoszcz, 23-24 marca 2023. Książka abstraktów. Red. Mateusz Kramkowski, Monika Okoniewska, Halina Kaczmarek. Bydgoszcz: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego, 2023 - s. 58.
  • Słowińska Sandra, Słowiński Michał, Baranowski Jarosław, Bartczak Arkadiusz, Czarnecka Kaja, Halaś Agnieszka, Jarocińska Anna, Kuchcik Magdalena, Linder-Cendrowska Katarzyna, Łuców Dominika: Globalne ocieplenie a klimat torfowisk mszarnych w Polsce - projekt MIRECLIM. [w]: Parki Krajobrazowe: nauka, edukacja, turystyka i praktyka. Gruczno, 13-14.10.2023r. Red. Tomasz Karasiewicz, Barbara Szyda. Toruń: Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, 2023 - s. 38-40.
  • Słowińska Sandra, Słowiński Michał, Marcisz Katarzyna, Lamentowicz Mariusz: Czy klimat torfowisk mszarnych jest cool?. [w]: Pakt dla Mokradeł. Konferencja o ochronie obszarów wodno-błotnych z okazji Światowego Dnia Mokradeł 2023. Książka abstraktów. Centrum Ochrony Mokradeł i Wydział Biologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 6-7 lutego 2023, Warszawa. Warszawa: Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2023 - s. 9.
  • Zawiska Izabela, Jasiewicz Jarosław, Rzodkiewicz Monika, Woszczyk Michał: Sedimentary cladocerans: reliable water level and trophic state changes indicators?. [w]: 6th International Hybrid Conference "Water resources and wetlands". 2023 - 1 s.
  • Zawiska Izabela, Rzodkiewicz Monika, Jasiewicz Jarosław, Woszczyk Michał: Towards a quantitative reconstruction of lake trophic state in temperate lakes using subfossil Cladocera. [w]: XXI INQUA Congress, Time for Change. Rzym: INQUA, 2023 - s. 1.
  • Zawiska Izabela, Rzodkiewicz Monika, Woszczyk Michał, Jasiewicz Jarosław: Wybrane jeziora Polski północno-wschodniej - charakterystyka zbioru testowego do rekonstrukcji zmian trofii. [w]: Kongres Geografii Polskiej. Geografia Niepewności. Poznań, 31 maja - 3 czerwca 2023 roku. Książka abstraktów. Poznań: UAM, 2023 - s. 162.
  • Łuców Dominika, Obremska Milena, Lamentowicz Mariusz, Kittel Piotr, Mazurkevich Andrey, Łokas Edyta, Mróż Tomasz, Kowalczyk Cyprian, Leszczyńska Karolina, Słowiński Michał: Zapis zmian paleoeklogicznych w osadach torfowiska Gorodziecky Moch na Pojezierzu Witebskim. [w]: XIII Sesja Paleolimnologiczna "Ekosystemy jeziorno-torfowiskowe - jeszcze naturalne czy już antropogeniczne?". Bydgoszcz, 23-24 marca 2023. Książka abstraktów. Red. Mateusz Kramkowski, Monika Okoniewska, Halina Kaczmarek. Bydgoszcz: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego, 2023 - s. 52.
  • Łuców Dominika, Słowiński Michał, Lamentowicz Mariusz: Odwodnienie, eksploatacja i odporność europejskich torfowisk na zaburzenia na przykładzie badań paleoekologicznych. [w]: Pakt dla Mokradeł. Konferencja o ochronie obszarów wodno-błotnych z okazji Światowego Dnia Mokradeł 2023. Książka abstraktów. Centrum Ochrony Mokradeł i Wydział Biologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 6-7 lutego 2023, Warszawa. Warszawa: Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2023 - s. 7.
  • Bonk Alicja, Słowiński Michał, Żarczyński Maurycy, Oliński Piotr, Kupryjanowicz Mirosława, Fiłoc Magdalena, Tylmann Wojciech: Historia pożaró (wildfires) w północno-wschodniej Polsce i ich wpływ na funkcjonowanie jeziora Jaczno. [w]: XII Sesja Paleolimnologiczna, 21–22 marca 2022, Gliwice. Książka abstraktów. Gliwice: Instytut Fizyki – Centrum Naukowo-Dydaktyczne Politechniki Śląskiej, 2022 - s. 24.
  • Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Gruszka Beata, Kramkowski Mateusz, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka, Słowiński Michał, Krzymińska Jarmila: Stanowsiko 4 – Skarszewy. Formowanie się jezior glacjalno/postglacjalnych – relacje sedymentacji glacjolimnicznej do limnicznej. [w]: Późnoczwartorzędowe środowiska sedymentacyjne Pomorza Wschodniego. XXVII Konferencja Naukowo-Szkoleniowa Stratygrafia Plejstocenu Polski, Stara Kiszewa, 5-9 września 2022 r.. Red. Jacek Skurzyński, Zdzisław Jary, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz. Wrocław: Instytut Geografii i Rozwoju Regionalnego Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2022 - s. 178-184.
  • Ginter Artur, Kittel Piotr, Piech Wiktor, Gałka Mariusz, Krąpiec Marek, Piotrowska Natalia, Mroczkowska Agnieszka: Datowanie oraz interpretacja funkcji zbiorników wodnych odkrytych w trakcie badań archeologicznych Starego Rynku (obecnie Pl. Wolności) w Kutnie. [w]: XII Sesja Paleolimnologiczna, 21–22 marca 2022, Gliwice. Książka abstraktów. Gliwice: Instytut Fizyki – Centrum Naukowo-Dydaktyczne Politechniki Śląskiej, 2022 - s. 28.
  • Halaś Agnieszka, Lamentowicz Mariusz, Łuców Dominika, Loiko Sergey, Konstantinov Alexandr, Kritskov Ivan, Słowiński Michał: Palaeoecological reconstruction of permafrost degradation in NW Siberia – a multiproxy approach. [w]: 6th PAGES Open Science Meeting - Learning from the Past for a Sustainable Future - Agadir, Morocco & Online. Program and abstracts. 2022 - s. 275-276.
  • Halaś Agnieszka, Lamentowicz Mariusz, Łuców Dominika, Loiko Sergey, Konstantinov Alexandr, Kritskov Ivan, Słowiński Michał: Ameby skorupkowe - nowa regionalna funkcja transferu z torfowisk borealnych w północno- zachodniej Syberii. [w]: XII Sesja Paleolimnologiczna, 21–22 marca 2022, Gliwice. Książka abstraktów. Gliwice: Instytut Fizyki – Centrum Naukowo-Dydaktyczne Politechniki Śląskiej, 2022 - s. 7.
  • Kittel Piotr, Mazurkevich Andrey, Gauthier Emilie, Kazakov Eduard, Kublitskiy Yuriy, Okupny Daniel, Mroczkowska Agnieszka, Rzodkiewicz Monika, Szmańda Jacek, Słowiński Michał, Dolbunova Ekateyna: Zmiany środowiska naturalnego i relacji człowiek-środowisko w ciągu ostatnich 13 tysięcy lat na Nizinie Wschodnioeuropejskiej. [w]: Późnoczwartorzędowe środowiska sedymentacyjne Pomorza Wschodniego. XXVII Konferencja Naukowo-Szkoleniowa Stratygrafia Plejstocenu Polski, Stara Kiszewa, 5-9 września 2022 r.. Red. Jacek Skurzyński, Zdzisław Jary, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz. Wrocław: Instytut Geografii i Rozwoju Regionalnego Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2022 - s. 120-122.
  • Kril Maria, Pleskot Krzysztof, Apolinarska Karina, Pełechata Aleksandra, Szymczak-Żyła Małgorzata, Kołaczek Piotr, Rzodkiewicz Monika, Zawiska Izabela, Tylmann Wojciech: Zmiany eutrofizacji i reżimu mieszania wód Jeziora Gorzyńskiego (Polska NW) w holocenie: założenia projektu badawczego. [w]: XII Sesja Paleolimnologiczna, 21–22 marca 2022, Gliwice. Książka abstraktów. Gliwice: Instytut Fizyki – Centrum Naukowo-Dydaktyczne Politechniki Śląskiej, 2022 - s. 32.
  • Marcisz Katarzyna, Bełka Zdzisław, Dopieralska Jolanta, Jakubowicz Michał, Karpińska-Kołaczek Monika, Kołaczek Piotr, Mauquoy Dmitri, Słowiński Michał, Lamentowicz Mariusz: Wykorzystanie iztopów neodymu (Nd) w profilach torfowych jako wskaźnika zmian środowiska. [w]: XII Sesja Paleolimnologiczna, 21–22 marca 2022, Gliwice. Książka abstraktów. Gliwice: Instytut Fizyki – Centrum Naukowo-Dydaktyczne Politechniki Śląskiej, 2022 - s. 13.
  • Margielewski Włodzimierz, Krąpiec Marek, Korzeń Katarzyna, Buczek Krzysztof, Kupryjanowicz Mirosława, Fołoc Magdalena, Stachowicz-Rybka Renata, Kołaczek Piotr, Gałka Mariusz, Szychowska-Krąpiec Elżbieta, Barniak Joanna, Niska Monika, Wojtal Agata, Obidowicz Andrzej, Pociecha Agnieszka, Mroczkowska Agnieszka, Sala Dariusz, Urban Jan, Pilch Jolanta: Rekonstrukcja zmian paleośrodowiska holocenu na obszarze Polski w oparciu o analizy dendrochronologiczne subfosylnych pni drzew i badania wieeloczynnikowe osadów torfowisk. [w]: Późnoczwartorzędowe środowiska sedymentacyjne Pomorza Wschodniego. XXVII Konferencja Naukowo-Szkoleniowa Stratygrafia Plejstocenu Polski, Stara Kiszewa, 5-9 września 2022 r.. Red. Jacek Skurzyński, Zdzisław Jary, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz. Wrocław: Instytut Geografii i Rozwoju Regionalnego Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2022 - s. 62-63.
  • Michczyńska Danuta J., Petera-Zaganiacz Joanna, Dzieduszyńska Danuta, Forysiak Jacek, Milecka Krystyna, Słowiński Michał, Okupny Daniel, Twardy Juliusz: Młodszy dryas w stanowisku Żabieniec (środkowa Polska) – aspekty chronologii zdarzeń paleogeograficznych. [w]: XII Sesja Paleolimnologiczna, 21–22 marca 2022, Gliwice. Książka abstraktów. Gliwice: Instytut Fizyki – Centrum Naukowo-Dydaktyczne Politechniki Śląskiej, 2022 - s. 35-36.
  • Rzodkiewicz Monika, Zawiska Izabela, Woszczyk Michał, Jasiewicz Jarosław: Wykorzystanie współczesnych zespołów okrzemkowych w rekonstrukcjach paleośrodowiska. [w]: Naturalne i antropogeniczne przemiany jezior i zbiorników wodnych. 20 lat Polskiego Towarzystwa Limnologicznego. Ruciane Nida: Cursiva, 2022 - 2 s.
  • Stachowicz-Rybka Renata, Kittel Piotr, Nalepka Dorota, Płóciennik Mateusz, Mroczkowska Agnieszka, Alexandrowicz Witold P., Pawłowski Dominik, Okupny Daniel, Muzolf Błażej, Stachowicz Krzysztof, Korzeń Katarzyna: Chronostratygrafia osadów ze Smólska na Kujawach w świetle badań interdyscyplinarnych. [w]: Późnoczwartorzędowe środowiska sedymentacyjne Pomorza Wschodniego. XXVII Konferencja Naukowo-Szkoleniowa Stratygrafia Plejstocenu Polski, Stara Kiszewa, 5-9 września 2022 r.. Red. Jacek Skurzyński, Zdzisław Jary, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz. Wrocław: Instytut Geografii i Rozwoju Regionalnego Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2022 - s. 59-60.
  • Słowińska Sandra, Słowiński Michał: Znaczenie badań mikroklimatycznych w rozumieniu funkcjonowania ekosystemów. [w]: Pogoda i klimat – przeszłość, teraźniejszość, przyszłość. Kraków, 21-23 września 2022 r. Kraków: Uniwersytet Jagielloński, 2022 - 1 s.
  • Słowińska Sandra, Słowiński Michał: The influence of the weather patterns on the microclimatic conditions at the peatland - forest edge. [w]: ME&B Conference 29 August – 1 September 2022 Antwerp, Belgium. Programme and Abstracts. Antwerp: 2022 - s. 91.
  • Słowiński Michał, Szewczyk Krzysztof, Halaś Agnieszka, Jonczak Jerzy, Mroczkowska Agnieszka, Łuców Dominika, Słowińska Sandra, Tyszkowski Sebastian, Kowalska Anna, Kołaczkowska Ewa, Swoboda Paweł, Chojnacka Aleksandra, Ważny Tomasz, Gmińska-Nowak Barbara, Kramkowski Mateusz, Kardasz Cezary, Barbarino Vinzenzo, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Kruczkowska Bogusława, Brykała Dariusz, Związek Tomasz: Charcoal production in Medieval Central Europe and its environmental consequences. [w]: IALE 2022 European Landscape Ecology Congress. Book of Abstracts. Red. Jacek Wolski, Edyta Regulska, Andrzej Affek. Warszawa: Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania im. Stanisława Leszczyckiego PAN, 2022 - s. 185.
  • Słowiński Michał, Szewczyk Krzysztof, Halaś Agnieszka, Jończak Jerzy, Mroczkowska Agnieszka, Łuców Dominika, Słowińska Sandra, Tyszkowski Sebastian, Kowalska Anna, Kołaczkowska Ewa, Chojancka Aleksandra, Ważny Tomasz, Gmińska-Nowak Barbara, Kramkowski Mateusz, Kardasz Cezary, Barbarino Vincenzo, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka, Niedzielski Michał, Kruczkowska Bogusława, Brykała Dariusz, Związek Tomasz: Produkcja węgla drzewnego w średniowiecznej Europie Środkowej i jej konsekwencje środowiskowe. [w]: Późnoczwartorzędowe środowiska sedymentacyjne Pomorza Wschodniego. XXVII Konferencja Naukowo-Szkoleniowa Stratygrafia Plejstocenu Polski, Stara Kiszewa, 5-9 września 2022 r.. Red. Jacek Skurzyński, Zdzisław Jary, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz. Wrocław: Instytut Geografii i Rozwoju Regionalnego Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2022 - s. 159-160.
  • Słowiński Michał, Szewczyk Krzysztof, Jonczak Jerzy, Związek Tomasz, Obremska Milena, Słowińska Sandra, Łuców Dominika, Halaś Agnieszka, Mroczkowska Agnieszka, Noyśkiewicz Agnieszka, Chojnacka Aleksandra, Ważny Tomasz, Kramkowski Mateusz, Tyszkowski Sebastian, Kruczkowska Bogusława, Kowalska Anna, Kołaczkowska Ewa, Swoboda Paweł, Kardasz Cezary, Gmińska-Nowak Barbara, Brykała Dariusz: Nieoszacowany wpływ produkcji węgla drzewnego na przekształcenia środowiska i krajobrazu na Niżu Północnoeuropejskim. [w]: XII Sesja Paleolimnologiczna, 21–22 marca 2022, Gliwice. Książka abstraktów. Gliwice: Instytut Fizyki – Centrum Naukowo-Dydaktyczne Politechniki Śląskiej, 2022 - s. 23.
  • Zawiska Izabela, Rzodkiewicz Monika, Woszczyk Michał, Jasiewicz Jarosław: Charakterystyka zbioru testowego 64 jezior Polski północno-wschodniej. [w]: Naturalne i antropogeniczne przemiany jezior i zbiorników wodnych. 20 lat Polskiego Towarzystwa Limnologicznego. Ruciane Nida: Cursiva, 2022 - 1 s.
  • Łuców Dominika, Küttim Martin, Słowiński Michał, Kołaczek Piotr, Karpińska-Kołaczek Monika, Küttim Liisa, Salme Meryt, Lamentowicz Mariusz: Zapis zaburzeń obszaru wydobycia torfu torfowiska Hara (Estonia) podlegającego restytucji w świetle analiz wielowskaźnikowych. [w]: XII Sesja Paleolimnologiczna, 21–22 marca 2022, Gliwice. Książka abstraktów. Gliwice: Instytut Fizyki – Centrum Naukowo-Dydaktyczne Politechniki Śląskiej, 2022 - s. 15.
  • Halaś Agnieszka, Lamentowicz Mariusz, Łuców Dominika, Loiko Sergey, Konstantinov Alexandr, Kritskov Ivan, Słowiński Michał: New testate amoebae calibration data set from permafrost peatlands NW Siberia (Russia). [w]: PALEOARC 2021 - 2nd International Conference on 'Processes and Palaeo-environmental changes in the Arctic from past to present'. Abstract Book. 2021 - s. 39.
  • Halaś Agnieszka, Lamentowicz Mariusz, Łuców Dominika, Loiko Sergey, Konstantinov Alexandr, Kritskov Ivan, Słowiński Michał: A new local testate amoebae transfer function from northwest Siberian permafrost peatlands. [w]: AGU Fall Meeting 2021 Abstracts. 2021 - s. 1.
  • Roeser Patricia, Dräger Nadine, Brykała Dariusz, Ott Florian, Pinkerneil Sylvia, Gierszewski Piotr, Lindemann Christin, Plessen Birgit, Brademann Brian, Kaszubski Michał, Fojutowski Michał, Schwab Markus J., Słowiński Michał, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Advances in understanding calcite varve formation from a dual lake monitoring in the southern Baltic. [w]: 35th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology. Virtual Meeting. Prague, Czech Republic 21 - 25 June 2021. Book of Abstracts. Red. Ondřej Bábek, Stanislava Vodrážková. Olomouc: Palacký University Olomouc, 2021 - s. 382.
  • Łuców Dominika, Lamentowicz Mariusz, Obremska Milena, Kittel Piotr, Mazurkewich Andrey, Słowiński Michał: Palaecological reconstruction of a continental peat bog in western Russia (Western Dvina Lakeland). [w]: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Nowy Orlean: American Geophysical Union, 2021 - s. 1.
  • Ginter Artur, Piech Wiktor, Krąpiec Marek, Moska Piotr, Sikorski Jarosław, Hrynowiecka Anna, Stachowicz-Rybka Renata, Mroczkowska Agnieszka, Mazurkevich Andrey, Kittel Piotr: The age of deposition of accumulative fan sediments in Serteyka River Valley (Western Russia). - Limnology and Freshwater Biology 2020, 4 - s. 483-485.
  • Mroczkowska Agnieszka, Kittel Piotr, Marcisz Katarzyna, Dolbunova Ekaterina, Gauthier Emilie, Kublitsky Yuri, Lamentowicz Mariusz, Mazurkevich Andrey, Płóciennik Mateusz, Tjallingii Rik, Kramkowski Mateusz, Łuców Dominika, Słowiński Michał: A great response from small ecosystem at the last 500 years of history of a kettle hole mire in W Russia. [w]: EGU General Assembly 2020. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2020 - s. 495.
  • Piech Wiktor, Kittel Piotr, Ginter Artur, Mazurkevich Andrey, Hrynowiecka Anna, Stachowicz-Rybka Renata, Cywa Katarzyna, Mroczkowska Agnieszka, Pavlovskaia Elena, Kazakov Eduard, Teltevskaya Yuilia, Sikorski Jarosław, Okupny Daniel, Błaszczyk Krzysztof, Kotrys Bartosz: Palaeoenvironmental development of the accumulative fan in Western Russia from the Little Ice Age to the present time. [w]: EGU General Assembly 2020. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2020 - s. 1097.
  • Płóciennik Mateusz, Mroczkowska Agnieszka, Kittel Piotr, Pawłowski Dominik, Kurzawska Aldona, Danger Maxime, Maigrot Yolaine, Rzodkiewicz Monika, Więckowska-Luth Magda, Okupny Daniel, Kruk Andrzej, Luoto Tomi, Kotrys Bartosz, Nazarova Larisa, Syrykh Liudmila, Szmańda Jacek, Dolbunova Ekaterina, Mazurkevich Andrey: Aquatic biota response to climate and habitat changes from the Valdai Glaciation to the Meghalayan (Serteya region, Western Dvina Lakeland). - Limnology and Freshwater Biology 2020, 4 - s. 461-462.
  • Płóciennik Mateusz, Papiernik Piotr, Kittel Piotr, Gałka Mariusz, Makohonienko Mirosław, Mroczkowska Agnieszka, Apolinarska Karolina, Panfil Monika, Kotrys Bartosz, Luoto Tomi, Peyron Odile, Krąpiec Marek, Świerk Kacper: A temperature increase during the Holocene Thermal Optimum triggered the development of the Funnel Beaker Culture settlement in Central Poland (Kuyavia Lakeland). - Limnology and Freshwater Biology 2020, 4 - s. 442-443.
  • Roeser Patricia, Dräger Nadine, Brykała Dariusz, Ott Florian, Pinkerneil Sylvia, Gierszewski Piotr, Lindemann Christin, Plessen Birgit, Brademann Brian, Kaszubski Michał, Fojutowski Michał, Schwab Markus J., Słowiński Michał, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Differences in calcite varve formation discerned by a dual lake monitoring approach in the southern Baltic lowlands. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol.22. EGU General Assembly 2020. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2020 - 1 s.
  • Słowiński Michał, Kruczkowska Bogusława, Jonczak Jerzy, Słowińska Sandra, Bartczak Arkadiusz, Kramkowski Mateusz, Uzarowicz Łukasz, Tyszkowski Sebastian: Soil cover development in the coastal zones of disappearing lakes. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 22. EGU General Assembly 2020. Vienna: European Geosciencces Union, 2020 - s. 13169.
  • Abrook Ashley M, Matthews Ian P, Milner Alice M, Candy Ian, Palmer Adrian, Timms Rhys, Mroczkowska Agnieszka, Mass David, Sachse Dirk: Vegetation responses to abrupt climatic shifts during the Last GlacialInterglacial Transition: evidence from a north-south transect across the British Isles. [w]: 20th Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), 25-30.07.2019. Dublin: INQUA, 2019 - 1 s.
  • Brykała Dariusz, Dietze Elisabeth, Schreuder Laura T., Jażdżewski Krzysztof, Blarquez Olivier, Brauer Achim, Dietze Michael, Obremska Milena, Ott Florian, Pieńczewska Anna, Schouten Stefan, Hopmans Ellen C., Słowiński Michał: Human-induced fire regime shifts during 19th century industrialization. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol.21. EGU General Assembly 2019. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2019 - 1 s.
  • Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Tyszkowski Sebastian, Brauer Achim, Bonk Alicja, Müller Daniela, Schwab Markus, Słowiński Michał: Mass movement deposits in the sediments of Lake Gościąż. [w]: Field Symposium of the INQUA PeriBaltic Working Group "From Weichselian Ice-Sheet Dynamics to Holocene Land Use Development in Western Pomerania and Mecklenburg". Abstract Volume. Red. Andreas Börner, Heiko Hüneke, Sebastian Lorenz. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2019 - s. 13-14 (Scientific Technical Report STR; 19/01)
  • Dimante-Deimantovica I., Lanka A., Zawiska Izabela, Stivrins N., Rzodkiewicz M., Luoto T., Tylmann W.: Preliminary results of multi-proxy paleolimnological survey performed in anthropogenic impact limited lake, a case study from Latvia, North-Eastern Europe. [w]: Lakes & Reservoirs. Hot Spots and Topics in Limnology. International conference, 17-20 September 2019 Mikorzyn, Poland. Book of abstracts. Red. Renata Dondajewska-Pielka, Piotr Klimaszyk, Piotr Rzymski. Mikorzyn: Polish Limnological Society, 2019 - s. 72.
  • Halaś Agnieszka, Błażejczyk Krzysztof: Influence of air circulation on thermal stress in Polish Carpathians. [w]: International Conference UTCI - Assessment Measure in Human Bioclimatology - 10 Years of Application and 1st European Biometeorologists’ Regional Meeting, Warsaw, 22-24 May 2019. Book of abstracts. Warszawa: Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania PAN, 2019 - s. 34.
  • Kittel Piotr, Mazurkevich Andrey, Danger Maxime, Dolbunova Ekaterina, Gauthier Emilie, Krąpiec Marek, Kurzawska Aldona, Maigrot Yolaine, Mroczkowska Agnieszka, Okupny Daniel, Płóciennik Mateusz, Pawłowski Dominik, Rzodkiewicz Monika, Słowiński Michał, Szmańda Jacek, Wieckowska-Lüth Magda: Earth, water, air, fire – human-environment relationships in the multi-proxy palaeoecological study at Serteya in Western Russia. [w]: Field Symposium of the INQUA PeriBaltic Working Group "From Weichselian Ice-Sheet Dynamics to Holocene Land Use Development in Western Pomerania and Mecklenburg". Abstract Volume. Red. Andreas Börner, Heiko Hüneke, Sebastian Lorenz. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2019 - s. 41-44 (Scientific Technical Report STR; 19/01)
  • Kowalska Anna, Affek Andrzej, Baranowski Jarosław, Kołaczkowska Ewa, Kruczkowska Bogusława, Regulska Edyta, Wolski Jacek, Zawiska Izabela: Relationships between degradation of riparian mixed forests and their potential to provide regulating services. [w]: Forests at risk: Białowieża and beyond. The international conference, Warsaw, 12-13 February 2019. Book of abstracts. Warszawa: Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2019 - 1 s.
  • Kołaczek Piotr, Marcisz Katarzyna, Karpińska-Kołaczek Monika, Kajukało Katarzyna, Mauquoy Dmitri, Kittel Piotr, Łokas Edyta, Słowiński Michał, Frontasyeva Marina, Guzowski Piotr, Lamentowicz Mariusz: A multi-proxy high-resolution insight into Carpinus betulus (palaeo-) ecology during the last 1800 years: a case study from northern Poland. [w]: 20th Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA). Dublin: INQA, 2019 - 1 s.
  • Kruczkowska Bogusława, Wolski Jacek, Regulska Edyta, Kowalska Anna, Affek Andrzej, Kołaczkowska Ewa, Baranowski Jarosław, Zawiska Izabela: Świadczenia ekosystemowe łęgów jesionowo-wiązowych w dolinie środkowej Wisły. [w]: Konferencja naukowa "Usługi ekosystemowe gleb - wskaźniki i metody oceny", Warszawa 26 czerwca 2019 r. Puławy: Wydawnictwo IUNG-PIB, 2019 - s. 41.
  • Kublitskiy Yuri, Subetto Dmytri, Vlasov Boris, Novik Alexey, Leontev Piotr, Grekov Ivan, Syrykh Liudmila, Sokolova Natalia, Brylkin Vyacheslav, Panov Ivan, Kittel Piotr, Mroczkowska Agnieszka, Kuznetsov Denis, Mazurkevich Andrey, Dolbunova Ekaterina, Kotrys Bartosz: Palaeolimnological approach for the reconstruction of environmental changes in the Serteya region (Western Russia) – preliminary results. [w]: "From Weichselian Ice-Sheet Dynamics to Holocene Land Use Development in Western Pomerania and Mecklenburg". Field Symposium of the INQUA PeriBaltic Working Group. Abstract Volume. Red. Andreas Börner, Heiko Hüneke, Sebastian Lorenz. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences., 2019, 19, 01 - s. 51-52 (Scientific Technical Report STR; 19/01)
  • Marcisz Katarzyna, Colombaroli Daniele, Gałka Mariusz, Jassey Vincent E.J., Kołaczek Piotr, Słowiński Michał, Tinner Willy, Lamentowicz Mariusz: Functional responses of testate amoebae in stable and disturbed Sphagnum peatlands. [w]: 20th Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA). Dublin: INQA, 2019 - 1 s.
  • Mroczkowska Agnieszka, Kittel P., Mazurkevich A., Dolbunova E., Gauthier E., Krąpiec M., Kurzawska A., Maigrot Y., Danger M., Okupny D., Pawłowski D., Płóciennik M., Rzodkiewicz M., Słowiński Michał, Szmańda J., Wieckowska-Lüth M.: Was it better to build on Pile? - the lake environment and the life of the Neolithic settler. [w]: Lakes & Reservoirs. Hot Spots and Topics in Limnology. International conference, 17-20 September 2019 Mikorzyn, Poland. Book of abstracts. Red. Renata Dondajewska-Pielka, Piotr Klimaszyk, Piotr Rzymski. Mikorzyn: Polish Limnological Society, 2019 - 41-42.
  • Müller Daniela, Tjallingii Rik, Plessen Birgit, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Schwab Markus J., Bonk Alicja, Słowiński Michał, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Climatic and environmental change during the Younger Dryas cold period in the Lake Gościąż sediment record. [w]: 20th Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA). Dublin: INQA, 2019 - 1 s.
  • Obremska Milena, Słowiński Michał, Avirmed Dashtseren, Adiya Saruulzaya, Łuców Dominika, Mroczkowska Agnieszka, Lamentowicz Mariusz, Szczuciński Witold: Vegetation, permafrost and climate variability – 1600 years of fire history in North Eastern Mongolia. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol.21. EGU General Assembly 2019. Vienna: European Geophysical Union, 2019 - 1 s.
  • Rzodkiewicz Monika, Zawiska Izabela, Jasiewicz Jarosław, Woszczyk MichaŁ: Diatom distributions in the north-eastern Poland lakes surface sediments and their relationship to modern environmental variables. [w]: 20th Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA). Dublin: INQUA, 2019 - 1 s.
  • Rzodkiewicz Monika, Zawiska Izabela, Woszczyk Michał, Jasiewicz Jarosław: The new data on the distribution of diatoms in the north-eastern Poland lakes as a basis for diatom-based transfer functions to reconstruct past environmental changes. [w]: Lakes & Reservoirs. Hot Spots and Topics in Limnology. International conference, 17-20 September 2019 Mikorzyn, Poland. Book of abstracts. Red. Renata Dondajewska-Pielka, Piotr Klimaszyk, Piotr Rzymski. Mikorzyn: Polish Limnological Society, 2019 - s. 106.
  • Sachse Dirk, Cormier Marc-Andre, Collins James, Aichner Bernhard, Schenk Frederik, Engels Stefan, Lane Christine, Hoek Wim, Maas David, Neugebauer Ina, Ott Florian, Słowiński Michał, Wulf Sabine: Influence of atmospheric circulation changes on spatiotemporal patterns of European hydroclimate during the Younger Dryas. [w]: 20th Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA). Dublin: INQA, 2019 - 1 s.
  • Sayedi Sayedeh S., Abbott Benjamin W., Vannière Boris, Leys Berangere A., Colombaroli Daniele, Gil-Romera Graciela, Aleman Julie C., Słowiński Michał, Daniau Anne-Laure: Expert assessment of past and future changes in global fire regimes. [w]: AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 9-13 December 2019. San Francisco: American Geophysical Union, 2019 - 1 s.
  • Słowińska Sandra, Marcisz Katarzyna, Lamentowicz Mariusz, Błażejczyk Krzysztof, Słowiński Michał: Long-term microclimate studies of peatlands as potential refugia of climate change. [w]: International Conference UTCI - Assessment Measure in Human Bioclimatology - 10 Years of Application and 1st European Biometeorologists’ Regional Meeting, Warsaw, 22-24 May 2019. Book of abstracts. Warszawa: Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania PAN, 2019 - s. 41.
  • Słowińska Sandra, Marcisz Katarzyna, Lamentowicz Mariusz, Błażejczyk Krzysztof, Słowiński Michał: Long-term monitoring – a key to understanding peatland ecosystems in a changing climate. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol.21. EGU General Assembly 2019. Vienna: European Geophysical Union, 2019 - 1 s.
  • Słowiński Michał, Lamentowicz Mariusz, Łuców Dominika, Barabach Jan, Brykała Dariusz, Tyszkowski Sebastian, Pieńczewska Anna, Śnieszko Zbigniew, Dietze Elisabeth, Jażdżewski Krzysztof, Obremska Milena, Ott Florian, Brauer Achim, Marcisz Katarzyna: Long-term ecological approach to the disturbance management of the forests of N Poland. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol.21. EGU General Assembly 2019. Vienna: European Geophysical Union, 2019 - 1 s.
  • Zawiska Izabela, Rzodkiewicz Monika, Woszczyk Michał, Jasiewicz Jarosław: What can we learn from Cladocera subfossil assemblages: a training set from Central Europe. [w]: 20th Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA). Dublin: INQUA, 2019 - 1 s.
  • Zawiska Izabela, Rzodkiewicz Monika, Woszczyk Michał, Jasiewicz Jarosław, Dimante-Deimantovica Inta: Cladocera assemblages reflect the trophic state of the lakes in north-eastern Poland: a training set from Central Europe. [w]: Lakes & Reservoirs. Hot Spots and Topics in Limnology. International conference, 17-20 September 2019 Mikorzyn, Poland. Book of abstracts. Red. Renata Dondajewska-Pielka, Piotr Klimaszyk, Piotr Rzymski. Mikorzyn: Polish Limnological Society, 2019 - s. 114.
  • Bonk Alicja, Słowiński Michał, Tjallingii Rik, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Luberda-Durnaś Katarzyna, Schwab Markus, Kramkowski Mateusz, Brauer Achim, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław: Short-term Holocene climate oscillations recorded in Lake Gościąż sediments, Central Poland. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracs Vol. 20. EGU General Assembly 2018. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2018 - 1s.
  • Bonk Alicja, Tjallingii Rik, Kramkowski Mateusz, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Zawiska Izabela, Słowiński Michał, Brauer Achim, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław: Varved lake sediments from Lake Gościąż (Central Poland) as a high-resolution archive of past environmental and climatic changes. [w]: Unravelling the Past and Future of Lakes. IPA-IAL Joint Meeting 2018, June 18-21, Stockholm University. Abstract book. Stockholm: Stockholm University, 2018 - s. 294.
  • Collins James, Aichner Bernhard, Schenk Frederik, Engels Stefan, Lane Christine, Maas David, Neugebauer Ina, Ott Florian, Słowiński Michał, Wulf Sabine, Brauer Achim, Sachse Dirk: Influence of the Scandinavian ice sheet on spatiotemporal patterns of European hydroclimate during the Younger Dryas from decadally-resolved lacustrine biomarker records. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracs Vol. 20. EGU General Assembly 2018. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2018 - 1 s.
  • Cormier Marc-Andre, Collins James, Maas David, Aichner Bernhard, Schenk Frederik, Engels Stefan, Lane Christine, Neugebauer Ina, Ott Florian, Słowiński Michał, Wulf Sabine, Brauer Achim, Sachse Dirk: The role of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet in controlling the European climate during the Younger Dryas: New insights from the dual biomarker approach. [w]: The anatomy of abrupt climate change: dissecting the palaeo-record to trace the mechanisms of climate variability. Gniew, Poland, 27-31 August 2018. An EGU Galileo Conference. Warszawa: Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, 2018 - 2 s.
  • Dietze Elisabeth, Theuerkauf Martin, Słowiński Michał, Kaiser Knut: Tracing Holocene hydrological changes in the Central European lowlands. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracs Vol. 20. EGU General Assembly 2018. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2018 - 1 s.
  • Grunwald Theresa, Aichner Bernhard, Ott Florian, Rach Oliver, Słowiński Michał, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim, Sachse Dirk: The paleoclimate n-alkane biomarker record of two adjacent lakes in northern Poland during the Younger Dryas. [w]: The anatomy of abrupt climate change: dissecting the palaeo-record to trace the mechanisms of climate variability. Gniew, Poland, 27-31 August 2018. An EGU Galileo Conference. Warszawa: Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, 2018 - 2 s.
  • Hamilton R., Brussel T., Asena Q., Bruel R., K. Marcisz, Słowiński Michał, Morris J.: Assessing the links between resilience, disturbance and functional traits in paleoecological datasets. - PAGES Magazine 2018, 26, 2 - 1 s.
  • Kajukało Katarzyna, Marcisz Katarzyna, Kołaczek Piotr, Mauquoy Dmitri, Słowiński Michał, Lamentowicz Mariusz: Through fire and water – testing the synchronicity hypothesis of droughts and fires in northern Poland using peatland archives. Geophysical Research Abstracs Vol. 20. EGU General Assembly 2018, 2018 - s. 1.
  • Kittel Piotr, Mroczkowska Agnieszka, Mazurkevich Andrey, Gauthier Emilie, Okupny Daniel, Pawłowski Dominik, Płóciennik Mateusz, Rzodkiewicz Monika, Słowiński Michał, Wieckowska-Lueth Magda: Warunki środowiskowe funkcjonowania osady palafitowej Serteya II (zachodnia Rosja). [w]: Polska Geografia Morza. Przyrodnicze i społeczno-ekonomiczne badania morza i obszarów nadmorskich. Książka abstraktów. Red. Anna Cedro, Katarzyna Lewczuk. Szczecin:, 2018 - s. 105-106.
  • Kruczkowska Bogusława, Jonczak Jerzy, Słowińska Sandra, Bartczak Arkadiusz, Kramkowski Mateusz, Uzarowicz Łukasz, Tyszkowski Sebastian, Słowiński Michał: Soils development in coastal zone of the disappearing Rakutowskie Lake, Central Poland. [w]: The 3rd International Conference of Young Scientists "Soil in the Environment", Kraków - Poronin, 16-19.09.2018 : book of abstracts and field session guide. Red. Marcin Sykuła. Poznań: Department of Soil Science and Land Protection Poznań University of Life Sciences, 2018 - s. 52.
  • Lamentowicz Mariusz, Czerwiński Sambor, Guzowski Piotr, Gałka Mariusz, Kajukało Katarzyna, Karpińska Kołaczek Monika, Kołaczek Piotr, Łuców Dominika, Marcisz Katarzyna, Słowiński Michał: Significance and potential of high-resolution multi-proxy palaeoecological studies for the historical geography. [w]: 17th International Conference of Historical Geographers, Warsaw 2018. Book of abstracts. Warszawa: 2018 - 1 s.
  • Lamentowicz Mariusz, Jassey Vincent E. J., Juszczak Radosław, Słowińska Sandra, Słowiński Michał, Kajukało Katarzyna, Łuców Dominika, Zielińska Małgorzata, Chojnicki Bogdan H., Harenda Kamila, Reczuga Monika, Marcisz Katarzyna, Samson Mateusz, Kołaczek Piotr, Basińska Anna, Buttler Alexandre: Global change experiments and high-resolution palaeoecological studies reveal response of peatlands to various disturbances - building a path to the new generation integrated research. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracs Vol. 20. EGU General Assembly 2018. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2018 - 1 s.
  • Lindemann Christin, Ott Florian, Słowiński Michał: Stop 3b - Leads and lags in sedimentation response to Younger Dryas climate change: a three-lake cascade. [w]: EGU Galileo conference "The anatomy of abrupt climate change: dissecting the palaeo-record to trace the mechanisms of climate variability". Field Trip, 31st August, 2018. Warszawa: Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, 2018 - s. 21-24.
  • Lindemann Christin, Ott Florian, Słowiński Michał, Tjallingii Rik, Plessen Birgit, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka, Schwab Markus J., Obremska Milena, Wulf Sabine, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Leads and lags in sedimentation response to Younger Dryas climate change in a three lake cascade in northern Poland. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracs Vol. 20. EGU General Assembly 2018. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2018 - 1 s.
  • Lindemann Christin, Ott Florian, Słowiński Michał, Tjallingii Rik, Plessen Birgit, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Schwab Markus J., Obremska Milena, Wulf Sabine, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Differences in sedimentation response to Younger Dryas climate change in a three lake cascade in northern Poland. [w]: The anatomy of abrupt climate change: dissecting the palaeo-record to trace the mechanisms of climate variability. Gniew, Poland, 27-32 August 2018. An EGU Galileo Conference. Warszawa: Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, 2018 - 2 s.
  • Marcisz Katarzyna, Gałka Mariusz, Colombaroli Daniele, Jassey Vincent E.J., Słowiński Michał, Tinner Willy, Lamentowicz Mariusz: Microbial communities and local vegetation responses to natural and anthropogenic disturbances in Sphagnum peatlands in northern Poland. [w]: The anatomy of abrupt climate change: dissecting the palaeo-record to trace the mechanisms of climate variability. Gniew, Poland, 27-31 August 2018. An EGU Galileo Conference. Warszawa: Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, 2018 - 1 s.
  • Mroczkowska A., Kittel P., Dolbunova E., Gauthier E., Mazurkevich A., Okupny D., Płóciennik M., Pawłowski D., Rzodkiewicz M., Słowiński Michał, Wieckowska-Lueth M.: The relationship between prehistoric settlements and hydroclimatic changes based on a multi-proxy reconstruction from the Serteya region (Western Russia). [w]: The anatomy of abrupt climate change: dissecting the palaeo-record to trace the mechanisms of climate variability. Gniew, Poland, 27-31 August 2018. An EGU Galileo Conference. Warszawa: Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, 2018 - 1 s.
  • Mroczkowska Agnieszka, Kittel Piotr, Marcisz Katarzyna, Mazurkevich Andrey, Gauthier Emilie, Kublitskiy Yuriy, Lamentowicz Mariusz, Dolbunova Ekaterina, Płóciennik Mateusz, Tjallingii Rik, Słowiński Michał: Hydrological consequences of hydroclimate variability and human activity during the last 500 years in Serteya region (Western Russia) – preliminary results. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracs Vol. 20. EGU General Assembly 2018. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2018 - 1 s.
  • Mueller Daniela, Tjallingii Rik, Plessen Birgit, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Schwab Markus J., Słowiński Michał, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Climate change and environment response during the Younger Dryas cold period in the Lake Gościąż sediment record. [w]: The anatomy of abrupt climate change: dissecting the palaeo-record to trace the mechanisms of climate variability. Gniew, Poland, 27-31 August 2018. An EGU Galileo Conference. Warszawa: Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, 2018 - 1 s.
  • Müller Daniela, Plessen Birgit, Tjallingii Rik, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka, Schwab Markus, Słowiński Michał, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Climatic and environmental conditions during the Younger Dryas-Holocene-Transition in Lake Gościąż. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracs Vol. 20. EGU General Assembly 2018. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2018 - 1 s.
  • Müller Daniela, Plessen Birgit, Tjallingii Rik, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Schwab Markus, Słowiński Michał, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Climatic and environmental variability during the Younger Dryas cold phase in Lake Gościąż, central Poland. [w]: Unravelling the Past and Future of Lakes. IPA-IAL Joint Meeting 2018, June 18-21, Stockholm University. Abstract book. Stockholm: Stockholm University, 2018 - s. 304.
  • Petera-Zaganiacz Joanna, Dzieduszyńska Danuta, Forysiak Jacek, Milecka Krystyna, Obremska Milena, Okupny Daniel, Słowiński Michał, Twardy Juliusz: Impact of the Younger Dryas cooling on the interaction between vegetation and morphogenetic processes. [w]: The anatomy of abrupt climate change: dissecting the palaeo-record to trace the mechanisms of climate variability. Gniew, Poland, 27-31 August 2018. An EGU Galileo Conference. Warszawa: Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, 2018 - 1 s.
  • Płóciennik Mateusz, Boulaaba Sadok, Luoto Tomi P., Kotrys Bartosz, Ott Florian, Brauer Achim, Słowiński Michał: The Allerod/Younger Dryas high resolution mean July temperature reconstruction from laminated Trzechowskie Palaeolake. [w]: The anatomy of abrupt climate change: dissecting the palaeo-record to trace the mechanisms of climate variability. Gniew, Poland, 27-31 August 2018. An EGU Galileo Conference. Warszawa: Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, 2018 - 1 s.
  • Słowiński Michał, Ott Florian, Obremska Milena, Theuerkauf Martin, Czaja Roman, Wulf Sabine, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Impact of medieval road construction on landscape transformation during the last 700 years in N Poland. [w]: 17th International Conference of Historical Geographers, Warsaw 2018. Book of abstracts. Warszawa: 2018 - 1 s.
  • Zawisza Edyta, Zawiska Izabela, Correa-Metrio Alexander: Subfossil Cladocera response to environmental variables in dystrophic lakes of NE Poland. [w]: Unravelling the Past and Future of Lakes. IPA-IAL Joint Meeting 2018, June 18-21, Stockholm University. Abstract book. Stockholm: Stockholm University, 2018 - s. 166.
  • Łaszewski Maksym, Czarnecka Kaja, Halaś Agnieszka, Piasecki Krzysztof: Przestrzenne zróżnicowanie podstawowych cech fizyczno-chemicznych wód w zlewni zurbanizowanej – studium przypadku Potoku Służewieckiego. [w]: VII Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa Młodych Badaczy nt. "Perspektywy badań środowiska geograficznego". Książka abstraktów. 2018 - s. 25.
  • Łuców Dominika, Lamentowicz Mariusz, Karpińska-Kołaczek Monika, Kołaczek Piotr, Küttim Liisa, Słowiński Michał, Salme Meryt, Küttim Martin: Testate amoebae as indicators of disturbances on the rewetted peat extraction area (Northern Estonia). [w]: Focused Meeting 2018: 9th International Symposium on Testate Amoebae (ISTA9), 10 - 14 September 2018. 2018 - 1 s.
  • Łuców Dominika, Lamentowicz Mariusz, Kołaczek Piotr, Lane Christine, Łokas Edyta, Mroczkowska Agnieszka, Słowińska Sandra, Tjallingii Rik, Tyszkowski Sebastian, Słowiński Michał: Testate amoebae response to the catastrophic deforestation caused by tornado compared to the past anthropogenic deforestations. [w]: Focused Meeting 2018: 9th International Symposium on Testate Amoebae (ISTA9), 10 - 14 September 2018. 2018 - 1 s.
  • Łuców Dominika, Lamentowicz Mariusz, Kołaczek Piotr, Łokas Edyta, Lane Christine, Tjallingii Rik, Słowiński Michał: An impact of past catastrophic deforestations on the hydrology of Sphagnum peatland in Northern Poland. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracs Vol. 20. EGU General Assembly 2018. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2018 - 1 s.
  • Łuców Dominika, Lamentowicz Mariusz, Słowiński Michał: Stop 3d - Martwe peatland - An impact of deforestration by Tornado event on sphagnum peatland ecosystem. [w]: EGU Galileo conference "The anatomy of abrupt climate change: dissecting the palaeo-record to trace the mechanisms of climate variability". Field Trip, 31st August, 2018. Warszawa: Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, 2018 - s. 25-28.
  • Aichner Bernhard, Słowiński Michał, Ott Florian, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka, Brauer Achim, Sachse Dirk: Ecological and hydrological changes in Northern Poland during the Younger Dryas from the organic geochemical perspective. [w]: Human Impact and Landscape Evolution in Southern Baltic Lowlands. ICLEA Final Symposium 2017. 7 - 9 June 2017, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Red. Markus J. Schwab, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz, Thomas Raab, Martin Wilmking, Achim Brauer. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2017 - s. 22-23 (Scientific Technical Report; 17/03)
  • Balanzategui Daniel, Knorr Antje, Heussner Karl Uwe, Wazny Tomasz, Beck Wolfgang, Słowiński Michał, Helle Gerdhard, Buras Allan, Wilmking Martin, Van der Maaten Ernst, Scharnweber Tobias, Dorado Linan, Heinrich Ingo: 810‐year history of cold‐season temperature variability for northern Poland. [w]: Human Impact and Landscape Evolution in Southern Baltic Lowlands. ICLEA Final Symposium 2017. 7 - 9 June 2017, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Red. Markus J. Schwab, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz, Thomas Raab, Martin Wilmking, Achim Brauer. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2017 - s. 25 (Scientific Technical Report; 17/03)
  • Boerner Andreas, Lorenz Sebastian, Theuerkauf Martin, Słowiński Michał, Zawiska Izabela, Fuelling Alexander, Meng Stefan, Niessner Dominique: The development of Dobbin basin and Mildenitz river from Weichselian deglaciation to Early Holocene (Mecklenburg‐Vorpommern, NE Germany). [w]: Human Impact and Landscape Evolution in Southern Baltic Lowlands. ICLEA Final Symposium 2017. 7 - 9 June 2017, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Red. Markus J. Schwab, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz, Thomas Raab, Martin Wilmking, Achim Brauer. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2017 - s. 38-40 (Scientific Technical Report; 17/03)
  • Bonk Alicja, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim, Brykała Dariusz, Gierszewski Piotr, Kramkowski Mateusz, Plessen Birgit, Schwab Markus, Słowiński Michał, Tjallingii Rik: A new high-resolution sediment record from Lake Gościąż (central Poland). [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19. EGU General Assembly 2017. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2017 - 1 s.
  • Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Bonk Alicja, Brauer Achim, Brykała Dariusz, Gierszewski Piotr, Kramkowski Mateusz, Plessen Birgit, Schwab Markus, Słowiński Michał, Tjallingii Rik: New high-resolution and integrated analyses of environmental response to climate change over the last 15 000 years from Lake Gościąż - Poland. [w]: From past to present - Late Pleistocene, last deglaciation and modern glaciers in the centre of northern Fennoscandia. INQUA Peribaltic Working Group Meeting and Excursion 2017, 20 – 25 August 2017. Excursion guide and Abstracts. Red. Pertti Sarala, Peter Johansson. Rovaniemi: Geological Survey of Finland, 2017 - s. 90-91.
  • Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim, Kordowski Jarosław, Słowiński Michał: Timing of formation of postglacial lakes within the limit of the Last Glaciation in Poland. [w]: Human Impact and Landscape Evolution in Southern Baltic Lowlands. ICLEA Final Symposium 2017. 7 - 9 June 2017, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Red. Markus J. Schwab, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz, Thomas Raab, Martin Wilmking, Achim Brauer. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2017 - s. 29-31 (Scientific Technical Report; 17/03)
  • Czymzik Markus, Muscheler Raimund, Adolphi Florian, Mekhaldi Florian, Draeger Nadine, Ott Florian, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Słowiński Michał, Aldahan Ala, Possnert Goeran, Brauer Achim: Synchronizing the time‐scales of the varved Lakes Tiefer See/Czechowskie sediment records to IntCal13 using the common cosmogenic radionuclide variations. [w]: Human Impact and Landscape Evolution in Southern Baltic Lowlands. ICLEA Final Symposium 2017. 7 - 9 June 2017, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Red. Markus J. Schwab, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz, Thomas Raab, Martin Wilmking, Achim Brauer. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2017 - s. 44-46 (Scientific Technical Report; 17/03)
  • Dietze Elisabeth, Słowiński Michał, Hopmans Ellen C., Schreuder Laura T., Obremska Milena, Pieńczewska Anna, Blarquez Olivier, Ott Florian, Brykała Dariusz, Schouten Stefan, Brauer Achim: Local accidental fires during the industrialization of northern Poland revealed by fire biomarkers in varved lake sediments. [w]: Global Challenges for our Common Future: a paleoscience perspective. 5th Open Science Meeting PAGES Zaragoza 2017, 9-13 May. Abstract book. Zaragoza: 2017 - s. 40.
  • Dietze Elisabeth, Słowiński Michał, Zawiska Izabela, Veh Georg, Brauer Achim: Holocene lake level changes related to multiple driving mechanisms at Fürstenseer See, NE‐Germany. [w]: Human Impact and Landscape Evolution in Southern Baltic Lowlands. ICLEA Final Symposium 2017. 7 - 9 June 2017, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Red. Markus J. Schwab, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz, Thomas Raab, Martin Wilmking, Achim Brauer. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2017 - s. 47-48 (Scientific Technical Report; 17/03)
  • Dietze Elisabeth, Theuerkauf Martin, Słowiński Michał, Brauer Achim: The role of fire in the Central European lowlands during the Holocene: what we know so far. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19. EGU General Assembly 2017. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2017 - s. 1.
  • Dietze Elisabeth, Theuerkauf Martin, Słowiński Michał, Brauer Achim: Holocene fire regimes of the central European lowlands: man‐vegetation‐climate feedbacks. [w]: Human Impact and Landscape Evolution in Southern Baltic Lowlands. ICLEA Final Symposium 2017. 7 - 9 June 2017, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Red. Markus J. Schwab, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz, Thomas Raab, Martin Wilmking, Achim Brauer. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2017 - s. 49-51 (Scientific Technical Report; 17/03)
  • Dietze Elisabeth, Theuerkauf Martin, Słowiński Michał, Cel Fire Synthesis Team: Holocene fire history of the Central European lowlands driven by interactions of climate, vegetation and land use change. [w]: Global Challenges for our Common Future: a paleoscience perspective. 5th Open Science Meeting PAGES Zaragoza 2017, 9-13 May. Abstract book. Zaragoza: 2017 - s. 219.
  • Draeger Nadine, Ott Florian, Wulf Sabine, Theuerkauf Martin, Obremska Milena, Plessen Birgit, Słowiński Michał, Tjallingii Rik, Kienel Ulrike, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: A high resolution comparison of varve formation and preservation in Lakes Tiefer See and J. Czechowskie during the last 6000 years. [w]: Human Impact and Landscape Evolution in Southern Baltic Lowlands. ICLEA Final Symposium 2017. 7 - 9 June 2017, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Red. Markus J. Schwab, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz, Thomas Raab, Martin Wilmking, Achim Brauer. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2017 - s. 54-56.
  • Feurdean Angelica, Boris Vanniere, Walter Finsinger, M. Adamek, P. Bobek, M. Bobrovsky, B. Davis, A. Diaconu, E. Dietze, B. Deak, G. Florescu, E. Jamrichova, K. Kajukalo, J. Kaplan, D. Kupriyanow, C. Lemmen, Marinova E., K. Marcisz, E. Novenko, D. Rius, Słowiński Michał, Veski S., Tonkov S., O. Valko, I. Vincze: Natural and human-driven fire regime and land-cover changes in Central and Eastern Europe. [w]: Global Challenges for our Common Future: a paleoscience perspective. 5th Open Science Meeting PAGES Zaragoza 2017, 9-13 May. Abstract book. Zaragoza: 2017 - s. 46-47.
  • Hoelzmann Philipp, Brauer Achim, Dräger Nadine, Kienel Ulrike, Obremska Milena, Ott Florian, Słowiński Michał: Heavy Metal Enrichment in laminated lake sediments from N-Germany and N-Poland: Geochemical background, enrichment history and land surface changes. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19. EGU General Assembly 2017. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2017 - 1 s.
  • Kittel Piotr, Mazurkevich Andrey, Błaszczyk Krzysztof, Dolbunova Ekaterina, Gauthier Emilie, Kotrys Bartosz, Kramkowski Mateusz, Lamentowicz Mariusz, Łuców Dominika, Mroczkowska Agnieszka, Płóciennik Mateusz, Słowiński Michał: Research project: Last 1000 Years palaeoecological history of the kettle-hole peatland in the Serteya Region. [w]: Development of Science and Education I. Sankt Petrsburg: Russian State Pedagogical University of A.I. Herzen, 2017 - s. 283-286.
  • Kramkowski Mateusz, Filbrandt-Czaja Anna, Kotrys Bartosz, Zawisza Edyta, Rzodkiewicz Monika, Słowiński Michał, Tjallingii Rik, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Early Holocene in light of the high‐resolution multiproxy analyses ‐ laminated sediments of Lake Jelonek, Poland. [w]: Human Impact and Landscape Evolution in Southern Baltic Lowlands. ICLEA Final Symposium 2017. 7 - 9 June 2017, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Red. Markus J. Schwab, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz, Thomas Raab, Martin Wilmking, Achim Brauer. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2017 - s. 101-103 (Scientific Technical Report; 17/03)
  • Lindemann Christin, Ott Florian, Tjallingii Rick, Słowiński Michał, Schwab Markus J., Brauer Achim: Climate and environment changes between 250 B.C. and 1000 A.D. reconstructed from varved lake sediments of Lake Głęboczek (N Poland). [w]: Human Impact and Landscape Evolution in Southern Baltic Lowlands. ICLEA Final Symposium 2017. 7 - 9 June 2017, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Red. Markus J. Schwab, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz, Thomas Raab, Martin Wilmking, Achim Brauer. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2017 - s. 113-115 (Scientific Technical Report; 17/03)
  • Marcisz Katarzyna, Colombaroli Daniele, Jassey Vincent E. J., Tinner Willy, Kołaczek Piotr, Gałka Mariusz, Karpińska-Kołaczek Monika, Słowiński Michał, Lamentowicz Mariusz: Tiny but powerful - the use of functional traits of testate amoebae as disturbance indicators in palaeoecological studies of peatlands. [w]: Global Challenges for our Common Future: a paleoscience perspective. 5th Open Science Meeting PAGES Zaragoza 2017, 9-13 May. Abstract book. Zragoza: 2017 - s. 88-89.
  • Mroczkowska Agnieszka, Gauthier Emilie, Kittel Piotr, Mazurkevich Andrey, Kramkowski Mateusz, Płóciennik Mateusz, Słowiński Michał: Wstępna rekonstrukcja warunków paleośrodowiskowych w rejonie Serteji (Zachodnia Rosja) na podstawie analiz paleoekologicznych. [w]: Wpływ człowieka na roślinność Krakowa i okolic w okresie górnego czwartorzędu. Red. Dorota Nalepka, Renata Stachowicz-Rybka. Kraków: Instytut Botaniki im. Władysława Szafera Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 2017 - s. 48-49.
  • Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Kordowski Jarosław, Kramkowski Mateusz, Obremska Milena, Rzodkiewicz Monika, Słowiński Michał, Zawiska Izabela, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Helianthemum pollen representation in the area of Czechowo during the Younger Dryas. [w]: Human Impact and Landscape Evolution in Southern Baltic Lowlands. ICLEA Final Symposium 2017. 7 - 9 June 2017, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Red. Markus J. Schwab, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz, Thomas Raab, Martin Wilmking, Achim Brauer. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2017 - s. 127-129 (Scientific Technical Report; 17/03)
  • Obremska Milena, Ott Florian, Słowiński Michał, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: From the Bronze Age to the Migration Period – human activity recorded in the lake sediments of Lake Czechowskie, (Northern Poland). [w]: Human Impact and Landscape Evolution in Southern Baltic Lowlands. ICLEA Final Symposium 2017. 7 - 9 June 2017, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Red. Markus J. Schwab, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz, Thomas Raab, Martin Wilmking, Achim Brauer. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2017 - s. 130-131 (Scientific Technical Report; 17/03)
  • Ott Florian, Brykała Dariusz, Gierszewski Piotr, Schwab Markus, Brademann Brian, Dräger Nadine, Kienel Ulrike, Pinkerneil Sylvia, Plessen Birgit, Słowiński Michał, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Processes of seasonal layer formation in varved Lake Czechowskie (N Poland): Linking monitoring and sediment core data. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19. EGU General Assembly 2017. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2017 - 1 s.
  • Ott Florian, Draeger Nadine, Brykała Dariusz, Kienel Ulrike, Gierszewski Piotr, Plessen Birgit, Schwab Markus J., Brademann Brian, Pinkerneil Sylvia, Słowiński Michał, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Deciphering varve formation in Lake Czechowskie (N Poland) and Lake Tiefer See (NE Germany) through comprehensive lake monitoring. [w]: Human Impact and Landscape Evolution in Southern Baltic Lowlands. ICLEA Final Symposium 2017. 7 - 9 June 2017, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Red. Markus J. Schwab, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz, Thomas Raab, Martin Wilmking, Achim Brauer. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2017 - s. 132-134 (Scientific Technical Report; 17/03)
  • Ott Florian, Kramkowski Mateusz, Wulf Sabine, Plessen Birgit, Serb Johanna, Tjallingii Rik, Schwab Markus, Słowiński Michał, Brykała Dariusz, Tyszkowski Sebastian, Putyrskaya Victoria, Appelt Oona, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Site-dependent proxy response to climate change during the last 140 years observed in varved lake sediments in Northern Poland. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19. EGU General Assembly 2017. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2017 - 1 s.
  • Persoiu Aurel, Słowiński Michał, Słowińska Sandra, Marcisz Katarzyna, Ionita Monica, Lamentowicz Mariusz: Heat waves and jet stream relations - nature of dry and wet shifts around the 2.8 kyr BP event in Central Europe. [w]: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. New Orleans, 11-15 December 2017. New Orleans: American Geophysical Union, 2017 - 1 s.
  • Rzodkiewicz Monika, Huebener Thomas, Ott Florian, Zawiska Izabela, Brykała Dariusz, Gierszewski Piotr, Kaszubski Michał, Obremska Milena, Słowiński Michał, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Changes in the trophic state of Czechowskie Lake during the last 2000 years. [w]: Human Impact and Landscape Evolution in Southern Baltic Lowlands. ICLEA Final Symposium 2017. 7 - 9 June 2017, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Red. Markus J. Schwab, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz, Thomas Raab, Martin Wilmking, Achim Brauer. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2017 - s. 144-147 (Scientific Technical Report; 17/03)
  • Słowińska Sandra, Marcisz Katarzyna, Słowiński Michał, Błażejczyk Krzysztof, Lamentowicz Mariusz: Peatlands as a unique climatic hotspots. [w]: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. New Orleans, 11-15 December 2017. New Orleans: American Geophysical Union, 2017 - 1 s.
  • Słowiński Michał, Lamentowicz Mariusz, Luców Dominika, Kołaczek Piotr, Tjallingii Rik, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Zawiska Izabela, Lane Christine, Rzodkiewicz Monika, Słowińska Sandra, Kramkowski Mateusz, Płóciennik Mateusz, Tyszkowski Sebastian, Łokas Edyta, Kordowski Jarosław, Brauer Achim: Tornado project - The impact of catastrophic deforestation on the lake and peatland ecosystems of the Tuchola Pinewoods, Northern Poland. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19. EGU General Assembly 2017. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2017 - 1 s.
  • Słowiński Michał, Ott Florian, Obremska Milena, Theuerkauf Martin, Czaja Roman, Wulf Sabine, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Impact of Medieval road construction on landscape transformation during the last 700 years in N Poland. [w]: Human Impact and Landscape Evolution in Southern Baltic Lowlands. ICLEA Final Symposium 2017. 7 - 9 June 2017, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Red. Markus J. Schwab, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz, Thomas Raab, Martin Wilmking, Achim Brauer. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2017 - s. 157-158 (Scientific Technical Report; 17/03)
  • Słowiński Michał, Ott Florian, Obremska Milena, Theuerkauf Martin, Czaja Roman, Wulf Sabine, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Impact of Medieval road construction on landscape transformation during the last 700 years in N Poland. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19. EGU General Assembly 2017. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2017 - 1 s.
  • Słowiński Michał, Łuców Dominika, Kołaczek Piotr, Tjallingii Rik, Lane Christine S., Słowińska Sandra, Tyszkowski Sebastian, Łokas Edyta, Theuerkauf Martin, Brauer Achim, Lamentowicz Mariusz: An impact of deforestation by extreme weather events on Sphagnum peatland ecosystem. [w]: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. New Orleans, 11-15 December 2017. New Orleans: American Geophysical Union, 2017 - 1 s.
  • Tyszkowski Sebastian, Słowiński Michał, Obremska Milena, Theuerkauf Martin, Ott Florian, Dietze Elisabeth, Kaczmarek Halina, Brauer Achim: 800 years of forest transformation in northern Poland recorded in varved lake sediments and cartographical data. [w]: Human Impact and Landscape Evolution in Southern Baltic Lowlands. ICLEA Final Symposium 2017. 7 - 9 June 2017, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Red. Markus J. Schwab, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz, Thomas Raab, Martin Wilmking, Achim Brauer. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2017 - s. 173-174 (Scientific Technical Report; 17/03)
  • Wulf Sabine, Draeger Nadine, Ott Florian, Serb Johanna, Appelt Oona, Słowiński Michał, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Schwab Markus, Brauer Achim: Tephrostratigraphies of ICLEA varved lake records from NE Germany and N central Poland: an overview. [w]: Human Impact and Landscape Evolution in Southern Baltic Lowlands. ICLEA Final Symposium 2017. 7 - 9 June 2017, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Red. Markus J. Schwab, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz, Thomas Raab, Martin Wilmking, Achim Brauer. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2017 - s. 180-181 (Scientific Technical Report; 17/03)
  • Affek Andrzej, Kowalska Anna, Degórski Marek, Regulska Edyta, Grabińska Bożenna, Kołaczkowska Ewa, Kruczkowska Bogusława, Roo-Zielińska Ewa, Solon Jerzy, Wolski Jacek, Zawiska Izabela: Świadczenia kulturowe w krajobrazie młodoglacjalnym - potencjał w ocenie użytkowników. [w]: EcoServ2016 - IV Ogólnopolskie Sympozjum Naukowe "Świadczenia ekosystemów jako przedmiot badań transdyscyplinarnych". Poznań, 5-6 września 2016 r. Streszczenia. Red. Piotr Lupa. Poznań: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2016 - s. 16.
  • Bonk Alicja, Zawiska Izabela: The varved lake sediments: distribution and potential for high-resolution paleoenvironmental reconstructions. [w]: Problemy racional'nogo izpol'zovanija prirodnych resursov i ustojcivoe razvitie Polesia. Sb. dokl. Mezdunar. nauc. konf. (Мinsk, 14–17 sent. 2016 g.). T.1. Minsk: Belaruskaja Navuka, 2016 - s. 455-457.
  • Brykała Dariusz, Gierszewski Piotr, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Kordowski Jarosław, Tyszkowski Sebastian, Słowiński Michał, Kaszubski Michał, Brauer Achim: Hydrological and geomorphological consequences of beavers activity in the Struga Czechowska valley (Tuchola Pinewood Forest, Poland). [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU General Assembly 2016. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2016 - 1 s.
  • Collins James, Aichner Bernhard, Engels Stefan, Lane Christine, Maas David, Neugebauer Ina, Ott Florian, Słowiński Michał, Wulf Sabine, Plessen Birgit, Brauer Achim, Sachse Dirk: Spatiotemporal patterns of hydrological changes during the Younger Dryas onset from decadally-resolved lacustrine biomarker records: a W-E European transect. [w]: AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco 12-16 December 2016. San Francisco: American Geophysical Union, 2016 - 1 s.
  • Degórski Marek, Grabińska Bożenna, Kowalska Anna, Roo-Zielińska Ewa, Solon Jerzy, Wolski Jacek, Affek Andrzej, Kołaczkowska Ewa, Kruczkowska Bogusława, Regulska Edyta, Zawiska Izabela: From detailed data to regional assessment of ecosystem services. [w]: International Scientific Conference "Ecosystem Services - Landscape Ecology Integrative Role", 22th-24th June 2016, Łochów, Poland. Łochów: Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies. University of Warsaw and Polish Association for Landscape Ecology, 2016 - s. 16.
  • Degórski Marek, Kruczkowska Bogusława, Solon Jerzy, Affek Andrzej, Grabińska Bożenna, Kołaczkowska Ewa, Kowalska Anna, Regulska Edyta, Roo-Zielińska Ewa, Wolski Jacek, Zawiska Izabela: Świadczenia regulacyjne ekosystemów w krajobrazie młodoglacjalnym - ujęcie potencjałowe. [w]: EcoServ2016 - IV Ogólnopolskie Sympozjum Naukowe "Świadczenia ekosystemów jako przedmiot badań transdyscyplinarnych". Poznań, 5-6 września 2016 r. Streszczenia. Red. Piotr Lupa. Poznań: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2016 - s. 15.
  • Degórski Marek, Solon Jerzy, Roo-Zielińska Ewa, Kowalska Anna, Affek Andrzej, Grabińska Bożenna, Kruczkowska Bogusława, Kołaczkowska Ewa, Regulska Edyta, Wolski Jacek, Zawiska Izabela: Świadczenia ekosystemowe w krajobrazie młodoglacjalnym - założenia teoretyczne i metodyka badań. [w]: EcoServ2016 - IV Ogólnopolskie Sympozjum Naukowe "Świadczenia ekosystemów jako przedmiot badań transdyscyplinarnych". Poznań, 5-6 września 2016 r. Streszczenia. Red. Piotr Lupa. Poznań: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2016 - s. 9.
  • Dietze Elisabeth, Słowiński Michał, Feurdean Angelica, Dräger Nadine, Obremska Milena, Ott Florian, Pieńczewska Anna, Theuerkauf Martin, Brauer Achim: Fire and man - reconstructing Holocene biomass burning in the central European lowlands. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU General Assembly 2016. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2016 - 1 s.
  • Dietze Elisabeth, Słowiński Michał, Zawiska Izabela, Veh Georg, Brauer Achim: Multiple drivers of Holocene lake level changes at a lowland lake in northeastern Germany. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU General Assembly 2016. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2016 - 1 s.
  • Hoelzmann Philipp, Słowiński Michał, Obremska Milena, Ott Florian, Brauer Achim: Anthropogenic impact on the sediment record from Lake Czechowskie (N-Poland) based on heavy metal contents in combination with high-resolution pollen and varve data: Geochemical background vs enrichment history and landsurface changes. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU General Assembly 2016. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2016 - 1 s.
  • Kramkowski Mateusz, Filbrandt-Czaja Anna, Ott Florian, Słowiński Michał, Tjallingii Rik, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Sedimentological characteristics of lake sediment of the Lake Jelonek (North Poland). [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU General Assembly 2016. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2016 - 1 s.
  • Kramkowski Mateusz, Filbrandt-Czaja Anna, Ott Florian, Słowiński Michał, Tjallingii Rik, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Sedimentological and geochemical characteristic of varved lake sediment of the Lake Jelonek (North Poland). [w]: AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco 12-16 December 2016. San Francisco: American Geophysical Union, 2016 - 1 s.
  • Lamentowicz Mariusz, Gałka Mariusz, Marcisz Katarzyna, Słowiński Michał, Kołaczek Piotr, Kajukało Katarzyna, Jassey Vinent E.J.: Investigating climatic and anthropogenic disturbance in continental peat archives of C Europe and W Siberia. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU General Assembly 2016. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2016 - 1 s.
  • Marcisz Katarzyna, Słowińska Sandra, Słowiński Michał, Mitchell Edward A. D., Jassey Vincent E. J., Lamentowicz Mariusz: Here comes the sun: exploring light intensity as important variable driving testate amoeba communities in Sphagnum. [w]: 35th Meeting of the German Society of Protozoology. Saignelegier, Switzerland, February 23th to 26th, 2016. Program, abstracts & list of participants. Neuchatel: University of Neuchatel, 2016 - s. 48.
  • Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Kordowski Jarosław, Tyszkowski Sebastian, Kramkowski Mateusz, Zawiska Izabela, Rzodkiewicz Monika, Mirosław-Grabowska Joanna, Ott Florian, Słowiński Michał, Obremska Milena, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Climate-landform effects on lateglacial vegetation pattern in northeastern Tuchola Pinewoods (northern Poland): multiproxy evidence from the Lake Czechowskie catchment, northern Poland. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU General Assembly 2016. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2016 - 1 s.
  • Ott Florian, Wulf Sabine, Serb Johanna, Słowiński Michał, Obremska Milena, Tjallingii Rik, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Refining the time span between the early Holocene Askja-S and Hässeldalen tephras through differential dating based on varve counting from Lake Czechowskie (N Poland). [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU General Assembly 2016. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2016 - 1 s.
  • Pieńczewska Anna, Słowiński Michał, Obremska Milena, Ott Florian, Dietze Elisabeth, Feurdean Angelica, Theuerkauf Martin, Brauer Achim: Fire history and human activity in last 2000 years reconstructed from varved lake sediments (N Poland). [w]: AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco 12-16 December 2016. San Francisco: American Geophysical Union, 2016 - 1 s.
  • Reczuga Monika K., Jassey Vincent E.J., Mulot Matthieu, Mitchell Edward A.D., Buttler Alexandre, Słowiński Michał, Gilbert Daniel, Lamentowicz Mariusz: Vertical distribution of microbial communities in two Sphagnum peatlands along natural and experimental water table gradients. [w]: 35th Meeting of the German Society of Protozoology. Saignelegier, Switzerland, February 23th to 26th, 2016. Program, abstracts & list of participants. Neuchatel: University of Neuchatel, 2016 - s. 77.
  • Roo-Zielińska Ewa, Grabińska Bożenna, Kowalska Anna, Kruczkowska Bogusława, Solon Jerzy, Affek Andrzej, Degórski Marek, Kołaczkowska Ewa, Regulska Edyta, Wolski Jacek, Zawiska Izabela: Świadczenia zaopatrzeniowe ekosystemów w krajobrazie młodoglacjalnym - ujęcie potencjałowe. [w]: EcoServ2016 - IV Ogólnopolskie Sympozjum Naukowe "Świadczenia ekosystemów jako przedmiot badań transdyscyplinarnych". Poznań, 5-6 września 2016 r. Streszczenia. Red. Piotr Lupa. Poznań: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2016 - s. 14.
  • Rzodkiewicz Monika, Zawiska Izabela, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Obremska Milena, Ott Florian, Kramkowski Mateusz, Słowiński Michał, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Diatoms as paleoecological indicators of environmental change in the Lake Czechowskie catchments ecosystem (Northern Tuchola Pinewoods, Poland). [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU General Assembly 2016. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2016 - 1 s.
  • Sachse Dirk, Aichner Bernhard, Maas David, Neugebauer Ina, Ott Florian, Słowiński Michał, Wulf Sabine, Brauer Achim: Spatiotemporal patterns of hydrological changes during the onset of the Younger Dryas along a W-E transect in Europe from decadal resolved lacustrine lipid biomarker D/H records. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU General Assembly 2016. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2016 - 1 s.
  • Solon Jerzy, Wolski Jacek, Affek Andrzej, Degórski Marek, Grabińska Bożenna, Kołaczkowska Ewa, Kowalska Anna, Kruczkowska Bogusława, Regulska Edyta, Roo-Zielińska Ewa, Zawiska Izabela: Zróżnicowanie przestrzenne potencjału ekosystemów w jednostkach krajobrazowych. [w]: EcoServ2016 - IV Ogólnopolskie Sympozjum Naukowe "Świadczenia ekosystemów jako przedmiot badań transdyscyplinarnych". Poznań, 5-6 września 2016 r. Streszczenia. Red. Piotr Lupa. Poznań: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2016 - s. 13.
  • Słowiński Michał, Marcisz Katarzyna, Płóciennik Mateusz, Obremska Milena, Pawłowski Dominik, Okupny Daniel, Słowińska Sandra, Borówka Ryszard, Kittel Piotr, Forysiak Jacek, Michczyńska Danuta J., Lamentowicz Mariusz: Hydroclimatic shifts recorded in peat archive from Rąbień mire (Central Poland) - better understanding of past climate changes using multidisciplinary approach. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU General Assembly 2016. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2016 - 1 s.
  • Słowiński Michał, Ott Florian, Kramkowski Mateusz, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Theuerkauf Martin, Hass Christoph, Obremska Milena, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Kordowski Jarosław, Tjallingii Rik, Rzodkiewicz Monika, Schwab Markus, Brauer Achim: Early Holocene lake ecosystem development in the southern Baltic lowlands. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU General Assembly 2016. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2016 - 1 s.
  • Słowiński Michał, Ott Florian, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Dräger Nadine, Kramkowski Mateusz, Tjallingii Rik, Hass Christoph, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Kordowski Jarosław, Zawiska Izabela, Theuerkauf Martin, Dietze Elisabeth, Rzodkiewicz Monika, Schwab Markus J., Brauer Achim: The final disappearance of permafrost as a trigger for early Holocene landscape evolution in the southern Baltic lowlands. [w]: XI. International Conference on Permafrost 20 - 24 June 2016, Potsdam, Germany. Potsdam: Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, 2016 - 1 s.
  • Słowiński Michał, Ott Florian, Obremska Milena, Theuerkauf Martin, Czaja Roman, Wulf Sabine, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Road construction impact of the landscape transformation during the last 700 years in N Poland. [w]: AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco 12-16 December 2016. San Francisco: American Geophysical Union, 2016 - 1 s.
  • Słowiński Michał, Tyszkowski Sebastian, Ott Florian, Obremska Milena, Kaczmarek Halina, Theuerkauf Martin, Wulf Sabine, Brauer Achim: History of human activity in last 800 years reconstructed from combined archive data and high-resolution analyses of varved lake sediments from Lake Czechowskie, Northern Poland. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU General Assembly 2016. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2016 - 1 s.
  • Tjallingii Rik, Dräger Nadine, Kramkowski Mateusz, Słowiński Michał, Brauer Achim: Early- to Mid-Holocene environmental and climate changes in the southern Baltic lowland using XRF scanning data. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU General Assembly 2016. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2016 - 1 s.
  • Tyszkowski Sebastian, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brykała Dariusz, Gierszewski Piotr, Kaczmarek Halina, Kordowski Jarosław, Słowiński Michał: Practical aspects of registration the transformation of a river valley by beavers using terrestrial laser scanning. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU General Assembly 2016. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2016 - 1 s.
  • Zawiska Izabela: Lake ecosystem dynamics throughout the Holocene in Polesie region. [w]: Problemy racional'nogo izpol'zovanija prirodnych resursov i ustojcivoe razvitie Polesia. Sb. dokl. Mezdunar. nauc. konf. (Мinsk, 14–17 sent. 2016 g.). T.1. Minsk: Belaruskaja Navuka, 2016 - s. 521-523.
  • Zawiska Izabela, Rzodkiewicz Monika, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Kramkowski Mateusz, Obremska Milena, Ott Florian, Plessen Birgit, Tjallingii Rik, Słowiński Michał, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Regional climate signal modified by local factors - multi core study records (Lake Czechowskie region, N Poland). [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU General Assembly 2016. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2016 - 1 s.
  • Zawiska Izabela, Rzodkiewicz Monika, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Kramkowski Mateusz, Obremska Milena, Ott Florian, Plessen Birgit, Tjallingii Rik, Słowiński Michał, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Regional climate signal modified by local factors reflected in the results of subfossil Cladocera analysis from Lake Czechowskie region (Northern Poland). [w]: XIV Subfossil Clacodcera Workshop, Levico Terme (Italy), April 5th-8th 2016. Abstract book. Levico Terme: Fondazione Edmund Mach etc., 2016 - s. 33.
  • Zawiska Izabela, Zawisza Edyta, Sinev Artem Y.: New SEM pictures of subfossil Cladocera remains from the Mexican lakes. [w]: XIV Subfossil Clacodcera Workshop, Levico Terme (Italy), April 5th-8th 2016. Abstract book. Levico Terme: Fondazione Edmund Mach etc., 2016 - s. 33.
  • Aichner Bernhard, Schütrumpf Kathrin, Neugebauer Ina, Plessen Birgit, Ott Florian, Słowiński Michał, Wulf Sabine, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Brauer Achim, Sachse Dirk: Decadal resolved leaf wax records reveal spatial patterns of hydrological and climatic changes during the onset of the Younger Dryas in western and eastern Europe. [w]: Dynamics of Climate and Landscape Evolution of Cultural Landscapes in the Northern Central European Lowlands since the Last Ice Age. 4th Annual ICLEA Workshop 2015. 23-26 June 2015, Słubice (Masovian Voivodeship), Poland. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Eds. Markus J. Schwab, Achim Brauer, Dariusz Brykała, Piotr Gierszewski, Piotr Lamparski, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2015 - s. 18-19 (Scientific Technical Report; 15/05)
  • Aichner Bernhard, Słowiński Michał, Ott Florian, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Wulf Sabine, Brauer Achim, Sachse Dirk: Decadal resolved leaf wax δD records of the Younger Dryas in central and eastern Europe. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU General Assembly 2015. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2015 - 1 s.
  • Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim, Brykała Dariusz, Gierszewski Piotr, Kordowski Jarosław, Słowiński Michał, Tyszkowski Sebastian: Modyfikacja przebiegu kształtowania systemu rzeczno-jeziornego w wyniku działalności bobrów na przykładzie Strugi Czechowskiej. [w]: Bobry w Rezerwacie Biosfery Bory Tucholskie. Przeszłość, teraźniejszość, perspektywy. Bydgoszcz: Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego, 2015 - s. 11-12.
  • Czymzik Markus, Muscheler Raimund, Brauer Achim, Adolphi Florian, Ott Florian, Kienel Ulrike, Dräger Nadine, Słowiński Michał, Aldahan Ala, Possnert Göran: Testing the potential of 10Be in varved sediments from two lakes for solar activity reconstruction. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU General Assembly 2015. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2015 - 1 s.
  • Czymzik Markus, Muscheler Raimund, Brauer Achim, Adolphi Florian, Ott Florian, Kienel Ulrike, Dräger Nadine, Słowiński Michał, Aldahan Ala, Possnert Göran: Solar cycles and depositional processes in annual 10Be from two varved lake sediment records. [w]: Dynamics of Climate and Landscape Evolution of Cultural Landscapes in the Northern Central European Lowlands since the Last Ice Age. 4th Annual ICLEA Workshop 2015. 23-26 June 2015, Słubice (Masovian Voivodeship), Poland. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Eds. Markus J. Schwab, Achim Brauer, Dariusz Brykała, Piotr Gierszewski, Piotr Lamparski, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2015 - s. 37-38 (Scientific Technical Report; 15/05)
  • Dietze Elisabeth, Zawiska Izabela, Słowiński Michał, Brauer Achim: Holocene lake level changes at a lowland lake in northeastern Germany inferred from acoustic sub-bottom profiling and a transect of sediment cores. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU General Assembly 2015. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2015 - 1 s.
  • Dräger Nadine, Brademann Brian, Theuerkauf Martin, Wulf Sabine, Tjallingii Rik, Słowiński Michał, Schlaak Norbert, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Unexpected spontaneous ignition of Late Glacial sediments from the palaeolake Wukenfurche (NE Germany). [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU General Assembly 2015. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2015 - 1 s.
  • Dräger Nadine, Ott Florian, Theuerkauf Martin, Obremska Milena, Wulf Sabine, Kienel Ulrike, Lorenz Sebastian, Słowiński Michał, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Comparing varve formation and preservation during the last 2000 years in two lakes along a W-E transect in the southern Baltic lowlands. [w]: Climate variability and human impacts in Central and Eastern Europe during the last two millennia. 17-19 June 2015, University of Gdansk, Poland. Program and abstracts book. Gdańsk: Institute of Geography. Faculty of Oceanography and Geography. University of Gdansk, 2015 - s. 37.
  • Dräger Nadine, Theuerkauf Martin, Wulf Sabine, Tjallingii Rik, Słowiński Michał, Plessen Birgit, Kienel Ulrike, Hübener Thomas, Szeroczynska Krystyna, Lorenz Sebastian, Brauer Achim: Holocene climate variability and human impact recorded in annually laminated sediments of Lake Tiefer See (NE Germany). [w]: Dynamics of Climate and Landscape Evolution of Cultural Landscapes in the Northern Central European Lowlands since the Last Ice Age. 4th Annual ICLEA Workshop 2015. 23-26 June 2015, Słubice (Masovian Voivodeship), Poland. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Eds. Markus J. Schwab, Achim Brauer, Dariusz Brykała, Piotr Gierszewski, Piotr Lamparski, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2015 - s. 40-41 (Scientific Technical Report; 15/05)
  • Gierszewski Piotr, Brykała Dariusz, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Kordowski Jarosław, Tyszkowski Sebastian, Słowiński Michał, Kaszubski Michał: Effect of beaver dams’ failures on valley modification and implications for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions – preliminary results. [w]: Dynamics of Climate and Landscape Evolution of Cultural Landscapes in the Northern Central European Lowlands since the Last Ice Age. 4th Annual ICLEA Workshop 2015. 23-26 June 2015, Słubice (Masovian Voivodeship), Poland. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Eds. Markus J. Schwab, Achim Brauer, Dariusz Brykała, Piotr Gierszewski, Piotr Lamparski, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2015 - s. 45 (Scientific Technical Report; 15/05)
  • Groß-Schmölders Miriam, Ott Florian, Brykała Dariusz, Gierszewski Piotr, Kaszubski Michał, Zawiska Izabela, Lutyńska Monika, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Monitoring climate signal transfer into the varved lake sediments of Lake Czechowskie, Poland. [w]: Dynamics of Climate and Landscape Evolution of Cultural Landscapes in the Northern Central European Lowlands since the Last Ice Age. 4th Annual ICLEA Workshop 2015. 23-26 June 2015, Słubice (Masovian Voivodeship), Poland. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Eds. Markus J. Schwab, Achim Brauer, Dariusz Brykała, Piotr Gierszewski, Piotr Lamparski, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2015 - s. 46-47 (Scientific Technical Report; 15/05)
  • Heinrich Ingo, Knorr Antje, Heussner Karl-Uwe, Ważny Tomasz, Słowiński Michał, Helle Gerhard, Simard Sonia, Scharnweber Tobias, Buras Allan, Wilmking Martin, Brauer Achim: Climate reconstructions from tree-ring widths for the last 850 years in Northern Poland. [w]: Climate variability and human impacts in Central and Eastern Europe during the last two millennia. 17-19 June 2015, University of Gdansk, Poland. Program and abstracts book. Gdańsk: Institute of Geography. Faculty of Oceanography and Geography. University of Gdansk, 2015 - s. 30.
  • Heinrich Ingo, Knorr Antje, Heußner Karl-Uwe, Wazny Tomasz, Słowiński Michał, Helle Gerhard, Simard Sonia, Scharnweber Tobias, Buras Allan, Beck Wolfgang, Wilmking Martin, Brauer Achim: Climate reconstructions from tree-ring widths for the last 850 years in Northern Poland. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU General Assembly 2015. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2015 - 1 s.
  • Kordowski Jarosław, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Kramkowski Mateusz, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Słowiński Michał, Tyszkowski Sebastian, Brauer Achim, Ott Florian: Late Glacial and Holocene sedimentary evolution of Czechowskie Lake (Eastern Pomerania, North Central Poland). [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 17, EGU General Assembly 2015. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2015 - 1 s.
  • Kordowski Jarosław, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Kramkowski Mateusz, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Słowiński Michał, Tyszkowski Sebastian, Brauer Achim, Ott Florian: Progress on the reconstruction of sedimentary evolution of Czechowskie Lake and its hypothetic past water level fluctuations. [w]: Dynamics of Climate and Landscape Evolution of Cultural Landscapes in the Northern Central European Lowlands since the Last Ice Age. 4th Annual ICLEA Workshop 2015. 23-26 June 2015, Słubice (Masovian Voivodeship), Poland. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Eds. Markus J. Schwab, Achim Brauer, Dariusz Brykała, Piotr Gierszewski, Piotr Lamparski, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2015 - s. 77-78 (Scientific Technical Report; 15/05)
  • Kramkowski Mateusz, Filbrand-Czaja Anna, Ott Florian, Słowiński Michał, Tjallingii Rik, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Lake Jelonek (North Poland) – preliminary results of microfacies analysis and high resolution µ-XRF element scanning. [w]: Dynamics of Climate and Landscape Evolution of Cultural Landscapes in the Northern Central European Lowlands since the Last Ice Age. 4th Annual ICLEA Workshop 2015. 23-26 June 2015, Słubice (Masovian Voivodeship), Poland. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Eds. Markus J. Schwab, Achim Brauer, Dariusz Brykała, Piotr Gierszewski, Piotr Lamparski, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2015 - s. 81-82 (Scientific Technical Report; 15/05)
  • Kramkowski Mateusz, Filbrandt-Czaja Anna, Ott Florian, Słowiński Michał, Tjallingii Rik, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: A new varved late Glacial and Holocene sediment record from Lake Jelonek (North Poland) - preliminary results. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 17, EGU General Assembly 2015. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2015 - 1 s.
  • Kramkowski Mateusz, Filbrandt-Czaja Anna, Ott Florian, Słowiński Michał, Tjallingii Rik, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Późno glacjalne i holoceńskie osady laminowane Jeziora Jelonek - wyniki wstępne. [w]: Plejstocen Kotliny Płockiej oraz postglacjalna transformacja jej rzeźby. XXII Konferencja Naukowo-Szkoleniowa Stratygrafia Plejstocenu Polski, Gołaszewo, 31.08.-4.09.2015 r. Red. nauk. Jarosław Kordowski, Piotr Lamparski, Stanisław Lisicki, Małgorzata Roman. Warszawa: Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania PAN, Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny - Państwowy Insytut Badawczy, 2015 - s. 86-88.
  • Lorenz Sebastian, Börner Andreas, Theuerkauf Martin, Słowiński Michał, Zawiska Izabela, Fülling Andreas, Schult Manuela, Niessner Dominique, Lampe Reinhard: From Weichselian deglaciation to Late-glacial and Early Holocene lake basin and river valley formation – the Dobbertin basin (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, NE Germany). [w]: Dynamics of Climate and Landscape Evolution of Cultural Landscapes in the Northern Central European Lowlands since the Last Ice Age. 4th Annual ICLEA Workshop 2015. 23-26 June 2015, Słubice (Masovian Voivodeship), Poland. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Eds. Markus J. Schwab, Achim Brauer, Dariusz Brykała, Piotr Gierszewski, Piotr Lamparski, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2015 - s. 87-88 (Scientific Technical Report; 15/05)
  • Marcisz Katarzyna, Fialkiewicz-Koziel Barbara, Kolaczek Piotr, Tinner Willy, Colombaroli Daniele, Zielinska Malgorzata, Kaliszan Karolina, Lapshina Elena, Słowiński Michał, Buttler Alexandre, Laggoun-Defarge Fatima, Lamentowicz Mariusz: Carbon accumulation and hydrological dynamics in pristine and disturbed Sphagnum peatlands during the last two millennia. [w]: Quaternary Perspectives on Climate Change, Natural Hazards and Civilization. XIX INQUA Congress, Nagoya, Japan 26 July – 2 August 2015. Nagoya: INQUA, 2015 - 1 s.
  • Marcisz Katarzyna, Tinner Willy, Colombaroli Daniele, Kołaczek Piotr, Słowiński Michał, Fiałkiewicz-Kozieł Barbara, Łokas Edyta, Lamentowicz Mariusz: How does fire and drought influence peatland under oceanic-continental climatic conditions? 2000 years of environmental change in Linje mire, northern Poland. [w]: Climate variability and human impacts in Central and Eastern Europe during the last two millennia. 17-19 June 2015, University of Gdansk, Poland. Program and abstracts book. Gdańsk: Institute of Geography. Faculty of Oceanography and Geography. University of Gdansk, 2015 - s. 45.
  • Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Zawiska Izabela, Rzodkiewicz Monika, Mirosław-Grabowska Joanna, Obremska Milena, Kordowski Jarosław, Słowiński Michał, Kramkowski Mateusz, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Dynamika zmian roślinności w późnym glacjale Vistulianu w rejonie Czechowa (północna -wschodnia część Borów Tucholskich). [w]: Dynamika zmian roślinności Niżu Polskiego w dobie późnoglacjalnych zmian klimatu i narastania antropopresji w Holocenie. VII Konferencja Paleobotaniki Czwartorzędu, Łódz 10-12 czerwca 2015. Red. Danuta Dzieduszyńska, Małgorzata Roman. Łódż: Zakład Poligraficzny, 2015 - s. 53-56.
  • Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka Maria, Zawiska Izabela, Rzodkiewicz Monika, Mirosław-Grabowska Joanna, Obremska Milena, Kordowski Jarosław, Kramkowski Mateusz, Słowiński Michał, Ott Florian, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Younger Dryas cooling in the Czechowo Region - climate or local environmental conditions. [w]: Dynamics of Climate and Landscape Evolution of Cultural Landscapes in the Northern Central European Lowlands since the Last Ice Age. 4th Annual ICLEA Workshop 2015. 23-26 June 2015, Słubice (Masovian Voivodeship), Poland. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Eds. Markus J. Schwab, Achim Brauer, Dariusz Brykała, Piotr Gierszewski, Piotr Lamparski, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2015 - s. 89-90 (Scientific Technical Report; 15/05)
  • Obremska Milena, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Ott Florian, Bokiniec Ewa, Słowiński Michał, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: The human activity during the first five centuries AD recorded in the laminated sediments of the Lake Czechowskie (northern Poland). [w]: Climate variability and human impacts in Central and Eastern Europe during the last two millennia. 17-19 June 2015, University of Gdansk, Poland. Program and abstracts book. Gdańsk: Institute of Geography. Faculty of Oceanography and Geography. University of Gdansk, 2015 - s. 90.
  • Obremska Milena, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Ott Florian, Bokiniec Ewa, Słowiński Michał, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Wielbark culture tribes activity recorded in the varved sediments of Lake Czechowskie (northern Poland). [w]: Dynamics of Climate and Landscape Evolution of Cultural Landscapes in the Northern Central European Lowlands since the Last Ice Age. 4th Annual ICLEA Workshop 2015. 23-26 June 2015, Słubice (Masovian Voivodeship), Poland. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Eds. Markus J. Schwab, Achim Brauer, Dariusz Brykała, Piotr Gierszewski, Piotr Lamparski, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2015 - s. 91-92 (Scientific Technical Report; 15/05)
  • Ott Florian, Brauer Achim, Słowiński Michał, Wulf Sabine, Putyrskaya Victoria, Plessen Birgit, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław: Varved sediments from Lake Czechowskie (Poland) reveal gradual increase in Atlantic influence during the Holocene. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU General Assembly 2015. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2015 - 1 s.
  • Ott Florian, Brauer Achim, Słowiński Michał, Wulf Sabine, Serb Johanna, Putyrskaya Victoria, Plessen Birgit, Obremska Milena, Kordowski Jarosław, Błaszkiewicz Miroslaw: The Czechowskie Lake sediment record: highlights and potentials. [w]: Dynamics of Climate and Landscape Evolution of Cultural Landscapes in the Northern Central European Lowlands since the Last Ice Age. 4th Annual ICLEA Workshop 2015. 23-26 June 2015, Słubice (Masovian Voivodeship), Poland. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Eds. Markus J. Schwab, Achim Brauer, Dariusz Brykała, Piotr Gierszewski, Piotr Lamparski, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2015 - s. 93-95.
  • Ott Florian, Słowiński Michał, Dräger Nadine, Wulf Sabine, Plessen Birgit, Kienel Ulrike, Obremska Milena, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Regional and local sedimentation signatures in varved sediments of the last 150 years in three lakes in northern central Poland. [w]: Climate variability and human impacts in Central and Eastern Europe during the last two millennia. 17-19 June 2015, University of Gdansk, Poland. Program and abstracts book. Gdańsk: Institute of Geography. Faculty of Oceanography and Geography. University of Gdansk, 2015 - s. 38.
  • Ott Florian, Słowiński Michał, Merličkova Soňa, Dräger Nadine, Wulf Sabine, Plessen Birgit, Obremska Milena, Błaszkiewicz Miroslaw, Brauer Achim: Regional and local sedimentation signatures in varved sediments of the last 150 years in three lakes in northern central Poland. [w]: Dynamics of Climate and Landscape Evolution of Cultural Landscapes in the Northern Central European Lowlands since the Last Ice Age. 4th Annual ICLEA Workshop 2015. 23-26 June 2015, Słubice (Masovian Voivodeship), Poland. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Eds. Markus J. Schwab, Achim Brauer, Dariusz Brykała, Piotr Gierszewski, Piotr Lamparski, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2015 - s. 96-97 (Scientific Technical Report; 15/05)
  • Rzodkiewicz Monika, Hübener Thomas, Ott Florian, Kramkowski Mateusz, Obremska Milena, Słowiński Michał, Zawiska Izabela, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Diatom-based reconstruction of the Lake Czechowskie trophy status in the last 2000 years (Tuchola Forest, Northern Poland). [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 17, EGU General Assembly 2015. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2015 - 1 s.
  • Rzodkiewicz Monika, Hübener Thomas, Ott Florian, Obremska Milena, Brykała Dariusz, Gierszewski Piotr, Kaszubski Michał, Zawiska Izabela, Słowiński Michał, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Trophic gradients in Czechowskie Lake during the last 2000 years inferred from diatoms assemblages. [w]: Dynamics of Climate and Landscape Evolution of Cultural Landscapes in the Northern Central European Lowlands since the Last Ice Age. 4th Annual ICLEA Workshop 2015. 23-26 June 2015, Słubice (Masovian Voivodeship), Poland. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Eds. Markus J. Schwab, Achim Brauer, Dariusz Brykała, Piotr Gierszewski, Piotr Lamparski, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2015 - s. 102-103 (Scientific Technical Report; 15/05)
  • Sachse Dirk, Aichner Bernhard, Schuetrumpf Kathrin, Neugebauer Ina, Plessen Birgit, Ott Florian, Słowiński Michał, Wulf Sabine, Brauer Achim: Spatial patterns of hydrological changes during the onset of the Younger Dryas in western and central Europe from decadal resolved lacustrine lipid biomarker D/H records. [w]: Quaternary Perspectives on Climate Change, Natural Hazards and Civilization. XIX INQUA Congress, Nagoya, Japan 26 July – 2 August 2015. Nagoya: INQUA, 2015 - 1 s.
  • Słowiński Michał, Brauer Achim, Ott Florian, Obremska Milena, Wulf Sabine, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław: Road construction impact on the landscape transformation during the last 700 years in NE Poland. [w]: Climate variability and human impacts in Central and Eastern Europe during the last two millennia. 17-19 June 2015, University of Gdansk, Poland. Program and abstracts book. Gdańsk: Institute of Geography. Faculty of Oceanography and Geography. University of Gdansk, 2015 - s. 105.
  • Słowiński Michał, Brauer Achim, Ott Florian, Obremska Milena, Wulf Sabine, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław: How route construction influenced landscape transformation during the last 700 years in NE Poland. [w]: Quaternary Perspectives on Climate Change, Natural Hazards and Civilization. XIX INQUA Congress, Nagoya, Japan 26 July – 2 August 2015. Nagoya: INQUA, 2015 - 1 s.
  • Słowiński Michał, Słowińska Sandra, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Lamentowicz Mariusz, Kołaczek Piotr: Micro-refuges as unique synergies of the environment – a case study of Betula nana glacial relicts from a Sphagnum mire (Northern Poland). [w]: Dynamics of Climate and Landscape Evolution of Cultural Landscapes in the Northern Central European Lowlands since the Last Ice Age. 4th Annual ICLEA Workshop 2015. 23-26 June 2015, Słubice (Masovian Voivodeship), Poland. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Eds. Markus J. Schwab, Achim Brauer, Dariusz Brykała, Piotr Gierszewski, Piotr Lamparski, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2015 - s. 116-117 (Scientific Technical Report; 15/05)
  • Słowiński Michał, Tyszkowski Sebastian, Ott Florian, Obremska Milena, Kaczmarek Halina, Theuerkauf Martin, Wulf Sabine, Brauer Achim: Last 800 years history of human activity recording in laminated lake sediment - palaeolimnological vs. archival data (Czechowskie lake, northern Poland). [w]: Dynamics of Climate and Landscape Evolution of Cultural Landscapes in the Northern Central European Lowlands since the Last Ice Age. 4th Annual ICLEA Workshop 2015. 23-26 June 2015, Słubice (Masovian Voivodeship), Poland. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2015 - s. 118-119 (Scientific Technical Report; 15/05)
  • Słowiński Michał, Zawiska Izabela, Ott Florian, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Plessen Birgit, Apolinarska Karina, Rzodkiewicz Monika, Michczyńska Danuta J., Skubała Piotr, Wulf Sabine, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Differential proxy response of lake systems during late Allerød and early Younger Dryas climatic fluctuations in Northern Poland (Trzechowskie paleolake). [w]: Dynamics of Climate and Landscape Evolution of Cultural Landscapes in the Northern Central European Lowlands since the Last Ice Age. 4th Annual ICLEA Workshop 2015. 23-26 June 2015, Słubice (Masovian Voivodeship), Poland. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Eds. Markus J. Schwab, Achim Brauer, Dariusz Brykała, Piotr Gierszewski, Piotr Lamparski, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2015 - s. 120-121 (Scientific Technical Report; 15/05)
  • Teuerkauf Martin, Dräger Nadine, Lampe Reinhard, Lorenz Sebastian, Kienel Ulrike, Schult Manuela, Słowiński Michał, Wulf Sabine, Zawiska Izabela, Brauer Achim: The Lateglacial and Holocene history of annually laminated Lake Tiefer See. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU General Assembly 2015. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2015 - 1 s.
  • Tjallingii Rik, Dräger Nadine, Kramkowski Mateusz, Ott Florian, Słowiński Michał, Brauer Achim: Identifying local and regional changes in lake sediments of the ICLEA project using XRF scanning data. [w]: Dynamics of Climate and Landscape Evolution of Cultural Landscapes in the Northern Central European Lowlands since the Last Ice Age. 4th Annual ICLEA Workshop 2015. 23-26 June 2015, Słubice (Masovian Voivodeship), Poland. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Eds. Markus J. Schwab, Achim Brauer, Dariusz Brykała, Piotr Gierszewski, Piotr Lamparski, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2015 - s. 129-130 (Scientific Technical Report; 15/05)
  • Wulf Sabine, Dräger Nadine, Ott Florian, Serb Johanna, Słowiński Michał, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Lateglacial and Holocene tephrostratigraphy of the Northern central European lowlands – constraints from the varved sediment records of lakes Tiefer See and Czechowskie. [w]: Dynamics of Climate and Landscape Evolution of Cultural Landscapes in the Northern Central European Lowlands since the Last Ice Age. 4th Annual ICLEA Workshop 2015. 23-26 June 2015, Słubice (Masovian Voivodeship), Poland. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Eds. Markus J. Schwab, Achim Brauer, Dariusz Brykała, Piotr Gierszewski, Piotr Lamparski, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2015 - s. 140-141 (Scientific Technical Report; 15/05)
  • Zawiska Izabela, Jensen Thomas, Luoto Tomi, Nevalainen Liisa, Obremska Milena, Oksman Mimmi, Słowiński Michał, Tylmann Wojciech, Woszczyk Michał, Schartau Ann Kristin, Walseng Bjorn: Climate versus human impacts on Lake Atnsjøen ecosystem (south-eastern Norway) during the last millennium. [w]: Climate variability and human impacts in Central and Eastern Europe during the last two millennia. 17-19 June 2015, University of Gdansk, Poland. Program and abstracts book. Gdańsk: Institute of Geography. Faculty of Oceanography and Geography. University of Gdansk, 2015 - s. 47.
  • Zawiska Izabela, Jensen Thomas, Luoto Tomi, Nevalainen Liisa, Obremska Milena, Oksman Mimmi, Słowiński Michał, Tylmann Wojciech, Woszczyk Michał, Schartau Ann Kristin, Walseng Bjorn: Zmiany klimatu w ostatnim tysiącleciu i ich wpływ na ekosystem jeziora Atnsjøen (Norwegia). [w]: Paleoklimat - 2. Konferencja Naukowa "Zmiany Klimatyczne w Przeszłości Geologicznej", 24-25.11.2015 Warszawa. Referaty i postery. Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, 2015 - s. 112.
  • Zawiska Izabela, Rzodkiewicz Monika, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Obremska Milena, Ott Florian, Kramkowski Mateusz, Słowiński Michał, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Late Glacial lakes - uniform or contrasting ecosystems?. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 17, EGU General Assembly 2015. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2015 - 1 s.
  • Zawiska Izabela, Rzodkiewicz Monika, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka Maria, Obremska Milena, Ott Florian, Kramkowski Mateusz, Słowiński Michał, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Late glacial and early Holocene climate changes revealed by multi-proxy research on lake sediments from Tuchola Forest region (Poland). [w]: Dynamics of Climate and Landscape Evolution of Cultural Landscapes in the Northern Central European Lowlands since the Last Ice Age. 4th Annual ICLEA Workshop 2015. 23-26 June 2015, Słubice (Masovian Voivodeship), Poland. Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Eds. Markus J. Schwab, Achim Brauer, Dariusz Brykała, Piotr Gierszewski, Piotr Lamparski, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz. Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2015 - s. 142-143 (Scientific Technical Report; 15/05)
  • Zawisza Edyta, Zawiska Izabela, Obremska Milena, Słowiński Michał, Lutyńska Monika: How lakes become dystrophic-paleolimnological history of the Suchar IV lake (NE Poland). [w]: The 13th International Paleolimnology Symposium, August 4-7, 2015 Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China. Abstract book. Lanzhou: Lanzhou University, 2015 - s. 95-96.
  • Buras Allan, Thees Barnim, Czymzik Markus, Dräger Nadine, Kienel Ulrike, Neugebauer Ina, Ott Florian, Scharnweber Tobias, Simard Sonia, Słowiński Michał, Słowińska Sandra, Tecklenburg Christina, Zawiska Izabela, Wilmking Martin: SINOMA - a better tool for proxy based reconstructions?. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU General Assembly 2014. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2014 - 1 s.
  • Buras Allan, Thees Barnim, Czymzik Markus, Dräger Nadine, Kienel Ulrike, Neugebauer Ina, Ott Florian, Scharnweber Tobias, Simard Sonia, Słowiński Michał, Słowiński Sandra, Tecklenburg Christina, Zawiska Izabela, Wilmking Martin: SINOMA – a better tool for proxy based reconstructions?. [w]: 3rd Annual ICLEA Workshop 2014: Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Eds. M. J. Schwab, M. Theuerkauf, A. Brauer, M. Wilmking, R. Lampe. Potsdam: Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, 2014 - s. 16 (Scientific Technical Report; 2)
  • Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim, Gierszewski Piotr, Kordowski Jarosław, Kramkowski Mateusz, Lamparski Piotr, Lorenz Sebastian, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka, Ott Florian, Słowiński Michał, Tyszkowski Sebastian: Development of fluvio-lacustrine systems within the Weichselian moraine belt as reconstructed on the middle section of the River Wda (N Poland). [w]: 3rd Annual ICLEA Workshop 2014. Dynamics of climate and landscape evolution of cultural landscape in the Northern Central European Lowlands since the last ice age. Abstracts volume & Excursion guide. March 25 - 28, 2014 in Hansestadt Greifswald, Germany. Eds. M. J. Schwab, M. Theuerkauf, A. Brauer, M. Wilmking, R. Lampe. Potsdam: Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, 2014 - s. 23 (Scientific Technical Report; 02)
  • Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Piotrowski Jan A., Brauer Achim, Gierszewski Piotr, Kordowski Jarosław, Kramkowski Mateusz, Lamparski Piotr, Lorenz Sebastian, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Ott Florian, Słowiński Michał, Tyszkowski Sebastian: Climatic and morphological controls on post-glacial lake and river valley evolution in the Weichselian belt – an example from the Wda valley, Northern Poland. [w]: 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 15-19 Dec. 2014. San Francisco: American Geophysical Union, 2014 - 1 s.
  • Chojnicki Bogdan H., Lamentowicz Mariusz, Marcisz Katarzyna, Reczuga Monika, Basińska Anna, Zielińska Małgorzata, Buttler Alexander, Mitchell Edward A.D., Słowińska Sandra, Słowiński Michał: Project Climpeat – influence of global warming and drought on the carbon sequestration and biodiversity of sphagnum peatlands. [w]: Integrating climate change experiments, data synthesis and modelling. Annual meeting and first ClimMani workshop. 12-14th November, Univeristy of Aveiro, Portugal. Aveiro: EU COST Action - ES1308, 2014 - 1 s.
  • Dietze Elisabeth, Słowiński Michał, Kienel Ulrike, Zawiska Izabela, Brauer Achim: Studying lake level changes with a transect of lake sediment cores from Lake Fürstenseer See, northeastern Germany. [w]: 3rd Annual ICLEA Workshop 2014: Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Eds. M. J. Schwab, M. Theuerkauf, A. Brauer, M. Wilmking, R. Lampe. Potsdam: Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, 2014 - s. 24 (Scientific Technical Report; 2)
  • Dietze Elisabeth, Słowiński Michał, Kienel Ulrike, Zawiska Izabela, Brauer Achim: Disentangling Holocene lake level changes with a transect of lake sediment cores – a case study from Lake Fürstenseer See, northeastern Germany. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU General Assembly 2014. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2014 - 1 s.
  • Dräger Nadine, Theuerkauf Martin, Hübener Thomas, Wulf Sabine, Słowiński Michał, Dulski Peter, Kienel Ulrike, Szeroczynska Krystyna, Schedel Robert, Ott Florian, Lorenz Sebastian, Brauer Achim: Disentangling climate and human influences on varve preservation in a 1200‐year lake record from Lake Tiefer See (NE Germany) – A multi‐proxy approach. [w]: 3rd Annual ICLEA Workshop 2014: Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide. Eds. M. J. Schwab, M. Theuerkauf, A. Brauer, M. Wilmking, R. Lampe. Potsdam: Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, 2014 - s. 25 (Scientific Technical Report; 2) (Abstracts volume & Excursion guide.; )
  • Dräger Nadine, Wulf Sabine, Kienel Ulrike, Dulski Peter, Ott Florian, Słowiński Michał, Theuerkauf Martin, Brauer Achim: High-resolution microfacies analysis and tephrochronology of varved sediments from Lake Tiefer See (NE Germany). [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU General Assembly 2014. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2014 - 1 s.
  • Kordowski Jarosław, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Kramkowski Mateusz, Słowiński Michał, Tyszkowski Sebastian: Origin of the Chechowskie Lake in the light of sedimentological analyses in glacifluvial, glacilimnic, colluvial and limnic sediments in its vicinity. [w]: 3rd Annual ICLEA Workshop 2014. Dynamics of climate and landscape evolution of cultural landscape in the Northern Central European Lowlands since the last ice age. Abstracts volume & Excursion guide. March 25 - 28, 2014 in Hansestadt Greifswald, Germany. Eds. M. J. Schwab, M. Theuerkauf, A. Brauer, M. Wilmking, R. Lampe. Potsdam: Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, 2014 - s. 27 (Scientific Technical Report; 02)
  • Kordowski Jarosław, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Kramkowski Mateusz, Słowiński Michał, Tyszkowski Sebastian, Brauer Achim, Ott Florian: Morphogenesis of the Czechowskie Lake as inferred from the sedimentological analysis of limnic, colluvial and glacifluvial deposits (Eastern Pomerania, North Central Poland). [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU General Assembly 2014. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2014 - 1 s.
  • Kordowski Jarosław, Słowiński Michał: Wpływ brył martwego lodu na wykształcenie osadów i rzeźby sandru Wdy w pobliżu rezerwatu "Jezioro Martwe" (Bory Tucholskie). [w]: Krajobrazy młodoglacjalne, ich morfogeneza, teraźniejszość i przyszłość. X Zjazd Geomorfologów Polskich, Toruń, 16-19 września 2014, dedykowany prof. dr. hab. Władysławowi Niewiarowskiemu w 90. rocznicę urodzin. Streszczenia. Red. Paweł Molewski, Włodzimierz Juśkiewicz. Toruń: Wydział Nauk o Ziemi UMK, Stowarzyszenie Geomorfologów Polskich, 2014 - s. 62-63.
  • Lamentowicz Mariusz, Słowiński Michał, Marcisz Katarzyna, Kołaczek Piotr, Zielińska Malgorzata, Kaliszan Karolina, Lapshina Elena, Gilbert Daniel, Buttler Alexandre, Fialkiewicz-Koziel Barbara, Jassey Vincent, Laggoun-DÉfarge Fatima: Hydrological dynamics, fire history and carbon accumulation in the last millennium in Western Siberia reconstructed from a High Resolution Ombrotrophic Peat Archive. [w]: 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 15-19 Dec. 2014. San Francisco: American Geophysical Union, 2014 - 1 s.
  • Marcisz Katarzyna, Słowińska Sandra, Lamentowicz Łukasz, Słowiński Michał, Lamentowicz Mariusz: Microbes, soil and light: what drives testate amoeba communities in Sphagnum?. [w]: Assessing the soil biodiversity and its role to ecosystem services. The First Global Soil Biodiversity Conference. Palais de Congres, Dijon, France, 2-5 December 2014. Dijon: [b.w.], 2014 - 1 s.
  • Marcisz Katarzyna, Słowińska Sandra, Lamentowicz Łukasz, Słowiński Michał, Mitchell Edward A. D., Lamentowicz Mariusz: Seasonal patterns of testate amoebae abundance - what influences testate amoeba communities in Sphagnum peatlands?. [w]: 7th International Symposium on Testate Amoebae, 8 to 12 September 2014, Poznań, Poland. Program and abstracts. Ed. Katarzyna Marcisz. Poznań: [b.w.], 2014 - s. 74.
  • Marcisz Katarzyna, Tinner Willy, Colombaroli Daniele, Kołaczek Piotr, Słowiński Michał, Fiałkiewicz-Kozieł Barbara, Lamentowicz Mariusz: How do climate and human impact affect Sphagnum peatlands under oceanic-continental climatic conditions? 2000 years of fire and hydrological history of a bog in Northern Poland. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU General Assembly 2014. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2014 - 1 s.
  • Marcisz Katarzyna, Tinner Willy, Colombaroli Daniele, Kołaczek Piotr, Słowiński Michał, Fiałkiewicz-Kozieł Barbara, Lamentowicz Mariusz: How do Sphagnum peatland testate amoebae respond to drought episodes? A 2000 years record of hydrological change and fire history in northern Poland. [w]: 7th International Symposium on Testate Amoebae, 8 to 12 September 2014, Poznań, Poland. Program and abstracts. Ed. Katarzyna Marcisz. Poznań: [b.w.], 2014 - s. 32.
  • Michczyńska Danuta J., Borówka Ryszard K., Okupny Daniel, Obremska Milena, Forysiak Jacek, Pawłowski Dominik, Płóciennik Mateusz, Słowiński Michał, Żurek Sławomir, Brooks Steve J., Michczyński Adam, Witkowski Andrzej: The environment changes and chronology of the Late Vistulian (Weichselian) and Early Holocene sediments in the Rąbień mire, Central Poland. [w]: INTIMATE Open Workshop and COST Action ES0907 Final Event, Zaragoza, 15th - 21st June 2014. Abstract Volume and Programme. Zaragoza: [b.w.], 2014 - 1 s.
  • Mulot Matthieu, Kroll Lauren, Marcisz Katarzyna, Villard André, Lamentowicz Mariusz, Słowińska Sandra, Słowiński Michał, Mitchell Edward A. D.: Observational and experimental evidence for phenotypic plasticity in the testate amoeba Hyalosphenia papilio in response to water table depth. [w]: 7th International Symposium on Testate Amoebae, 8 to 12 September 2014, Poznań, Poland. Program and abstracts. Ed. Katarzyna Marcisz. Poznań: [b.w.], 2014 - s. 76.
  • Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka, Kramkowski Mateusz, Słowiński Michał, Zawiska Izabela, Lutyńska Monika, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: The impact of climate and local envioronmental conditions on vegetation pattern in the Czechowskie Lake catchment (Northern Tuchola Pinewoods) during the Younger Dryas. [w]: 3rd Annual ICLEA Workshop 2014. Dynamics of climate and landscape evolution of cultural landscape in the Northern Central European Lowlands since the last ice age. Abstracts volume & Excursion guide. March 25 - 28, 2014 in Hansestadt Greifswald, Germany. Eds. M. J. Schwab, M. Theuerkauf, A. Brauer, M. Wilmking, R. Lampe. Potsdam: Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, 2014 - s. 29-30 (Scientific Technical Report; 02)
  • Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Kramkowski Mateusz, Słowiński Michał, Zawiska Izabela, Lutyńska Monika, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: The impact of climate and environmental processes on vegetation pattern in the Czechowskie lake catchment Czechowo Region (Northern Tuchola Pinewoods) during the Younger Dryas cooling. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU General Assembly 2014. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2014 - 1 s.
  • Obremska Milena, Ott Florian, Słowiński Michał, Lutyńska Monika, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: The human activity during the last two millenia in Tuchola Pinewoods (northern Poland). [w]: 3rd Annual ICLEA Workshop 2014. Dynamics of climate and landscape evolution of cultural landscape in the Northern Central European Lowlands since the last ice age. Abstracts volume & Excursion guide. March 25 - 28, 2014 in Hansestadt Greifswald, Germany. Eds. M. J. Schwab, M. Theuerkauf, A. Brauer, M. Wilmking, R. Lampe. Potsdam: Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, 2014 - s. 32 (Scientific Technical Report; 02)
  • Obremska Milena, Ott Florian, Słowiński Michał, Lutyńska Monika, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: 2000 years of human activity in Tuchola Pinewoods (northern Poland). [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU General Assembly 2014. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2014 - 1 s.
  • Ott Florian, Brauer Achim, Słowiński Michał, Dulski Peter, Wulf Sabine, Hoelzmann Philipp, Obremska Milena, Lutyńska Monika, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław: Constructing a precise and robust chronology for the varved sediment record of Lake Czechowskie (Poland) - an example for the last 1000 years. [w]: 3rd Annual ICLEA Workshop 2014. Dynamics of climate and landscape evolution of cultural landscape in the Northern Central European Lowlands since the last ice age. Abstracts volume & Excursion guide. March 25 - 28, 2014 in Hansestadt Greifswald, Germany. Eds. M. J. Schwab, M. Theuerkauf, A. Brauer, M. Wilmking, R. Lampe. Potsdam: Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, 2014 - s. 33 (Scientific Technical Report; 02)
  • Ott Florian, Brauer Achim, Słowiński Michał, Wulf Sabine, Putyrskaya Victoria, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław: Constructing a precise and robust chronology for the varved sediment record of Lake Czechowskie (Poland). [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU General Assembly 2014. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2014 - 1 s.
  • Reczuga Monika, Jassey Vincent E.J., Mitchell Edward A.D., Buttler Alexandre, Lamentowicz Łukasz, Słowiński Michał, Lamentowicz Mariusz: Influence of experimental water table changes on testate amoebae communities in Sphagnum peatland. [w]: 7th International Symposium on Testate Amoebae, 8 to 12 September 2014, Poznań, Poland. Program and abstracts. Ed. Katarzyna Marcisz. Poznań: [b.w.], 2014 - s. 23.
  • Słowińska Sandra, Słowiński Michał, Marcisz Katarzyna, Lamentowicz Łukasz, Lamentowicz Mariusz: How hydrology and vegetation modify microclimate of a Sphagnum peatland?. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU General Assembly 2014. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2014 - 1 s.
  • Słowińska Sandra, Słowiński Michał, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Lamentowicz Mariusz, Kołaczek Piotr: Sphagnum peatlands as a unique habitat for the long-term survival of glacial relicts: a case study of Betula nana. [w]: 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 15-19 Dec. 2014. San Francisco: American Geophysical Union, 2014 - 1 s.
  • Słowiński Michał, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim, Noryśkiewicz Bożena, Ott Florian, Tyszkowski Sebastian: The role of dead ice melting on landscape transformation in the Lateglacial and early Holocene in Tuchola Pinewoods, North Poland. [w]: 3rd Annual ICLEA Workshop 2014. Dynamics of climate and landscape evolution of cultural landscape in the Northern Central European Lowlands since the last ice age. Abstracts volume & Excursion guide. March 25 - 28, 2014 in Hansestadt Greifswald, Germany. Eds. M. J. Schwab, M. Theuerkauf, A. Brauer, M. Wilmking, R. Lampe. Potsdam: Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, 2014 - s. 50 (Scientific Technical Report; 02)
  • Słowiński Michał, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim, Noryśkiewicz Bożena, Ott Florian, Tyszkowski Sebastian: Landscape transformation under influence of melting buried ice blocks (North Poland). [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU General Assembly 2014. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2014 - 1 s.
  • Słowiński Michał, Zawiska Izabela, Ott Florian, Noryskiewicz Agnieszka M., Plessen Birgit, Apolinarska Karina, Lutyńska Monika, Michczyńska Danuta J., Wulf Sabine, Skubała Piotr, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Late Allerød climatic fluctuation reconstructed from Trzechowskie paleolake sediment. [w]: 3rd Annual ICLEA Workshop 2014. Dynamics of climate and landscape evolution of cultural landscape in the Northern Central European Lowlands since the last ice age. Abstracts volume & Excursion guide. March 25 - 28, 2014 in Hansestadt Greifswald, Germany. Eds. M. J. Schwab, M. Theuerkauf, A. Brauer, M. Wilmking, R. Lampe. 2014 - s. 35 (Scientific Technical Report; 02)
  • Słowiński Michał, Zawiska Izabela, Ott Florian, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Plessen Birgit, Apolinarska Karina, Lutyńska Monika, Michczyńska Danuta J., Wulf Sabine, Skubała Piotr, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Lake system response to late Allerød climate change and transition into the Younger Dryas - recorded in lake sediments from Central Europe, Northern Poland. [w]: INTIMATE Open Workshop and COST Action ES0907 Final Event, Zaragoza, 15th - 21st June 2014. Abstract Volume and Programme. Zaragoza: [b.w.], 2014 - 1 s.
  • Słowiński Michał, Zawiska Izabela, Ott Florian, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Plessen Birgit, Apolinarska Karina, Lutyńska Monika, Michczyńska Danuta J., Wulf Sabine, Skubała Piotr, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Lake ecosystem response to late Allerød climatic fluctuation (northern Poland). [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU General Assembly 2014. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2014 - 1 s.
  • Słowiński Michał, Zawiska Izabela, Ott Florian, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Plessen Birgit, Apolinarska Karina, Lutyńska Monika, Michczyńska Danuta J., Wulf Sabine, Skubała Piotr, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Lead and lags of lake system responses to Late Allerød and Early Younger Dryas climatic fluctuation – an example from varved lake sediments from Northern Poland (Central Europe). [w]: 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 15-19 Dec. 2014. San Francisco: American Geophysical Union, 2014 - 1 s.
  • Wulf Sabine, Dräger Nadine, Theuerkauf Martin, Ott Florian, Serb Johanna, Słowiński Michał, Dietze Elisabeth, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Tephra dating and synchronisation of high-resolution lake sequences from NE Germany. [w]: 3rd Annual ICLEA Workshop 2014. Dynamics of climate and landscape evolution of cultural landscape in the Northern Central European Lowlands since the last ice age. Abstracts volume & Excursion guide. March 25 - 28, 2014 in Hansestadt Greifswald, Germany. Eds. M. J. Schwab, M. Theuerkauf, A. Brauer, M. Wilmking, R. Lampe. Potsdam: Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, 2014 - s. 39 (Scientific Technical Report; 02)
  • Zawiska Izabela, Lorenz Sebastian, Börner Andreas, Niessner Dominique, Słowiński Michał, Theuerkauf Martin, Pieper Hagen, Lampe Reinhard: Late-glacial to Early Holocene lake basin and river valley formation within Pomeranian moraine belt near Dobbertin (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, NE Germany). [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU General Assembly 2014. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2014 - 1 s.
  • Zawiska Izabela, Słowiński Michał, Correa-Metrio Alex, Obremska Milena, Luoto Tomi, Nevalainen Liisa, Woszczyk Michał, Milecka Krystyna: Ecosystem responses during Late Glacial period recorded in the sediments of Lake Łukie (East Poland). [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU General Assembly 2014. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2014 - 1 s.
  • Zawisza Edyta, Zawiska Izabela, Obremska Milena, Słowiński Michał, Lutyńska Monika: Czy wigierskie suchary zawsze były dystroficzne?. [w]: Dynamika lądolodów plejstoceńskich na obszarze Sokólszczyzny i Równiny Augustowskiej. XXI Konferencja Stratygrafia Plejstocenu Polski, Augustów, 1-5.09.2014 r. Red. Katarzyna Pochocka-Szwarc. Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny - PIB, 2014 - s. 94-95.
  • Zielińska Małgorzata, Lamentowicz Mariusz, Marcisz Katarzyna, Laggoun-DÉfarge Fatima, Buttler Alexandre, Słowiński Michał, Lapshina Elena, Gilbert Daniel: Ecology of testate amoebae and development of a new transfer function in a mire from Western Siberia. [w]: 7th International Symposium on Testate Amoebae, 8 to 12 September 2014, Poznań, Poland. Program and abstracts. Ed. Katarzyna Marcisz. Poznań: [b.w.], 2014 - s. 89.
  • Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim, Kordowski Jarosław, Kramkowski Mateusz, Ott Florian, Słowiński Michał: Morfologiczny i litologiczny zapis zmienności poziomu wody Jeziora Czechowskiego – Pojezierze Starogardzkie. [w]: Plejstocen przedpola Sudetów Środkowych. XX Konferencja "Stratygrafia Plejstocenu Polski", Lasocin, 2-6.09.2013. Materiały. Warszawa: PIG - PIB, 2013 - s. 100.
  • Marcisz Katarzyna, Lamentowicz Łukasz, Słowińska Sandra, Słowiński Michał, Muszak Witold, Lamentowicz Mariusz: Seasonal variability of peatland testate amoebae communities in relation to air temperature and hydrology. [w]: 2nd Young Scientists Conference World Water Day, March 21-22, 2013, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland. Book of abstracts. Poznań: Adam Mickiewicz University, 2013 - s. 117.
  • Neumann Małgorzata, Lamentowicz Mariusz, Buttler Alexandre, Słowińska Sandra, Słowiński Michał: Vegetation response to hydrological and temperature manipulations on sphagnum bog – an introduction to the field experiment. [w]: 2nd Young Scientists Conference World Water Day, March 21-22, 2013, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland. Book of abstracts. Poznań: Adam Mickiewicz University, 2013 - s. 127.
  • Neumann Małgorzata, Lamentowicz Mariusz, Słowiński Michał, Laggoun-DÉfarge Fatima, Buttler Alexandre, Lapshina Elena: Ecology and diversity of testate amoebae (protists) in Pristine peatlands of Western Siberia. [w]: 2nd Young Scientists Conference World Water Day, March 21-22, 2013, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland. Book of abstracts. Poznań: Adam Mickiewicz University, 2013 - s. 129.
  • Ott Florian, Brauer Achim, Słowiński Michał, Dulski Peter, Plessen Birgit, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław: Holocene and Late Glacial varved sediments from Czechowskie Lake (Poland). [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU General Assembly 2013. Vienna: EGU, 2013 - 1 s.
  • Ott Florian, Brauer Achim, Słowiński Michał, Dulski Peter, Plessen Birgit, Wulf Sabine, Obremska Milena, Lutyńska Monika, Noryśkiewicz Bożena, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław: Holocene and Late Glacial chronology for the varved sediments from Lake Czechowskie (Poland). [w]: 2nd Annual ICLEA Workshop 2013: Dynamics of climate and landscape evolution of cultural landscapes in the Northern Central European Lowlands since the last ice age. Abstract volume & Excursion guide. Eds. M. Schwab, P. Lamparski, A. Brauer, M. Błaszkiewicz. Potsdam: Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum, 2013 - 1 s. (Scientific Technical Report; 04)
  • Ott Florian, Słowiński Michał, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim, Noryśkiewicz Bozena, Tyszkowski Sebastian: Environmental impact of melting buried ice blocks (North Poland). [w]: 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 9-13 Dec. 2013. San Francisco: American Geophysical Union, 2013 - 1 s.
  • Reczuga Monika, Marcisz Katarzyna, Mitchell Edward A., Buttler Alexandre, Jassey Vincent E. J., Neumann Małgorzata, Lamentowicz Łukasz, Słowińska Sandra, Słowiński Michał, Lamentowicz Mariusz: Influence of experimental temperature increase and depth of the water table on microbial communities in Linje mire. [w]: 2nd Young Scientists Conference World Water Day, March 21-22, 2013, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland. Book of abstracts. Poznań: Adam Mickiewicz University, 2013 - s. 140.
  • Słowinska Sandra, Marcisz Katarzyna, Słowiński Michał, Lamentowicz Mariusz, Lamentowicz Łukasz, Mitchell Edward A.: Response of peatland ecosystem to climatic changes in Central-Eastern Europe: a long-term ecological approach. [w]: 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 9-13 Dec. 2013. San Francisco: American Geophysical Union, 2013 - 1s.
  • Słowińska Sandra, Słowiński Michał, Lamentowicz Mariusz, Lamentowicz Łukasz, Marcisz Katarzyna, Mitchell Edward A.D., Neumann Małgorzata: Microclimate and hydrology of a Sphagnum mire. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU General Assembly 2013. Vienna: EGU, 2013 - 1 s.
  • Słowiński Michał, Zawiska Izabela, Ott Florian, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Apolinarska Karina, Lutyńska Monika, Michczyńska Danuta J., Brauer Achim, Wulf Sabine, Skubała Piotr, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław: Lake ecosystem response to rapid climate changes as recorded in lateglacial lake sediments from northern Poland. [w]: Workshop on Terrestrial Records from Eastern Europe March, 6-9, 2013, Cluj Napoca, Romania;. Red. Aurel Persoiu. Cluj Napoca: Ştefan cel Mare University, Suceava Faculty of Environmental Science, Babeş-Bolyai University, 2013 - 1 s.
  • Słowiński Michał, Zawiska Izabela, Ott Florian, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Apolinarska Karina, Lutyńska Monika, Michczyńska Danuta J., Brauer Achim, Wulf Sabine, Skubała Piotr, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław: Abrupt climate-triggered lake ecosystem changes recorded in late glacial lake sediments in northern Poland. [w]: 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 9-13 Dec. 2013. San Francisco: American Geophysical Union, 2013 - 1 s.
  • Słowiński Michał, Zawiska Izabela, Ott Florian, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Apolinarska Karina, Lutyńska Monika, Michczyńska Danuta J., Brauer Achim, Wulf Sabine, Skubała Piotr, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław: Lake ecosystem response to rapid climate changes during lateglacial and early Holocene recorded in lake sediments (northern Poland). [w]: 2nd Annual ICLEA Workshop 2013: Dynamics of climate and landscape evolution of cultural landscapes in the Northern Central European Lowlands since the last ice age. Abstract volume & Excursion guide;. Eds. M. Schwab, P. Lamparski, A. Brauer, M. Błaszkiewicz. Potsdam: Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum, 2013 - 1 s. (Scientific Technical Report; 04)
  • Słowiński Michał, Zawiska Izabela, Ott Florian, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Apolinarska Karina, Lutyńska Monika, Michczyńska Danuta J., Brauer Achim, Wulf Sabine, Skubała Piotr, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław: Lake ecosystem response to rapid lateglacial climate changes in lake sediments from northern Poland. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU General Assembly 2013. Vienna: EGU, 2013 - 1 s.
  • Słowiński Michał, Zawiska Izabela, Ott Florian, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Apolinarska Karina, Lutyńska Monika, Michczyńska Danuta J., Wulf Sabine, Skubała Piotr, Brauer Achim, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław: Lake ecosystem response to rapid climate changes as recorded in Late Glacial lake sediments from central-northern Poland. [w]: INTIMATE 2013, Blair Atholl, Scotland. Blair Atholl: INTIMATE, 2013 - 1 s.
  • Wulf Sabine, Ott Florian, Słowiński Michał, Dräger Nadine, Dulaski Peter, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Neugebauer Ina, Martin-Puertas Celia, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Tephrochronological linking of lake sediment sequences from Germany and northern Poland. [w]: 2nd Annual ICLEA Workshop 2013: Dynamics of climate and landscape evolution of cultural landscapes in the Northern Central European Lowlands since the last ice age. Abstract volume & Excursion guide. Eds. M. Schwab, P. Lamparski, A. Brauer, M. Błaszkiewicz. Potsdam: Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum, 2013 - 1 s. (Scientific Technical Report; 04)
  • Zawiska Izabela, Słowiński Michał, Obremska Milena, Woszczyk Michał, Milecka Krystyna: Direct and indirect climate impact on the lake ecosystem during Late Glacial period. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU General Assembly 2013. Vienna: EGU, 2013 - 1 s.
  • Zawiska Izabela, Zawisza Edyta, Woszczyk Michał, Szeroczyńska Krystyna, Spychalski Waldemar, Correa-Metrio Alexander: Lake trophy changes in dystrophic lakes (Wigierski National Park, Poland) recorded in sediment cores. [w]: Paleoecological reconstructions - lacustrine, peat and cave sediments. Eds. Krystyna Szeroczyńska, Joanna Mirosław-Grabowska, Edyta Zawisza, Joanna Stańczak, Elżbieta Kowalczyk. Warszawa: Instytut Nauk Geologicznych PAN, 2013 - s. 44.
  • Lamentowicz Mariusz, Buttler Alexandre, Mitchell Edward A.D., Chojnicki Bogdan, Słowińska Sandra, Słowiński Michał: Influence of global warming and drought on carbon sequestration and biodiversity of Sphagnum peatlands – present, past and future perspectives (CLIMPEAT PROJECT). [w]: Bioclimate 2012, "Bioclimatology of Ecosystems", International Scientific Conference, August 29th-31st 2012, Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic. Conference Proceedings. Eds. V. Kožnarová, S. Sulovská, L. Hájková. Usti nad Labem: Ceska bioklimatologicka spolecnost, 2012 - s. 58-59.
  • Lamentowicz Mariusz, Buttler Alexandre, Mitchell Edward A.D., Chojnicki Bogdan, Słowińska Sandra, Słowiński Michał: Project CLIMPEAT - Influence of global warming and drought on the carbon sequestration and biodiversity of Sphagnum peatlands. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 14, EGU General Assembly 2012. Vienna: 2012 - 1 s.
  • Ott Florian, Brademann Brian, Słowiński Michał, Dulski Peter, Plesssen Birgit, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Seasonal sub-layer variations of a varved record from the Czechowskie Lake, Poland. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 14, EGU General Assembly 2012. Vienna: 2012 - 1 s.
  • Reczuga Monika, Marcisz Katarzyna, Mitchell Edward A.D., Buttler Alexandre, Jassey Vincent E.J., Neumann Małgorzata, Lamentowicz Łukasz, Słowińska Sandra, Słowiński Michał, Lamentowicz Mariusz: Testate amoebae biodiversity and biomass in the Linje mire in relation to climate change. [w]: 6th International Symposium on Testate Amoebae, Xiamen, China, 15-18 October 2012. Program and abstracts. Eds. Jun Yang, Satoshi Shimano. Xiamen: National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2012 - s. 60.
  • Słowińska Sandra, Błażejczyk Krzysztof, Słowiński Michał, Lamentowicz Mariusz: Microclimatic conditions of Sphagnum peatland in northern Poland and their possible changes in 21st century. [w]: Bioclimate 2012, "Bioclimatology of Ecosystems", International Scientific Conference, August 29th-31st 2012, Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic. Conference Proceedings. Eds. V. Kožnarová, S. Sulovská, L. Hájková. Usti nad Labem: Ceska bioklimatologicka spolecnost, 2012 - s. 106-107.
  • Słowińska Sandra, Słowiński Michał, Lamentowicz Mariusz, Grzegorz Skrzypek: Ecohydrology of a Sphagnum peatland in transitional climate – an interdysciplinary study. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 14, EGU General Assembly 2012. Vienna: 2012 - 1 s.
  • Słowiński Michał, Zawiska Izabela, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka, Apolinarska Karina, Lutyńska Monika, Skubała Piotr, Ott Florian, Wulf Sabina, Brauer Achim: Climate impact on the Trzechowskie paleolake ecosystem during the Late Glacial and early Holocene in the light of multiproxy analysis. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 14, EGU General Assembly 2012. Vienna: 2012 - 1 s.
  • Słowiński Michał, Zawiska Izabela, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka, Apolinarska Karina, Lutyńska Monika, Skubała Piotr, Ott Florian, Wulf Sabina, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Local environmental response of climate change in the Trzechowskie paleolake in northern Poland, during the Late Glacial and early Holocene. [w]: Advancing the science of palaeolimnology. 12th International Paleolimnology Symposium, Glasgow SECC 21-24 August 2012. Book of Abstracts. Glasgow: International Paleolimnology Association, 2012 - s. 188.
  • Zawiska Izabela, Słowiński Michał, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka, Apolinarska Karina, Lutyńska Monika, Woszczyk Michał, Skubała Piotr, Obrembska Milena: Lake environment changes as a response to variable climate condition in Preboreal period. [w]: Advancing the science of palaeolimnology. 12th International Paleolimnology Symposium, Glasgow SECC 21-24 August 2012. Book of Abstracts. Glasgow: International Palaeolimnology Association, 2012 - s. 189.
  • Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Słowiński Michał, Bauer Achim, Ott Florian: Analizy multiproxy rocznie laminowanych osadów jeziornych Jeziora Czechowskiego - informacja wstępna. [w]: Georóżnorodność rzeźby Polski. IX Zjazd Geomorfologów Polskich, Poznań, 20-22 września 2011. Streszczenia. Red. Małgorzata Mazurek, Marek Ewertowski. Poznań: Bogucki Wydaw. Nauk., 2011 - s. 19-20.
  • Ott Florian, Brademann Brian, Słowiński Michał, Dulski Peter, Plessen Birgit, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: First results of the varved sediment record from Lake Czechowskie. [w]: Zmiany paleoklimatyczne w przeszłości geologicznej. Konferencja naukowa, Warszawa, 23-24 listopada 2011. Referaty i postery. Warszawa: PIG-PIB, 2011 - s. 28.
  • Ott Florian, Brademann Brian, Słowiński Michał, Dulski Peter, Plessen Birgit, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: First results of the varved sediment record from Lake Czechowskie. [w]: Rozwój i zanik lądolodu fazy pomorskiej zlodowacenia wisły na Pomorzu Wschodnim (Kociewie). XVIII Konferencja Naukowo-Szkoleniowa Stratygrafia plejstocenu Polski, Stara Kiszewa, 5-9.09.2011. Red. nauk. Jarosław Kordowski, Piotr Lamparski, Katarzyna Pochocka-Szwarc. Warszawa: PIG-PIB, 2011 - s. 82.
  • Słowińska Sandra, Słowiński Michał, Lamentowicz Mariusz: Interaction between hydrology, microclimate and biotic factors in small Sphagnum mire in northern Poland. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts 13. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 03-08 April 2011. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2011 - 1 s.
  • Słowiński Michał, Zawiska Izabela, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka M., Apolinarska Karina, Lutyńska Monika: Macrophyte vegetation development in paleolake Czechowskie (northern Poland), during tha late glacial and early-Holocene. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts 13. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 03-08 April 2011. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2011 - 1 s.
  • Zawiska Izabela, Obremska Milena, Słowiński Michał, Woszczyk Michał: Zmiany środowiska przyrodniczego w późnym glacjale w otoczeniu Jeziora Łukie (Polesie Lubelskie) na podstawie wyników wybranych analiz paleolimnologicznych. [w]: Rozwój i zanik lądolodu fazy pomorskiej zlodowacenia wisły na Pomorzu Wschodnim (Kociewie). XVIII Konferencja Naukowo-Szkoleniowa Stratygrafia plejstocenu Polski, Stara Kiszewa, 5-9.09.2011. Red. nauk. Jarosław Kordowski, Piotr Lamparski, Katarzyna Pochocka-Szwarc. Warszawa: PIG-PIB, 2011 - s. 120-121.
  • Zawiska Izabela, Szeroczyńska Krystyna, Zawisza Edyta: Subfossil Cladocera succession in dystrophic lakes (NE, Poland). [w]: IXth International Symposium on Cladocera, October 2 - 8, 2011, Verbania, Italy. Verbania: [b.w.], 2011 - s. 43.
  • Zawiska Izabela, Słowiński Michał, Obremska Milena, Milecka Krystyna, Woszczyk Michał, Apolinarska Karina: Reconstruction of environmental changes in Late Glacial and Holocene in the vicinity of Lake Lukie (SE Poland) using multiproxy analysis. [w]: 5th International Limnogeological Congress, August 31st - September 3rd 2011, Konstanz, Germany. Programme and abstracts volume. Braunschweig: Institut fuer Umweltgeologie Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, 2011 - s. 85.
  • Ott Florian, Brademann Brian, Dulski Peter, Słowiński Michał, Błaszkiewicz Mirosław, Brauer Achim: Microfacies analyses of varved lake sediments from Lake Czechowskie (Poland): first results from the last 1.500 year interval. [w]: Gletscher, Wasser, Mensch - quartaerer Landschaftswandel im peribaltischer Raum. 35. Hauptversammlung der Deutschen Quartaervereinigung DEUQUA E.V. 12th Annual Meeting of the INQUA Peribaltic Working Group., 13.-17. September 2010 in Greifswald. Tagungsunterlagen. Greifswald: Lehrstuhl Physiche Geographie. Institut fuer Geographie und Geologie. Universitaet Greifswald, 2010 - s. 139.
  • Słowiński Michał, Noryśkiewicz Agnieszka, Apolinarska Karina, Lutyńska Monika, Krajewska Izabela, Woszczyk Michał: Zapis zmian klimatu oraz środowiska w późnym glacjale i wczesnym holocenie - torfowisko Czechowskie i Borzechowskie (Bory Tucholskie). [w]: Badania interdyscyplinarne - przeszłość, teraźniejszość, przyszłość nauk przyrodniczych. Konferencja naukowa, 15-16.04.2010 Golejów koło Staszowa. Red. Małgorzata Ludwikowska-Kędzia, Artur Zieliński. Kielce: Instytut Geografii Akademii Świętokrzyskiej, 2010 - s. 99.
  • Słowiński Michał, Słowińska Sandra, Lamentowicz Mariusz: Torfowisko Linje - jako obiekt badań interdyscyplinarnych. [w]: Badania interdyscyplinarne - przeszłość, teraźniejszość, przyszłość nauk przyrodniczych. Konferencja naukowa, 15-16.04.2010 Golejów koło Staszowa. Red. Małgorzata Ludwikowska-Kędzia, Artur Zieliński. Kielce: Instytut Geografii Akademii Świętokrzyskiej, 2010 - s. 100-101.
  • Brykała Dariusz, Gierszewski Piotr, Kaczmarek Halina, Kordowski Jarosław, Słowiński Michał, Bartczak Arkadiusz, Khak Viktoria: Uwarunkowania i zmienność depozycji osadów dennych w zbiorniku Soczewka (Kotlina Płocka) w warunkach antropopresji. [w]: Konferencja Geomorfologów Polskich nt. "Metody badań w geomorfologii", Kielce, 28-30.09.2009 r. Red. Tomasz Kalicki, Jacek B. Szmańda, Krzysztof Zawada. Kielce: Instytut Geografii Uniwersytetu Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczego Jana Kochanowskiego, 2009 - s. 21-23.
  • Kaczmarek Halina, Khak Viktoria, Mazaeva Oksana, Słowiński Michał, Bartczak Arkadiusz, Brykała Dariusz, Rybchenko Artiom: Warunki rozwoju i dynamika dolinek erozyjnych w strefie brzegowej Zbiornika Brackiego (rz. Angara). [w]: Konferencja Geomorfologów Polskich nt. "Metody badań w geomorfologii", Kielce, 28-30.09.2009 r. Red. Tomasz Kalicki, Jacek B. Szmańda, Krzysztof Zawada. Kielce: Instytut Geografii Uniwersytetu Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczego Jana Kochanowskiego, 2009 - s. 82-85.

Documentation studies

  • Słowiński Michał: Kurs "Introduction to Plant Macrofossil Analysis", Londyn, 23-27 II 2009 r. - Przegl. Geogr. 2009, 81, z.3 - s. 437-438.