![]() |
- 1986 – PhD in geographical sciences (doctoral dissertation entitled Measurement of migration in modeling of changes in population distribution and composition)
- 1972-1977 – Master degree studies: University of Warsaw, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics
Academic career and degrees
Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization
- 2003 – habilitation (post-doctoral) degree (post-doctoral dissertation entitled Modeling of changes dynamics in the context of ever-growing significance of international migrations)
- School of Geography, University of Leeds (1991-2003)
- Central European Forum for Migration and Population Research (since 2002)
Research interests
- Population geography
- Demography
Awards and distinctions
- 2003 – Award granted by the 1st Department Polish Academy of Sciences
- 1995-1996 - Nuffield Foundation Social Science Research Fellowship
- 1988 – Jan Olaf Chmielowski Award (Polish Academy of Sciences)
Positions held and membership
Other activities
Ministerial projects
External projects
Books, reports | Articles, chapters, papers and others | Editorial publications | Abstracts, reviews, notes | Documentation studies | Maps, atlases
Books, reports
- Coey C., Kupiszewska D., Kupiszewski M., 2014, Mapping the Population, Careers, Mobilities and Impacts of Advanced Degree Graduates in the Social Sciences and Humainities (POCARIM) Policy Report 10. The internationalisation of careers in the social sciences and humanities, University of Salford, Salford, 38 s.
- Kupiszewska D., Kupiszewski M., 2014, Data collection and estimation for the MIGRUS project. Technical Paper, IOM, Warszawa, 55 s.
- Kupiszewska D., Kupiszewski M., 2014, Demographic trends and scenarios. Teritorial Scenarios and Visions for Europe (ET2050). Draft final report, February 2014, ESPON, Luxembourg, 50 s.
- Kupiszewski M., Kupiszewska D., 2014, Assumptions for the simulations of the population of the Russian Federation by ethnicity, IOM, Warszawa, 35 s.
- Kupiszewski M., Kupiszewska D., 2014, Simulations of the population of the Russian Federation by ethnicity – a demographic perspective, IOM, Warszawa, 22 s.
- Ulied A., Kupiszewski M., 2014, Making Europe open and polycentric. Visions and scenarios of the European territory towards 2050, ESPON, MCRIT, Luxembourg, 23 s.
- Kupiszewska D., Kupiszewski M., Kicinger A., Ackers L., Coey C., 2013, Mapping the population, careers, mobilities and impacts of advanced research degree graduates in the social sciences and humanities (POCARIM). Work Package 4: Survey, 90 s.
- Kupiszewski M., Kupiszewska D., Nikitovic V., 2012, Uticaj demografskih i migracionih tokova na Srbiju, Mezdunarodna organizacija za migracije - Misija u Srbiji, Beograd, 110 s.
- Kupiszewski M., Kupiszewska D., Nikitovic V., 2012, The impact of demographic and migration flows on Serbia, International Organization for Migration - Mission to Serbia, Belgrade, 109 s.
- Piekut A., Rees P., Valentine G., Kupiszewski M., 2011, The tale of two cities: diversity in Leeds and Warsaw, Working Paper, 11/01, School of Geography, University of Leeds, Leeds, X+130 s.
- Kupiszewski M., Kicinger A., Kupiszewska D., Flinterman F., Kupiszewski M., 2009, Labour migration patterns, policies and migration propensity in the Western Balkans, International Organization for Migration. Regional Mission for Central and South Europe, Budapest, 155 s.
- Bijak J., Kicinger A., Kupiszewski M., Śleszyński P., 2007, Studium metodologiczne oszacowania rzeczywistej liczby ludności Warszawy, CEFMR Working Paper, 2/2007, Central European Forum for Migration Research, Warsaw, 78 s.
- Bijak J., Kupiszewski M., 2007, Population and labour force forecast for nine European countries: assumptions and results, CEFMR Working Paper, 4/2007, Central European Forum for Migration Research, Warsaw, 25 s.
- Kupiszewski M., Bijak J., Nowok B., 2006, Impact of future demographic trends in Europe, CEFMR Working Paper, 6/2006, Central European Forum for Migration Research, Warsaw, 74 s.
- Bijak J., Kupiszewska D., Kupiszewski M., Saczuk K., 2005, Impact of international migration on population dynamics and labour force resources in Europe, CEFMR Working Paper, 1/2005, Central European Forum for Migration Research, Warsaw, , s. 76.
- Kupiszewska D., Kupiszewski M., 2005, A revision of the traditional multiregional model to better capture international migration: the multipoles model and its application, CEFMR Working Paper, 10/2005, Central European Forum for Migration Research, Warsaw, 38 s.
- Bijak J., Kupiszewski M., Kicinger A., 2004, International migration scenarios for 27 European countries, 2002-2052, CEFMR Working Paper, 4/2004, Central European Forum for Migration Research, Warsaw, 68 s.
- Bijak J., Kupiszewski M., Nowok B., Kicinger A., 2004, Long-term international migration scenarios for the new EU member and accession countries, Central European Forum for Migration Research, Warsaw, 95 s.
- Kupiszewska D., Bijak J., Kupiszewski M., Nowok B., Saczuk K., Serek R., 2004, Annual international migration statistics, Central European Forum for Migration Research, Warsaw, 33 s.
- Kupiszewski M., 2002, Modelowanie dynamiki przemian ludności w warunkach wzrostu znaczenia migracji międzynarodowych, Prace Geograficzne, 181, PAN IGiPZ, Warszawa, 174 s.
- Kupiszewski M., Borgegard L., Fransson U., Hakansson J., Durham H., Rees P., 2001, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: Sweden case study, Working Paper, 01/01, University of Leeds, Leeds, 69 s.
- Kupiszewski M., Illeris S., Durham H., Rees P., 2001, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: Denmark case study, Working Paper, 01/02, University of Leeds, Leeds, 54 s.
- Rees P., Kupiszewski M., Eyre H., Wilson T., Durham H., 2001, The evaluation of regional population projections for the European Union. ERDF Study No. 97/00/74/018. Final report June 1999, Eurostat Working Papers, Eurostat, Luxembourg, 160 + 68 s.
- Kupiszewski M., Baccaini B., Durham H., Rees P., 2000, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: France case study, Working Paper, 00/03, [b.w.], Leeds, 63 s.
- Kupiszewski M., Heikkilae E., Nieminen M., Rees P., Kupiszewska D., 2000, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: Finland case study, Working Paper, 00/07, [b.w.], Leeds, 54 s.
- Kupiszewski M., Schuler M., Reichle M., Durham H., Rees P., 2000, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: Switzerland case study, Working Paper, 00/02, [b.w.], Leeds, 69 s.
- Rees P., Kupiszewski M., 1999, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: a synthesis, Population Studies, 32, Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg, 113 s.
- Katus K., Kupiszewski M., Rees P., Sakkeus L., Herm A., Powell D., 1998, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: Estonia case study, Working Paper, 98/14, University of Leeds, Leeds, 51 s.
- Kupiszewski M., Bucher H., Durham H., Rees P., 1998, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: German case study, Working Paper, 98/11, [b.w.], Leeds, 45 s.
- Kupiszewski M., Drbohlav D., Rees P., Durham H., 1998, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: Czech case study, Working Paper, 98/10, [b.w.], Leeds, 56 s.
- Kupiszewski M., Powell D., Rees P., Smith D., 1998, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe. Estonia case study, Council of Europe, [B.m.], 24 s.
- Rees P., Carilho M., Kupiszewski M., 1998, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe. Portugal case study, Council of Europe, [B.m.], 65 s.
- Rees P., Carrilho M., Peixoto J., Durham H., Kupiszewski M., 1998, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: Portugal case study, Working Paper, 98/13, University of Leeds, Leeds, 51 s.
- Rees P., Imhoff E., Durham H., Kupiszewski M., Smith D., 1998, Internal migration and regional dynamics in the Netherlands, NIDI Report, 55, [b.w.], The Hague, 117 s.
- Rees P., Imhoff E., Durham H., Kupiszewski M., Smith D., 1998, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: Netherlands case study, Working Paper, 98/6, [b.w.], Leeds, 78 s.
- Rees P., Kupiszewski M., 1998, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: a synthesis, Council of Europe, [B.m.], 113 s.
- Rees P., Oestby L., Durham H., Kupiszewski M., 1998, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: Norway case study, Working Paper, 98/4, [b.w.], Leeds, 66 s.
- Rees P., Todisco E., Terra Abrami V., Durham H., Kupiszewski M., 1998, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Italy, Essays, 3/1998, National Institute of Statistics, Roma, 121 s.
- Kupiszewski M., Berinde D., Teodorescu V., Durham H., Rees P., 1997, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: Romanian case study, Working Paper, 97/7, University of Leeds, Leeds, 73 s.
- Rees P., Todisco E., Terra Abrami V., Durham H., Kupiszewski M., 1997, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: Italy case study, Working Paper, 97/5, University of Leeds, Leeds, 73 s.
- Kupiszewski M., 1996, Forecasting international migration in European countries in transition, Working Paper, 96/3, University of Leeds, Leeds, 29 s.
- Kupiszewski M., 1996, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: United Kingdom case study, Working Paper, 96/20, University of Leeds, Leeds, 87 s.
- Rees P., Kupiszewski M., 1996, Internal migration and regional population dynamics: What data are available in the Council of Europe member states?, Working Paper, 96/1, University of Leeds, Leeds, 43 s.
- Kupiszewski M., 1995, Temporal and spatial variations of observed and projected age structures in Poland in the nineteen eighties, Working Paper, 95/7, University of Leeds, Leeds, 23 s.
- Kupiszewski M., 1995, Accuracy of Polish forecast and demographic projections - some methodological aspects, Working Paper, 95/8, University of Leeds, Leeds, 20 s.
Articles, chapters, papers and others
- Kupiszewski M. (aut.), Okólski M. (współpr.), 2018, Demograficzne aspekty badań nad migracjami, [w:] Red. Anna Horolets, Magdalena Lesińska, Marek Okólski, Raport o stanie badań nad migracjami w Polsce po 1989 roku, Komitet Badań nad Migracjami PAN, Warszawa, , s. 30-67.
- Kupiszewski M., Kupiszewska D., 2017, Was sagt die Migrationsforschung politischen Entscheidungstraegern und der Oeffentlichkeit? Kernbotschaften europaeischer Forscher, [w:] Red. Werner Haug, Georg Kreis, Zukunft der Migration. Reflexion über Wissenschaft und Politik, NZZ Libro, Zurich, , s. 31-37.
- Kupiszewski M., Kupiszewska D., Brunarska Z., 2017, The futures of ethnic groups in the Russian Federation, Eurasian Geography and Economics, 58, 3, s. 279-296.
- Rees P., Bell M., Kupiszewski M., Kupiszewska D., Ueffing P., Bernard A., Charles-Edwards E., Stillwell J., 2017, The impact of internal migration on population redistribution: an international comparison, Population Space and Place, 23, 6, s. 1-22.
- Kupiszewski M., 2016, Przyszłość demograficzna Polski, [w:] Red. nauk. Agata Górny, Paweł Kaczmarczyk, Magdalena Lesińska, Transformacje. Przewodnik po zmianach społeczno-ekonomicznych w Polsce, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, Warszawa, , s. 80-97.
- Stillwell J., Bell M., Ueffing P., Daras K., Charles-Edwards E., Kupiszewski M., Kupiszewska D., 2016, Internal migration around the world: comparing distance travelled and its frictional effect, Environment and Planning A-Economy and Space, 48, s. 1657-1675.
- Bell M., Bernard A., Charles-Edwards E., Kupiszewska D., Kupiszewski M., Stillwell J., Zhu Y., Ueffing P., Booth A., 2015, The IMAGE inventory. A user guide, Working Paper, 01, Queensland Centre for Population Research, University of Queensland, Brisbane, 24 s.
- Bell M., Charles-Edwards E., Kupiszewska D., Kupiszewski M., Stillwell J., Zhu Y., 2015, Internal migration data around the World: Assesing contemporary practice, Population Space and Place, 21, 1, s. 1-17.
- Bell M., Charles-Edwards E., Ueffing P., Stillwell J., Kupiszewski M., Kupiszewska D., 2015, Internal migration and development: comparing migration intensities around the world, Population and Development Review, 41, 1, s. 33-58.
- Kupiszewski M., 2015, Practical issues in migration research: a view from Europe's periphery, [w:] Eds. Ahmet Icduygu, Aysem Biriz Karacay, Critical reflections in migration research. Views from South and the North, Koc University Press, Istanbul, , s. 169-172.
- Bijak J., Kicinger A., Kupiszewski M., 2013, International migration scenarios for 27 European countries, 2002–2052, [w:] Ed. Marek Kupiszewski, International migration and the future of populations and labour force resources in Europe, The Springer Series on Demographic Methods and Population Analysis, Springer, Dordrecht Heidelberg New York London, , s. 75-92.
- Bijak J., Kupiszewska D., Kupiszewski M., Saczuk K., 2013, The future of European populations and the European labour force, 2002–2052, [w:] Ed. Marek Kupiszewski, International migration and the future of populations and labour force resources in Europe, The Springer Series on Demographic Methods and Population Analysis, Springer, Dordrecht Heidelberg New York London, , s. 207-230.
- Bijak J., Kupiszewska D., Kupiszewski M., Saczuk K., 2013, Population ageing, population decline and replacement migration in Europe, [w:] Ed. Marek Kupiszewski, International migration and the future of populations and labour force resources in Europe, The Springer Series on Demographic Methods and Population Analysis, Springer, Dordrecht Heidelberg New York London, , s. 243-265.
- Bijak J., Kupiszewski M., 2013, International migration trends in Europe prior to 2002, [w:] Ed. Marek Kupiszewski, International migration and the future of populations and labour force resources in Europe, The Springer Series on Demographic Methods and Population Analysis, Springer, Dordrecht Heidelberg New York London, , s. 57-74.
- Kupiszewska D., Kupiszewski M., 2013, Population and labour force dynamics model, [w:] Ed. Marek Kupiszewski, International migration and the future of populations and labour force resources in Europe, The Springer Series on Demographic Methods and Population Analysis, Springer, Dordrecht Heidelberg New York London, , s. 193-206.
- Kupiszewski M., 2013, Introduction, [w:] Ed. Marek Kupiszewski, International migration and the future of populations and labour force resources in Europe, The Springer Series on Demographic Methods and Population Analysis, Springer, Dordrecht Heidelberg New York London, , s. 1-4.
- Kupiszewski M., Bijak J., Kicinger A., 2013, The use of international migration theories in migration forecasting - a practical approach, [w:] Ed. Marek Kupiszewski, International migration and the future of populations and labour force resources in Europe, The Springer Series on Demographic Methods and Population Analysis, Springer, Dordrecht Heidelberg New York London, , s. 35-55.
- Kupiszewska D., Kupiszewski M., 2012, Długoterminowe regionalne konsekwencje migracji w Europie – metoda oceny i wybrane wyniki, Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny, 2, s. 105-134.
- Piekut A., Rees P., Valentine G., Kupiszewski M., 2012, Multidimensional diversity in two European cities: thinking beyond ethnicity, Environment and Planning A-Economy and Space, 44, s. 2988-3009.
- Wiśniowski A., Bijak J., Kupiszewski M., Kupiszewska D., 2012, Uncertain future of immigration in Europe: Insights from expert-based stochastic forecasts for selected countries, [w:] Ed. M. Okólski, Europe: the continent of immigrants. Trends, structures and policy implications, IMISCOE Research Series, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, , s. 211-232.
- Kupiszewski M., Kupiszewska D., 2011, MULTIPOLES: a revised multiregional model for improved capture of international migration, [w:] Ed. J.Stillwell, M.Clarke, Population dynamics and projection methods. Papers in honour of Philip Rees, Understanding Population Trends and Processes, 4, Springer, New York, , s. 41-60.
- Kupiszewski M., 2010, Economic effects of migration in Central Europe. Interview with Marek Kupiszewski, Migration. Character and scope. Economic potential. Regional Perspectives, The Forum. Discussing International Affairs and Economics, Fall 2010, Center for International Relations, Arlington, , s. 95-99.
- Kupiszewski M., 2009, Labour migration in Western Balkan countries - a review of literature and historical trends, [w:] Ed. Marek Kupiszewski, Labour migration patterns, policies and migration propensity in the Western Balkans, International Organization for Migration. Regional Mission for Central and South Europe, Budapest, , s. 13-30.
- Kupiszewski M., 2009, Migration and population change in the Western Balkan - what the data reveal, [w:] Ed. Marek Kupiszewski, Labour migration patterns, policies and migration propensity in the Western Balkans, International Organization for Migration. Regional Mission for Central and South Europe, Budapest, , s. 51-62.
- Kupiszewski M., Kicinger A., 2009, Assessment of migration propensity in Western Balkan countries, [w:] Ed. Marek Kupiszewski, Labour migration patterns, policies and migration propensity in the Western Balkans, International Organization for Migration. Regional Mission for Central and South Europe, Budapest, , s. 63-72.
- Bijak J., Kupiszewska D., Kupiszewski M., 2008, Replacement migration revisited: simulations of the effects of selected population and labor market strategies for the aging Europe, 2002-2052, Popul. Res. Policy Rev., 27, nr 3, s. 321-342.
- Bijak J., Kupiszewski M., 2008, Population and labour force forecasts for selected European countries: assumptions and results, [w:] Eds. Elmar Hoenekopp, Heikki Mattila, Permanent or circular migration? Policy choices to address demographic decline and labour shortages in Europe, International Oranization for Migration. Regional Mission for Central and South Eastern Europe, Budapest, , s. 11-33.
- Kupiszewski M., 2008, Addressing the irregular employment of migrants - concluding remarks and recommendations, [w:] Eds. Marek Kupiszewski, Heikki Mattila, Addressing the irregular employment of immigrants in the European Union: between sanctions and rights, International Organization for Migration, Budapest, , s. 318-328.
- Kupiszewski M., Bijak J., 2008, Zmiany i problemy demograficzne a rozwój przestrzenny, [w:] Red. Konrad Saganowski, Magdalena Zagrzejewska-Fiedorowicz, Piotr Żuber, Ekspertyzy do Koncepcji Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania Kraju 2008-2033. T.IV, Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego, Warszawa, , s. 291-308.
- Kupiszewski M., Bijak J., Kaczmarczyk P., Kicinger A., Kloc-Nowak W., Napierała J., 2008, Poland, [w:] Eds. Elmar Hoenekopp, Heikki Mattila, Permanent or circular migration? Policy choices to address demographic decline and labour shortages in Europe, International Oranization for Migration. Regional Mission for Central and South Eastern Europe, Budapest, , s. 149-181.
- Kupiszewski M., Bijak J., Nowok B., 2008, Impact of future demographic trends in Europe, 2005-2050, Finn. Yearbook Popul. Res., 43, s. 147-183.
- Kupiszewski M., Kupiszewska D., 2008, International migration component in population dynamics models, [w:] Eds. J. Raymer, F. Willekens, International migration in Europe: data, models and estimates, Wiley, Chichester, , s. 309-327.
- Bijak J., Kupiszewska D., Kupiszewski M., Saczuk K., Kitzinger A., 2007, Population and labour force for 27 European countries, 2002-2052: impact of international migration on population ageing, Europ. J. Popul., 23, nr 1, s. 1-31.
- Bijak J., Kupiszewski M., 2007, Długoterminowe konsekwencje emigracji do krajów UE dla liczby i struktury ludności oraz zasobów pracy w Polsce, Migracje zarobkowe z Polski do krajów Unii Europejskiej - wyzwania dla państwa, Kancelaria Senatu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, Warszawa, , s. 23-36.
- Kupiszewski M., Filhel A., 2007, Demographic aspect of research on international migration, [w:] Red. Anna Kicinger, A. Weinar, State of the art in the migration research in Poland, CEFMR Working Paper, 1/2007, Central European Forum for Migration Research, Warsaw, , s. 60-65.
- Kicinger A., Kloc-Nowak W., Kupiszewski M., 2006, Case study: Implications of recent migration to Ireland for Poland, Managing migration in Ireland: a social and ecomomic analysis, International Organization for Migration, National Economic & Social Council, Dublin, , s. 230-239.
- Kupiszewska D., Kupiszewski M., 2006, Non-national populations in the EU member states, Statistics in Focus, 8/2006, Eurostat, Luxembourg, 4 s.
- Kupiszewska D., Nowok B., Kupiszewski M., 2006, Country report for Poland, [w:] Eds. M.Poulain, N.Perrin, A.Singleton, THESIM: Towards Harmonised European Statistics on International Migration, Presses Universitaires de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, , s. 577-589.
- Kupiszewski M., 2006, Migration in Poland in the period of transition: the adjustment to the labour market change, [w:] Ed. Masaaki Kuboniwa, Yoshiaki Nishimura, Economics of intergenerational equity in transition economies, Economic Research Series, 40, Maruzen Co., Ltd, Tokyo, , s. 255-276.
- Kupiszewski M., Bijak J., 2006, Ocena prognozy ludności GUS 2003 z perspektywy aglomeracji warszawskiej, CEFMR Working Paper, 1/2006, Central European Forum for Migration Research, Warsaw, 15 s.
- Kupiszewski M., Bijak J., 2006, Ocena prognozy ludności GUS 2003 z perspektywy aglomeracji warszawskiej, Studia Demogr., z.149, s. 68-81.
- Kupiszewska D., Kupiszewski M., 2005, Stocks of non-national populations in the EU member states, Statistics in Focus, 3-XX/2005, Eurostat, Luxembourg, 4 s.
- Kupiszewski M., 2005, Migration in Poland in the period of transition - the adjustment to the labour market change, Discussion Paper, 266, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, 23 s.
- Kupiszewski M., Heikkilae E., Nieminen M., Durham H., Rees P., Kupiszewska D., 2005, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in 1980s and 1990s in Finland, Siirtolaisuus Migr., nr 3, s. 2-6.
- Kupiszewski M., 2004, Consequences of UE enlargement for freedom of movement between the Council of Europe member states, Przestrzeń Europy, przestrzeń Unii Europejskiej, Europa XXI, 11, PAN IGiPZ, Warszawa, , s. 45-51.
- Kupiszewski M., 2004, People in motion, Academia, nr 2, s. 20-22.
- Kupiszewski M., 2003, Uwagi o migracjach międzynarodowych w Polsce, [w:] Red. Zbigniew Strzelecki, Procesy demograficzne u progu XXI wieku. Polska a Europa. I Kongres Demograficzny w Polsce, Sesja Końcowa, Warszawa 25-26 listopada 2002 r, [b.w.], Warszawa, , s. 211-215.
- Kupiszewski M., 2003, Consequences of EU enlargement for freedom of movement between Council of Europe member states, CEFMR Working Paper, 1/2003, Central European Forum for Migration Research, Warsaw, 10 s.
- Kupiszewski M., Bijak J., Saczuk K., Serek R., 2003, Komentarz do założeń prognozy ludności na lata 2003-2030 przygotowywanej przez GUS, CEFMR Working Paper, 3/2003, Central European Forum for Migration Research, Warszawa, 13 s.
- Kupiszewski M., 2002, How trustworthy are forecasts of international migration between Poland and the European Union?, J. Ethnic Migr. Stud., 28, nr 4, s. 627-645.
- Kupiszewski M., 2001, Demograficzne aspekty wybranych prognoz migracji zagranicznych, [w:] Red. Andrzej Stępniak, Swobodny przepływ pracowników w kontekście wejścia Polski do Unii Europejskiej. Praca zbiorowa, Pełnomocnik Rządu do Spraw Negocjacji o Członkostwo RP w Unii Europejskiej. Kancelaria Prezesa Rady Ministrów, Warszawa, , s. 73-98.
- Kupiszewski M., Sakson B., Kotowska I., 2001, Seleted research on international migration in Poland in the 1990's, Demographic and cultural specificity and integration of migrants. 1st Workshop organised by the Federal Institute for Population Research in co-operation with the Network for Integrated European Population Studies (NIEPS), 10-11 November 2000, Bingen, Germany, Materialien zur Bevoelkerungswissenschaft, 103, Bundesinstitut fuer Bevoelkerungsforschung, Wiesbaden, , s. 95-110.
- Kupiszewski M., Sakson B., Kotowska I., 2000 (dr.2001), Wybrane badania migracji międzynarodowych w Polsce w latach 1990, Studia Demogr., nr 2, s. 101-113.
- Baccaini B., Pumain D., Rees P., Kupiszewski M., 2000, Migrations et urbanisation dans les pays europeens, Donnees Urbaines 3. Coord. Marie-Flore Mattei, Denise Pumain, Anthropos, Paris, , s. 351-361.
- Katus K., Kupiszewski M., Rees P., Sakkeus L., Herm A., Powell D., 1999, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: Estonia case study, [w:] Eds. P. Rees, Marek Kupiszewski, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: a synthesis, Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg, 63 s.
- Kupiszewski M., Berinde M., Theodorescu V., Durham H., Rees P., 1999, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: Romania case study, [w:] Eds. P. Rees, Marek Kupiszewski, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: a synthesis, Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg, 80 s.
- Kupiszewski M., Bucher H., Durham H., Rees P., 1999, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: Germany case study, [w:] Eds. P. Rees, Marek Kupiszewski, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: a synthesis, Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg, 52 s.
- Kupiszewski M., Drbohlav D., Durham H., Rees P., 1999, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: Czech Republic case study, [w:] Eds. P. Rees, Marek Kupiszewski, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: a synthesis, Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg, 50 s.
- Kupiszewski M., Drbohlav D., Rees P., Durham H., 1999, Vnitrni migrace a regionalni populacni dynamika - Ceska Republika na pozadi evropskych trendu, Geografie - Sbornik CGS, 104, z.2, s. 89-105.
- Kupiszewski M., Durham H., Rees P., 1999, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: Poland case study, [w:] Eds. P. Rees, Marek Kupiszewski, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: a synthesis, Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg, 61 s.
- Kupiszewski M., Rees P., 1999, Lesson for the projection of internal migration from studies in the European countries, Statist. J. United Nat. ECE, 16281-295.mapki.
- Kupiszewski M., Rees P., 1999, Arbeitlosigkeit, Binnenwanderung und regionale Bevoelkerungsentwicklung. Ergebnisse der gesamteuropaeischen Forschung, Wanderungen - regionale Strukturen und Trends, Informationen zur Raumentwicklung, 11/12.1998, Bundesamt fuer Bauwesen und Raumordnung, Bonn, , s. 723-742.
- Rees P., Carrilho M., Peixoto J., Durham H., Kupiszewski M., 1999, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: Portugal case study, [w:] Eds. P. Rees, Marek Kupiszewski, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: a synthesis, Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg, 72 s.
- Rees P., Durham H., Kupiszewski M., 1999, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: United Kingdom case study, [w:] Eds. P. Rees, Marek Kupiszewski, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: a synthesis, Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg, 87 s.
- Rees P., Kupiszewski M., 1999, Interal migration: what data are available in Europe?, J. Official Statist., 15, nr 4, s. 551-586.
- Rees P., Ostby L., Durham H., Kupiszewski M., 1999, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: Norway case study, [w:] Eds. P. Rees, Marek Kupiszewski, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: a synthesis, Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg, 73 s.
- Rees P., Ostby L., Durham H., Kupiszewski M., 1999, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: Norway case study, Rapporter, 19/99, Statistisk Sentralbyra, Oslo, 58 s.
- Rees P., Todisco E., Terra Abrami V., Durham H., Kupiszewski M., 1999, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: Italy case study, [w:] Eds. P. Rees, Marek Kupiszewski, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: a synthesis, Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg, 76 s.
- Rees P., van Imhoff E., Durham H., Smith D., Kupiszewski M., 1999, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: Netherlands case study, [w:] Eds. P. Rees, Marek Kupiszewski, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: a synthesis, Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg, 85 s.
- Kupiszewski M., 1998, Czy na podstawie doświadczeń innych krajów można przewidywać zmiany migracji międzynarodowych po przyjęciu Polski do Unii Europejskiej?, [w:] Red. Piotr Korcelli, Przemiany w zakresie migracji ludności jako konsekwencja przystąpienia Polski do Unii Europejskiej, Biuletyn, 184, Wydaw. Nauk. PWN, Warszawa, , s. 67-78.
- Kupiszewski M., Durham H., Rees P., 1998, Changes in the regional population dynamics in Poland 1980-1994, Studia Demogr., z.3, s. 3-18.
- Kupiszewski M., Durham H., Rees P., 1998, International migration and urban change in Poland, Gesellschaft und Bevoelkerung in Mittel- und Osteuropa im Umbruch. 31. Arbeitstagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Bevoelkerungswissenschaft (DGBw), 24. und 25. April 1997 in Berlin. Tagungsband. Hrsg. Jochen Fleischhacker, Rainer Muenz, Demographie Aktuell. Vortraege - Aufsaetze - Forschungsberichte, 13, Institut fuer Sozialwissenschaften. Philosophische Fakultaet III. Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin, Berlin, , s. 181-205.
- Kupiszewski M., Durham H., Rees P., 1998, Internal migration and urban change in Poland, Europ. J. Popul., 14, s. 265-290.
- Kupiszewski M., Kupiszewska D., 1998, Projection of Central and East European populations - models, data, preliminary results, Gesellschaft und Bevoelkerung in Mittel- und Osteuropa im Umbruch. 31. Arbeitstagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Bevoelkerungswissenschaft (DGBw), 24. und 25. April 1997 in Berlin. Tagungsband. Hrsg. Jochen Fleischhacker, Rainer Muenz, Demographie Aktuell. Vortraege - Aufsaetze - Forschungsberichte, 13, Institut fuer Sozialwissenschaften. Philosophische Fakultaet III. Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin, Berlin, , s. 22-33.
- Kupiszewski M., 1995, Current trends in migration from Eastern Europe to European Union, Environment and quality of life in Central Europe: problems of transition. Conference proceedings, Albertina Icome, Praha, , s. A41.
- Kupiszewski M., 1995, Sources and usefulness of information on mobility in Poland, Collecte et comparabilite des donnees ddemographiques et sociales en Europe, Chaire Quetelet, 1991, Éditions l'Harmattan, Louvain-la-Neuve, , s. 625-636.
- Kupiszewski M., 1994, Multiregional demographic projections: Polish experiences, Geographia Polonica, 63, s. 95-104.
- Kupiszewski M., 1994, Multiregional demographic projections: Polish experiences, Zbiór artykułów przedstawiających wyniki współczesnych badań w geografii fizycznej i społeczno-ekonomicznej, Geographia Polonica, 63, PAN IGiPZ, Warszawa, , s. 95-104.
- Kupiszewski M., 1992, The projection of the population number and structure in the Katowice region against current demographic trends, Geographia Polonica, 59, s. 155-166.
- Kupiszewski M., 1988, Application of two types of migration data to multiregional demographic projections, Geographia Polonica, 54, s. 43-62.
Editorial publications
- Kupiszewski M., 2013, International migration and the future of populations and labour force resources in Europe, The Springer Series on Demographic Methods and Population Analysis, Springer, Dordrecht Heidelberg New York London, 350 s.
- Kupiszewski M., Mattila H., Chindea A., Swift C., 2008, Addressing the irregular employment of immigrants in the European Union: between sanctions and rights, International Organization for Migration, Budapest, 328 s.
- Kupiszewski M., 2007, Demographic developments, labour market and international migration in Poland - policy challenges, CEFMR Working Paper, 3/2007, Central European Forum for Migration Research, Warsaw, 69 s.
- Rees P., Kupiszewski M., 1999, Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: a synthesis, Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg, 699 s.
Abstracts, reviews, notes
- Kupiszewski M., 2018, Review, [w:] Red. Irena E. Kotowska, Agnieszka Chłoń-Domińczak, Doctor Honoris Causa of the Warsaw School of Economics Frans Willekens, Szkoła Główna Handlowa, Warszawa, , s. 141.
- Kupiszewski M., 2018, Recenzja osiągnięć Profesora Fransa Willekensa, Studia Demograficzne, 173, s. 115-120.
- Bell M., Rees P., Kupiszewski M., Kupiszewska D., Ueffing P., Bernard A., Charles-Edwards E., Stillwell J., 2016, The impact of internal migration on population redistribution: an international comparison, Demographic Change and Policy Implications. European Population Conference, August 31 – September 3, 2016, Mainz, Germany, European Association of Population Research, The Hague, , s. 199.
- Rees P., Kupiszewski M., Kupiszewska D., Bell M., Charles-Edwards E., Stillwell J., Ueffing P., Bernard A., Daras K., 2015, Impact of internal migration on population redistribution: a cross-national comparison, 8th International Conference on Population Geographies. Conference Handbook, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, , s. 90.
- Stillwell J., Daras K., Bell M., Charles-Edwards E., Ueffing P., Kupiszewski M., Kupiszewska D., 2015, Internal migration around the world: Comparing distance travelled and its frictional effect, 8th International Conference on Population Geographies. Conference Handbook, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, , s. 66.
- Bell M., Charles-Edwards E., Ueffing P., Kupiszewski M., Kupiszewska D., Stillwell J., Zhu Y., 2014, Internal migration and development: evidence from 71 countries (Extended on-line abstract), EAPS, Budapest, 4 s.
- Bell M., Charles-Edwards E., Ueffing P., Kupiszewski M., Kupiszewska D., Stillwell J., Zhu Y., 2014, Internal migration and development: evidence from 71 countries, Programme and abstract book, EPC 2014, EAPS, Budapest, , s. 167.
- Kupiszewski M., Kupiszewska D., Bell M., Charles-Edwards E., Ueffing P., Stillwell J., Daras K., 2014, Internal migration and population redistribution: a cross-national comparison (Extended on-line abstract), EAPS, Budapest, 4 s.
- Kupiszewski M., Kupiszewska D., Bell M., Charles-Edwards E., Ueffing P., Stillwell J., Daras K., 2014, Internal migration and population redistribution: a cross-national comparison, Programme and abstract book, EPC 2014, EAPS, Budapest, , s. 168.
- Kupiszewski M., Kicinger A., 2009, Summary and conclusions, [w:] Ed. Marek Kupiszewski, Labour migration patterns, policies and migration propensity in the Western Balkans, International Organization for Migration. Regional Mission for Central and South Europe, Budapest, , s. 103-108.
- Kupiszewski M., Kicinger A., 2009, Introduction: setting the context of research, [w:] Ed. Marek Kupiszewski, Labour migration patterns, policies and migration propensity in the Western Balkans, International Organization for Migration. Regional Mission for Central and South Europe, Budapest, , s. 9-11.
- Kupiszewski M., Bijak J., Kicinger A., 2007, Conclusions, [w:] Ed. Marek Kupiszewski, Demographic developments, labour market and international migration in Poland - policy challenges, CEFMR Working Paper, 3/2007, Central European Forum for Migration Research, Warsaw, , s. 59-64.
- Matilla H., Kupiszewski M., 2007, Europe's population development, labour market and migration, Migration, nr 12, s. 4-5.
- Bijak J., Kupiszewska D., Kupiszewski M., Saczuk K., 2005, Replacement migration revisited: international migration, population and labour force resources in Europe, 2002-2052, [w:] Ed. Konrad Czapiewski, Tomasz Komornicki, Warsaw Regional Forum 2005. Proceedings, PAN IGiPZ, Warsaw, , s. 8.
- Kupiszewski M., 2002, Przemiany siły roboczej w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej i jej konsekwencje dla procesów integracji europejskiej, Przegl. Eureka, z.2, s. 13-14.
- Kupiszewski M., 2002, Wpływ "niewidzialnych" migracji zagranicznych lat osiemdziesiątych na struktury demograficzne Polski. Barbara Sakson. Warszawa 2002, Studia Demogr., nr 2, s. 113-114.
- Kupiszewski M., 2000, [Głos w dyskusji], Czy kryzys demograficzny w Polsce? Seminarium, Warszawa 20 czerwca 2000, Instytut Problemów Współczesnej Cywilizacji, Warszawa, , s. 67-68.
Documentation studies
- Kupiszewski M., 2012, Building a research institution: Professor Wicker in Poland, Alltag und Ritual: Statusübergänge und Ritualisierungen in sozialen und politischen Feldern. Festschrift zu Ehren von Prof. Dr. Hans-Rudolf Wicker. Hrsg. Judith Hangartner, Ueli Hostettler, Anja Sieber Egger, Angelica Wehrli, Seismo Verlag, Zurich, , s. 106-114.
- Bijak J., Saczuk K., Koryś I., Kupiszewski M., 2004, Środkowoeuropejskie Forum Badań Migracyjnych (ŚFBM) - Central European Forum for Migration Research (CEFMR) - nowa wyspecjalizowana jednostka badawcza, Studia Demogr., 145, s. 111-115.
Maps, atlases
- Kupiszewski M., 1995, Migracje zagraniczne, Atlas Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Cz.3, Główny Geodeta Kraju, Warszawa, arkusz 65.3 (1 mapa i 1 wykres).