Department of Rural Geography and Local Development
Atlas of Polish Agriculture goes beyond the standards of traditional cartographic elaboration. Apart from its rich cartographic content, it provides a synthetic description of the most important phenomena enriched with numerous tables, diagrams and photographs. Thereby, it constitutes a complete image of the state of Polish farming in a spatial approach of various scales (local, regional and national). The Atlas can be used by the scientific community and spatial planning offices as a basis for analytical studies and expert assessments in the field of agriculture. It can also serve as a basic reference material for a variety of public administration institutions as well as social and economic organisations, likewise for didactic purposes at university level.
size 42 x 29.7 cm hardcover
126 pages, 181 maps, 58 charts and graphs, and numerous tables, figures and photographs
text commentary in Polish and summaries in English
Wstęp (J. Bański)
1. Znaczenie rolnictwa w gospodarce Polski (J. Bański)
The role of agriculture in Polish economy
2. Warunki naturalne rolnictwa (J. Bański)
Environmental conditions of agriculture
3. Rozwój gospodarki rolnej w Polsce (J. Bański)
Development of agriculture in Poland
4. Ludnoość rolnicza (K. Czapiewski)
Agricultural population
5. Rolnicze użytkowanie ziemi (J. Bański)
Agricultural land use
6. Struktura agrarna (K. Czapiewski i B. Głębocki)
Land structure
7. Wyposażenie techniczne i środki produkcji
(M. Mazur i D. Świątek)
Technical facilities and production goods
8. Uprawy roślinne (J. Bański)
Plants cultivation
9. Zwierzęta gospodarskie (R. Kulikowski)
Farm livestock
10. Produkcja rolnictwa (R. Kulikowski)
Agricultural production
11. Agroturystyka i rolnictwo ekologiczne
(M. Bednarek-Szczepańska)
Agritourism and organic farming
12. Nauka, szkolnictwo i organizacja obsługi rolnictwa
(K. Czapiewski)
Science, education and agricultural service