GIS and Cartography Workgroup

Atlas of the Republic of Poland

Maps list



81.1 Land use

Land use 1:1500000
Marek Baranowski, Andrzej Ciolkosz

81.2 Land use (Examples)

Marek Baranowski, Andrzej Ciolkosz
1. Poznan Lake District 1:200000
2. Vistula Delta 1:200000
3. Biebrza River Basin 1:200000
4. Western Sudetes 1:200000
5. Rawa High Plain 1:200000
6. Leczna-Wlodawa Plain 1:200000
7. Silesian Upland 1:200000
8. Orawa-Nowy Targ Basin 1:200000
9. Tarnobrzeg Plain 1:200000

81.3 Natural conditioning of agricultural development

1. Pollution of soils by heavy metals 1:3000000
Krystyna Budzynska, Maria Piotrowska, Henryk Terelak, Czeslaw
2. Sulphur content in soils 1:3000000
Krystyna Budzynska, Teresa Motowicka-Terelak, Henryk Terelak,
Czeslaw Pietruch
3. Stoniness of soils 1:3000000
Krystyna Budzynska, Henryk Kern
4. Agricultural quality classes of relief 1:3000000
Krystyna Budzynska, Henryk Kern

81.4 Agricultural land use

Jerzy Banski
1. Agricultural land, 1988 1:4500000
2. Arable land, 1988 1:4500000
3. Orchards, 1988 1:4500000
4. Meadows, 1988 1:4500000
5. Pastures, 1988 1:4500000
6. Area of agricultural land per capita, 1975-1988 1:4500000
7. Changes in area of agricultural land, 1975-1988 1:4500000
8. Area of agricultural land, 1960-1988
9. Area of agricultural land per capita, 1960-1988
10. Changes in area of arable land, grassland and orchards, 1965-1993
Structure of agricultural land, 1975 and 1993

81.5 Agrarian structure

Benicjusz Glebocki
1-3. System of ownership, 1994
1. Private farms 1:4500000
2. Agricultural co-operatives 1:4500000
3. Treasury property 1:4500000
4. The size structure of provate farms, 1987 1:3000000
5. Consolidation and fragmentation of private farms, 1987 1:4500000
6. Fragmentation of private farms above 10 ha, 1987 1:12000000
7. Mean size of private farm, 1987 1:4500000

81.6 Labour and capital inputs in agriculture

Bozena Galczynska
1. Persons economically active in agriculture, 1988 1:3000000
2. Tractive force, 1989 and 1993 1:6000000
3. Tractors, 1988 and 1994 1:6000000
4. Horses, 1988 and 1994 1:6000000
5. Use of chemical fertilizers, 1988/1989 and 1993/1994 1:6000000
6. Use of lime, 1988/1989 and 1993/1994 1:6000000
7. Sales of concentrated feedstuffs, 1988 and 1993 1:6000000
8. Land improvement, 1989 and 1993 1:6000000
9. Water supply to private farms from water supply system, 1984 and 1994 1:6000000
10. Electricity consumption, 1991 and 1993 1:6000000
11. Tractive force, 1950-1993
12. Horses, 1950-1995
13. Tractors, 1950-1994
14. Use of chemical fertilizers and lime, 1950-1994
15. Water supply to private farms from water supply system, 1994

81.7 Crops, yields and production of the main cultivated plants

Wladyslawa Stola
1. Sown area and yields of wheat 1:6000000
2. Sown area and yields of rye 1:6000000
3. Sown area and yields of barley 1:6000000
4. Sown area and yields of oats 1:6000000
5. Sown area and yields of triticale 1:6000000
6. Sown area and yields of potatoes 1:6000000
7. Sown area and yields of sugar beets 1:6000000
8. Sown area and yields of rapeseed 1:6000000
9. Fodder crops 1:6000000
10. Production of bread cereals, 1991 1:6000000
11. Production of potatoes, 1991 1:6000000
12. Quality of agricultural productional space, 1992 1:6000000
13. Area under particular cereals, 1955-1992
14. Area under potatoes, sugar beets and rapeseed, 1955-1992
15. Production of particular cereals and rapeseed, 1950-1992
16. Production of potatoes and sugar beets, 1950-1992

81.8 Cultivation of fruit and vegetables

1. Vegetables, 1988 1:3000000
Bronislaw Gorz
Harvest of vegetables
Bronislaw Gorz
2. Cultivation of ground vegetables, 1992 1:6000000
Bronislaw Gorz
3. Vegetable production, 1992 1:6000000
Bronislaw Gorz
4. Vegetables under cover, 1992 1:6000000
Bronislaw Gorz
5. Area under ground vegetables, 1960-1992
Bronislaw Gorz
6. Area of vegetables under cover, 1960-1992
Bronislaw Gorz
7. Orchards, 1988 1:3000000
Czeslaw Guzik
Harvest of fruit, 1950-1992
Czeslaw Guzik
8. Orchards and fruit trees, 1992 1:6000000
Czeslaw Guzik
9. Fruit production, 1992 1:6000000
Czeslaw Guzik
10. Areas under strawberries and berry shrubs, 1992 1:6000000
Czeslaw Guzik
11. Areas under berry fruits, 1960-1992
Czeslaw Guzik
12. Berry shrubs, 1960-1992
Czeslaw Guzik

81.9 Livestock breeding and animal production

Barbara Solon, Anna Tkocz
1. Cattle, 1988 1:6000000
2. Cattle, 1992 1:6000000
3. Cows, 1988 1:6000000
4. Cows, 1992 1:6000000
5. Pigs, 1988 1:6000000
6. Pigs, 1992 1:6000000
7. Sheep, 1988 1:6000000
8. Sheep, 1992 1:6000000
9. Hens, 1988 1:6000000
10. Hens, 1992 1:6000000
11. Milk 1:6000000
12. Meat 1:6000000
13. Eggs 1:6000000
14. Livestock, 1950-1992
15. Production of milk, meat and eggs, 1955-1992

81.10 Productivity and commercialization of agriculture

Roman Kulikowski
1-2. Land productivity, 1990
1. Private agriculture 1:3000000
2. State and cooperative agriculture 1:12000000
Dynamics of gross production per hectare of agricultural land
3-4. Labour productivity
3. Private agriculture 1:3000000
4. State and cooperative agriculture 1:12000000
Dynamics of total gross production
5-6. Degree of commercialization, 1990
5. Private agriculture 1:3000000
6. State and cooperative agriculture 1:12000000
Dynamics of share of commercial to gross production
7-8. Level of commercialization, 1990
7. Private agriculture 1:3000000
8. State and cooperative agriculture 1:12000000
Dynamics of total commercial production

81.11 Types of agriculture and food economy

Roman Szczesny, Ryszard Szczesny
1. Types of agriculture, 1988 1:2500000
2. Agricultural regions 1:7 500000
3. Consumption of selected food articles, 1989 and 1993
4. Commercial production of cereals, 1992 1:6000000
5. Commercial production of potatoes, 1992 1:6000000
6. Commercial production of vegetables, 1992 1:6000000
7. Commercial production of fruits, 1992 1:6000000
8. Commercial production of meat, 1992 1:6000000
9. Commercial production of milk, 1992 1:6000000

81.12 Changes in the structure of agriculture

1-4. Ecological agriculture, 1995
Ryszard Jedut
1. Ecological farms 1:3000000
2. Agriculture products offered by Ekoland-approved farms
3. Structure of crops
4. Use of organic fertilizers
5-10. Transformation of state-owned agriculture
Wlodzimierz Zglinski
5. Agricultural land taken over by the Treasury Agricultural Property
Agency 1:7 500000
Takeover of land by the Treasury Agricultural Property Agency
6. Use of land at the disposal of the reasury 1:7 500000
Use of Treasury-owned land
7. Property of state farms taken on by the Treasury, 1995 1:7 500000
Structure of sold Treasury land
Structure of leased Treasury land
Financial situation of various State farms taken over by the Treasury
8. Fallow areas of Treasury-owned arable land, 1995 1:7 500000
9. Employment on farms established on Treasury land, 1995 1:7 500000
Changes in employment linked to the restructuring of State farms
10. Dwellings at the disposal of the Treasury Agricultural
Property Agency, 1995 1:7 500000
Dwellings taken on by the treasury


82.1 Forestry management

Roman Szczesny, Ryszard Szczesny
1. Forest cover, 1993 1:3000000
2. Ownership structure of forests, 1994 1:6000000
3. Age of tree stands, 1994 1:6000000
4. Species composition of forests, 1994 1:6000000
5. State of damage to forests, 1991 1:6000000
6. Timber resources, 1994 1:6000000
7. Timber harvest, 1994 1:6000000
8. Timber harvest in State Forests, 1994 1:6000000
9. Forest cover and timber resources per capita, 1994 1:6000000
10. Changes in forest cover and timber harvests, 1975-1994 1:6000000

82.2 Hunting

Lech Pakula
1. Red deer, 1994/1995 1:4500000
2. "Forest" roe deer, 1994/1995 1:4500000
3. "Field" roe deer, 1993/1994 and 1994/1995 1:4500000
4. Wild boar, 1994/1995 1:4500000
5. Hare, 1994/1995 1:4500000
6. Fox, 1994/1995 1:4500000
7. Pheasant, 1994/1995 1:4500000
8. Common partridge, 1994/1995 1:4500000
9. Wild duck, 1993/1994 1:4500000


83.1 Marine fisheries management

Jolanta Grzenia, Stanislaw Rzymowski, Stanislaw Szostak
1. The economic zones of the Baltic Sea 1:9000000
2. Catches in the Baltic Sea 1:9000000
3. Polish catches in the Baltic Sea and landings of fish 1:2000000
4. Polish oceanic and Baltic catches, 1975, 1985, 1994 1:140000000
5. Power and tonnage of the Polish fishing fleet, 1950-1994
6. Polish catches in the Baltic Sea, 1938, 1945-1994
7. Polish catches by FAO region, 1938, 1945-1994
8. Export and import of fish and fish products and other marine organisms


91.1 Water management, 1994

Zygmunt Babinski
1. Waterways and retention reservoirs 1:4500000
2. Ground water of exploitational resources 1:4500000
3. Intake of water for the needs of national economy 1:4500000
4. Consumption of water 1:4500000
5. Consumption of water in towns and cities 1:4500000
6. Industrial and municipal wastewaters 1:4500000
7. Flood protection 1:6000000
8. Drainage 1:6000000
9. Resources and age of ground waters
10. Intake od water, 1950-1994
11. Wastewaters discharged to surface waters, 1970-1994
12. Treatment of wastewaters
(according Central Statistical Office)


92.1 Fuel and energy economy

Wladyslaw Motyl
1. Energy resources 1:3000000
2. Electric power system 1:3000000
3. Fuel and power supply economy in Upper-Silesian Industrial District 1:400000
4. Energy balance (in gigawatt-hours)

92.2 Gas engineering

Janusz Tokarzewski, Ryszard Bednarski
1. Domestic gas transmission system, 1995 1:2500000
2. European gas transmission system, 1995 1:17 500000
3. Domestic gas transmission system, 1960 1:6000000
4. Length of transmission and distribution pipelines, 1970-1995
5. Household consumers of gas, 1970-1995
6. Supplies of gaseous fuels, 1955-1995
7. Extraction of natural gas from Polish deposits, 1955-1995
(high-methane natural gas equivalent)
8. Domestic supplies of coke-oven gas to the transmission system
and imports of natural gas, 1955-1995
9. Production of gas in gasworks 1955-1995
10. Consumption of gaseous fuels, 1970-1995
11.Year-round demad for high-methane natural gas in 1994


93.1 Main industrial centres, 1939, 1946, 1980, 1985

Stanislaw Misztal
1. Main industrial centres, 1939 1:3000000
2. Main industrial centres, 1946 1:3000000
3. Main industrial centres, 1980 1:3000000
4. Main industrial centres, 1935 1:3000000

93.2 Distribution of industry by localities

Distribution of industry by localities 1:1500000
Stanislaw Misztal

93.3 Metallurgy

Bronislaw Kortus, Maria Soja
1. The iron and steel industry, 1992 1:3000000
2. Non-ferrous metals minning and metallurgy, 1992 1:3000000
3. Output and import of iron, cooper and zinc-lead ores, 1950-1993
4. Production of cooper, zinc, lead and aluminium, 1950-1993
5. Steel output by production process, 1950-1993
6. Role of metallurgy, 1993

93.4 Machinery and metals industry

Machinery and metals industry 1:1500000
Stanislaw Misztal

93.5 Chemical industry

Chemical industry 1:1500000
Stanislaw Misztal, Wanda Bak

93.6 Mineral industry

Mineral industry 1:1500000
Stanislaw Misztal, Henryka Piotrowska

93.7 Wood and paper industry

Wood and paper industry 1:1500000
Stanislaw Misztal, Wanda Bak

93.8 Food industry

Food industry 1:1500000
Stanislaw Misztal, Wanda Bak, Henryka Piotrowska

93.9 Light industry

Light industry 1:1500000
Stanislaw Misztal, Henryka Piotrowska


94.1 Construction

Jan Falkowski, Mieczyslaw Kluba, Roman Rudnicki
1. Volume of buildings completed, 1975, 1994 1:6000000
2. Housing construction, 1995 1:6000000
3. Dwellings coming into use, 1993 1:4500000, 1:12000000
4. Construction in towns and cities, 1994 1:6000000
5. Construction in rural areas, 1994 1:6000000
6. Volume of buildings completed, 1950-1994
7. Employment in construction industry, 1950-1994
8. Employment in construction industry, 1975, 1994 1:6000000
9. Capital permanent fixed assets in construction industry, 1975, 1994 1:6000000
10. Investment expenditure in construction, 1975, 1994 1:6000000
11. Construction-assembly production, 1994 1:6000000
12. Construction-assembly production, investment expenditure,
and gross value of capital fixed permanent assets in construction
industry, 1950-1994


101.1 Railway network

Teofil Lijewski
1. Railway network 1:1500000
2. Changes in total lenght of standard and broad gauge lines, 1939-1993 1:7 500000
3. Density of passenger stations and stops on Polish State Railways, 1993 1:7 500000

101.2 Railway traffic

1. Passenger trains, 1994/1995 1:2500000
Teofil Lijewski
2. Goods traffic by railway, 1993 1:2500000
Henryk Karczewski
3. Express trains, 1994/1995 1:6000000
Teofil Lijewski
4. Passenger traffic by railway, 1950-1994
Teofil Lijewski
5. Goods traffic by railways, 1950-1994
Henryk Karczewski

101.3 Road network

1. Road network, 1996 1:1500000
Stanislaw Cabala, Teofil Lijewski
2. Density of hard-surfaced public road, 1995 1:7 500000
Teofil Lijewski
3. Network of international routes and planned motorways 1:7 500000
Teofil Lijewski

101.4 Road traffic

1. Road traffic, 1995 1:1500000
Stanislaw Cabala, Tomasz Komornicki
2. Level of motorization in 1995 1:7 500000
Stanislaw Cabala, Tomasz Komornicki


Elzbieta Sylwia Sujko, Teofil Lijewski

101.6 Shipping, air transport and international links

1. Shipping and ports 1:3000000
Teofil Lijewski
2. Air transport 1:3000000
Teofil Lijewski
3. Rail, shipping and air links with abroad 1:18000000
Teofil Lijewski
4. Bus links with abroad 1:12000000
Tomasz Komornicki

101.7 Post and telecommunications

Marek Potrykowski, Anna Tkocz
1. Postal and telecommunications establishments, 1992 1:3000000
2. Telephone subscribers, 1992 1:4500000
3. Range of "Centertel" Polish Cellular Telephones, 1996 1:4500000
4. Employment in communicatons, 1995 1:6000000
5. Basic postal services, 1995 1:6000000
6. Select home post services
7. Selected communication services from and to Poland
8. Telex subscribers, 1995 1:6000000
9. Telecommunication links between cities and internationally, 1995 1:6000000
Telex subscribers, 1955-1994
Telephone subscribers, 1955-1994


102.1 Internal trade and gastronomy

Andrzej Werwicki
1. Professionally active in retailing and gastronomy, 1989, 1993 1:4500000
2. Bazaars retailing, 1995 1:4500000
3. Chosen bazaars of international meaning 1:4500000
4. Changes in number of persons working and employed in retailing
and gastronomy, 1987/89-1993
5. Changes in ownership structure of shops, 1987-1993
6. Retailing and gastronomy outlets run by physical persons, 1991, 1993 1:4500000
7. Ownership structure of shops, 1990, 1993 1:4500000
8. Employment in retailing, 1990, 1993 1:4500000
9. Shoppers in towns and cities, 1990, 1993 1:12000000
10. Shoppers in rural areas, 1990, 1993 1:12000000


102.3 Tourist and holiday facilities

Stanislaw Liszewski
1. Localities with night accommodation available, 1994 1:2500000
2. Travel offices, 1994 1:2500000
3. Night accommodation objects, 1993 1:6000000
4. Night accommodation places in toursist objects, 1993 1:6000000
5. Marked tourist routes, 1990 1:6000000
6. Main museums, 1991 and visitors to Raclawice Panorama
in Wroclaw, 1990 1:6000000

102.4 Financial services I

1. Banks, 1994 1:1500000
Zdzislaw Kaminski, Waldemar Ratajczak
2. Bank headquarters, 1994 1:7 500000
Roman Chmielewski, Jacek Kasprzyk
3. Equity capital of banks, 1995 1:7 500000
Grzegorz Potrzebowski, Tadeusz Stryjakiewicz

102.5 Financial services II

Roman Chmielewski, Jacek Kasprzyk, Grzegorz Potrzebowski,
Tadeusz Stryjakiewicz
1. The PKO B.P. and PeKaO S.A. banks (June 1995) 1:3000000
2. Regional banks separated in 1989 from the Polish National Bank (NBP)
(June 1995) 1:3000000
3. Employment in financial and insurance institutions, 1989-1994 1:7 500000
4. Economic entities in financial services, 1994 1:7 500000
5. Share of the private sector in financial services, 1994 1:7 500000
6. Broking houses, 1994 1:7 500000
7. Economic chambers and associations, 1993 1:7 500000
8. Agencies and foundations for regional and local development, 1993 1:7 500000
9. Innovation and business-support centres, 1994 1:7 500000

102.6 Communal installations in large cities, 1994

Communal installations in large cities, 1994 1:1500000
Andrzej Galazka


111.1 Economic restructuring in the years 1990-1995. I

1. Gross domestic product per capita (Poland average = 100), 1986 1:7 500000
Piotr Korcelli, Wlodzimierz Zglinski
2. Gross domestic product per capita (Poland average = 100), 1992 1:7 500000
Wlodzimierz Zglinski
3. Employment in national economy by type of ownership, 1989-1994 1:6000000
Piotr Korcelli, Wlodzimierz Zglinski
4. Employment in national economy by sectors, 1994
Piotr Korcelli, Wlodzimierz Zglinski
5-7. Changes in proportions working in individual sectors
of the national economy, 1989-1994 1:7 500000
Piotr Korcelli, Wlodzimierz Zglinski
5. Primary activities
6. Secondary activities
7. Tertiary and quaternary activities
8. State-owned enterprises included in privatization programmes
between August 1, 1990 and December 31, 1995 1:4500000
Piotr Korcelli, Wlodzimierz Zglinski
9. National Investment Funds, 1995 1:3000000
Wlodzimierz Zglinski

111.2 Economic restructuring in the years 1990-1995. II

1. State-owned enterprises, 1989-1994 1:6000000
Piotr Korcelli, Andrzej Galazka
2. Treasury-owned enterprises, 1989-1994 1:6000000
Piotr Korcelli, Andrzej Galazka
3. Direct foreign investment during 1990-1995
Piotr Korcelli, Wlodzimierz Zglinski
4. Spatial pattern of major foreign investments (as of 31 March, 1996) 1:4500000
Piotr Korcelli, Wlodzimierz Zglinski
5. Domestically-owned private companies, 1990-1994 1:6000000
Andrzej Galazka
6. Private companies, 1992-1994 1:6000000
Andrzej Galazka
7. Joint ventures, 1989-1994 1:6000000
Andrzej Galazka
8. Joint ventures (as of 31 March, 1996) 1:4500000
Andrzej Galazka
9. Privatization of treasury-owned agricultural land, 1992-1995 1:6000000
Wlodzimierz Zglinski
10. Changes in the size-structure of private farms, 1990-1995 1:6000000
Wlodzimierz Zglinski
11. Location of headquarters of companies quoted on Warsaw stock
exchange (as of March, 1996) 1:6000000
Piotr Korcelli, Wlodzimierz Zglinski
12. One-person firms (as of 31 March, 1996) 1:4500000
Andrzej Galazka

111.3 Small private businesses, 1991

Wioletta Kaminska, Zbigniew Ziolo
1. Small private businesses, 1991 1:1500000
2. Employment in small private businesses, 1991 1:6000000

111.4 Small private businesses, 1994

Wioletta Kaminska, Zbigniew Ziolo
1. Small private businesses, 1994 1:1500000
2. Employment in small private businesses, 1991-1994 1:6000000