GIS and Cartography Workgroup
Atlas of the Republic of Poland
Maps list
Part Three SOCIETY
61.1 Distribution of population, 1897/1900, 1930/1933
1. Population density, 1897/1900 1:4000000
Marek Jerczynski
2. Population density, 1900/1933 1:4000000
Wojcuech Jankowski
3. Urban population. 1897/1900 1:4000000
Marek Jerczynski
4. Urban population, 1930/1933 1:4000000
Wojciech Jankowski
61.2 Linguistic and denominational structure in the first half of the 20th century
Piotr Eberhardt
1. Linguistic structure, 1931 1:3000000
2. Linguistic structure of population in Poland, 1931
3. The population of polish origin, 1900 1:12000000
4. Denominational structure, 1931 1:3000000
5. Denominational structure of population in Poland, 1931
61.3 Movements of population caused by World War II
Andrzej Gawryszewski, Leszek A. Kosinski
1. Population of occupied areas, 1939 1:9000000
2. Migrations, 1939-1950 1:7000000
3. Polish war migrations outside the country 1:180000000
4. Deportations 1:7000000
5. Soviet deportations, 1940-1941 1:9000000
6. Poles in USSR, 1940-1941 1:40000000
7. Distribution of Jews and Holocaust 1:4500000
8. Dispersion of Warsaw population, 1944 1:4500000
9. Territorial origin of population of western and northern territories, 1950 1:4500000
62.1 Distribution of population, 1992
Jacek Paslawski, Ewa Lodzinska, Waldemar Wieczorek
Distribution of population, 1992 1:1500000
Examples of rural settlement 1:200000
62.2 Density of population and changes 1950-1992
Piotr Eberhardt, Andrzej Stasiak
1. Population density, 1950 1:3000000
2. Population density, 1992 1:3000000
3. Changes of population density 1951-1992 1:6000000
4. Average annual changes of population 1951-1970 1:4500000
5. Average annual changes of population 1971-1992 1:4500000
6. Average annual changes of population 1951-1992 1:4500000
63.1 Urban and rural population
Piotr Korcelli, Andrzej Gawryszewski, Janusz Ksiezak
1. Growth of population in Poland, 1946-1994 (2010)
Population by size of cities, 1946-1993
2. Growth of urban population 1:4500000
Types of dynamic's growth of urban population, 1950-1993
Population balance in urban areas, 1946-1993
3. Growth of rural population 1:4500000
Types of dynamic's growth of rural population, 1950-1993
Population balance in rural areas, 1946-1993
4. Urban population by sex and age 1970, 1993 1:3000000
5. Rural population by sex and age 1970, 1993 1:3000000
63.2 Population by age
Andrzej Gawryszewski
1. Population aged 0-14 years, 1970 1:4500000
2. Population aged 15-59 years, 1970 1:4500000
3. Population aged 60 years and over, 1970 1:4500000
4. Population aged 0-14 years, 1988 1:4500000
5. Population aged 15-59 years, 1988 1:4500000
6. Population aged 60 years and over, 1988 1:4500000
7. Ratio of population of non-productive age to population
of productive age, 1988 1:4500000
8. Age structure of population, 1970 1:4500000
9. Age structure of population, 1988 1:4500000
63.3 Population by sex and age, 1950-1992
Andrzej Gawryszewski, Janusz Ksiezak
1. Number of women per 100 men by age groups, 1950-1992
2. Number of women per 100 men in age group 30-44 years, 1975-1992 1:6000000
3. Number of women per 100 men in age group 45-59 years, 1975-1992 1:6000000
4-6. Number of women per 100 men, 1950, 1970, 1992
4. Number of women per 100 men, 1950 1:6000000
5. Number of women per 100 men, 1970 1:6000000
6. Number of women per 100 men, 1992 1:6000000
7-12. Number of women per 100 men by main age groups, 1970, 1988
7. Number of women per 100 men in age group 0-14 years, 1970 1:6000000
8. Number of women per 100 men in age group 15-59 years, 1970 1:6000000
9. Number of women per 100 men in age group 60 years and over, 1970 1:6000000
10. Number of women per 100 men in age group 0-14 years, 1988 1:6000000
11. Number of women per 100 men in age group 15-59 years, 1988 1:6000000
12. Number of women per 100 men in age group 60 years and over, 1988 1:6000000
63.4 Education of population
Andrzej Gawryszewski
1. Population with primary and basic vocational education, 1970 1:4500000
2. Population with secondary education, 1970 1:4500000
3. Population with higher education, 1970 1:4500000
4. Population with primary and basic vocational education, 1988 1:4500000
5. Population with secondary education, 1988 1:4500000
6. Population with higher education, 1988 1:4500000
7. Structure of population in terms of education, 1970 1:4500000
8. Structure of population in terms of education, 1988 1:4500000
9. Level of education of population, 1960-1988
63.5 Education of the agricultural population
1-6. Agricultural population working on own farm by level
of education, 1988
1. Population with incomplete primary education 1:4500000
Bozena Galczynska
2. Population with primary education 1:4500000
Bozena Galczynska
3. Population with education beyond primary level 1:4500000
Bozena Galczynska
4. Population with basic vocational education 1:4500000
Bozena Galczynska
5. Population with secondary and higher education 1:4500000
Bozena Galczynska
6. Population with agricultural education 1:4500000
Bozena Galczynska
7-8. Educational structure of population comprising those working
on their own farm
7. Educational structure, 1978 1:6000000
Bozena Galczynska, Andrzej Czerny
8. Educational structure, 1988 1:6000000
Bozena Galczynska, Andrzej Czerny
9. Persons with educational beyond primary level employed in agriculture
in rural areas, 1988 1:6000000
Bozena Galczynska
10. Agricultural population in rural areas by level of rducation
Bozena Galczynska
63.6 Households
Andrzej Gawryszewski
1. Households of 1-2-persons, 1970 1:4500000
2. Households of 3-4-persons, 1970 1:4500000
3. Households of 5 persons and more, 1970 1:4500000
4. Households of 1-2-persons, 1988 1:4500000
5. Households of 3-4-persons, 1988 1:4500000
6. Households of 5 persons and more, 1988 1:4500000
7. Households excluded users of farm households, 1970 1:4500000
8. Households excluded users of farm households, 1988 1:4500000
9. Households structural types, 1988 1:4500000
Single-parent families [in texts] 1:6000000
63.7 Population according to main sources of maintenance
Andrzej Stasiak, Andrzej Gawryszewski
1. Population supported by non-agricultural sources, 1950 1:4500000
2. Population supported by non-agricultural sources, 1988 1:4500000
3. Changes in population supported by non-agricultural
sources, 1951-1988 1:4500000
4. Population living from employment beyond agriculture, 1970 1:4500000
5. Population living from employment beyond agriculture, 1988 1:4500000
6. Changes in population living from employment beyond
agriculture, 1971-1988 1:4500000
7. Population supported by unpaid sources, 1970 1:4500000
8. Population supported by unpaid sources, 1988 1:4500000
9. Changes of population supported by unpaid sources, 1971-1988
63.8 Working population
Malgorzata Kalaska
1. Employed total, 1970 1:4500000
2. Employed total, 1993 1:4500000
3. Employed total, 1970 and 1980 1:6000000
4. Employed total, 1980 and 1993 1:6000000
5. Employed by economic sectors, 1993 1:6000000
6. Employed in agriculture, 1970 and 1993 1:6000000
7. Employed on their own farms, 1988 and 1993 1:6000000
8. Employed by sex, 1970 and 1993 1:6000000
9. Employed by ownership sectors, 1990 and 1993 1:6000000
10. Employed by ownership sector (individual farming excluded),
1990 and 1993 1:6000000
11. Employed full time by level of education, 1992 1:6000000
Working population, 1950-1993
63.9 Unemployment
Andrzej Gawryszewski
1. Total unemployment, 1993 1:6000000
2. Unemployed women, 1993 1:6000000
3. Unemployed for 13 month or more, 1993 1:6000000
4. Unemployed whose last place of employment was in the public
sector, 1994 1:6000000
5. Unemployed aged 24 or less, 1993 1:6000000
6. Unemployed aged 25-34, 1993 1:6000000
7. Unemployed aged 35-44, 1993 1:6000000
8. Unemployed whose last place of employment was industry
and construction, 1994 1:6000000
9. Unemployed with primary and incomplete primary education, 1993 1:6000000
10. Unemployed with basic vocational education, 1993 1:6000000
11. Unemployed with secondary and higher education, 1993 1:6000000
12. Unemployed last working in other economic sectors (agriculture
and forestry excluded), 1994 1:6000000
Rate of unemployment in Poland as compared with the countries
of the European Union, 1990-1993
Group termination of employment, 1990-1994
Number of registered unemployed by age, March 1991 - March 1994
Number of registered unemployed by education,
March 1991 - March 1994
Number of registered unemployed by duration of period of
unemployment, September 1992 - March 1994
Number of registered unemployed by last place of employment,
March 1992 - March 1994
64.1 Marriages, divorces
Piotr Korcelli, Elzbieta Iwanicka-Lyra
1. Marriages, 1992 1:3000000
2. Divorces, 1992 1:3000000
3. Excess of contracted marriages over marriages dissolved
by divorce, 1992 1:3000000
4. Medial age bridegrooms, 1002 1:6000000
5. Medial age brides, 1002 1:6000000
6. Divorces by number of children below 18 years, 1992 1:6000000
7. Marriages, 1950-1992
8. Medial age of grooms and brides, 1950-1992
Contracted and dissolved marriages, 1950-1992
64.2 Births
Adam Jelonek
1. Births - total 1:3000000
2. Births - urban areas 1:3000000
3. Births - rural areas 1:3000000
4. Total female fertility, 1992 1:6000000
5. Live births by mother age, 1992 1:6000000
6. Live births by birth order, 1992 1:6000000
7. Live births per 1000 of population, 1946-1992
64.3 Deaths
Adam Jelonek
1. Deaths - total 1:3000000
2. Deaths - urban areas 1:3000000
3. Deaths - rural areas 1:3000000
4. Deaths of infants, 1992 1:6000000
5. Deaths of new born children, 1992 1:6000000
6. Deaths by sex and age, 1950, 1970, 1992
7. Deaths per 1000 of population, 1946-1992
64.4 Natural increase and reproduction of the population
Adam Jelonek
1. Natural increase - total 1:3000000
2. Natural increase - urban areas 1:3000000
3. Natural increase - rural areas 1:3000000
4. Female fertility, 1992 1:6000000
5. Gross reproduction rate, 1992 1:6000000
6. Demographic dynamics rate, 1992 1:6000000
7. Natural increase 1946-1992
65.1 Autochthonic and allochthonic population
Andrzej Gawryszewski
1. Locally-born population, 1970 1:3000000
In-migrants by periods of arrival to locality of current residence, 1978
2. Population by duration of residence, 1970 1:3000000
3. Locally-born population, 1988 1:3000000
In-migrants by period of arrival to locality of current residence,
1978 and 1988
4. Population by duration of residence, 1988 1:3000000
65.2 Internal migration
Piotr Korcelli, Andrzej Gawryszewski
1. Inmigration, 1990-1992 1:4500000
2. Outmigration, 1990-1992 1:4500000
3. Net migration, 1990-1992 1:4500000
4. Inmigration, 1976-1992 1:4500000
5. Outmigration, 1976-1992 1:4500000
6. Net migration, 1976-1992 1:4500000
7. Intra-voivodship and inter-voivodship migration, 1990-1992 1:4500000
8. Net migration in rural areas, 1976-1978 1:4500000
9. Net migration in rural areas, 1991-1992 1:4500000
65.3 International migration
1. Emigration from Poland, 1980-1989 1:6000000
Marek Jerczynski
2. Emigration from Poland, 1990-1993 1:6000000
Marek Jerczynski
3. Age and sex structure of emigrant population, 1980-1989, 1990-1993
Marek Jerczynski
4. Foreigners resident in Poland, 1991 1:6000000
Marek Jerczynski
5. Immigration to Poland, 1990-1993 1:6000000
Marek Jerczynski
6. Age and sex structure of immigrant population, 1980-1989, 1990-1993
Marek Jerczynski
7. Directions of emigration from Poland, 1980-1989 1:6000000
Marek Jerczynski
8. Temporary exits abroad by polish citizens, 1984-1988 1:6000000
Marek Kupiszewski
9. Level of education of temporary migrants from Poland, 1988
Marek Kupiszewski
10. Temporary movement of people at border crossing, 1994 1:3000000
Marek Jerczynski
11. Forms of external migratory movement, 1946-1994
Marek Jerczynski
65.4 Commuting to work
1. Regions of commuting to work, 1983 1:2500000
Alina Potrykowska, Danuta Bodzak
2. Hierarchy of commuting centres in the urban system of Poland, 1983 1:2500000
Alina Potrykowska
3. Regional closure of commuting to work at the voivodships
level, 1973-1988 1:6000000
Alina Potrykowska
4. Commuting to work, 1973-1988
Alina Potrykowska
66.1 Towns and cities in 1994 - legal status and age
Towns and cities in 1994 - legal status and age 1:1500000
Michal Najgrakowski
66.2 Towns and cities in 1994 - population
1. Changes in urban population, 1950-1992 1:1500000
Marek Jerczynski, Janusz Ksiezak
2. Granting and withdrawal of the legal urban status, 1951-1994 1:6000000
Marek Jerczynski
Changes in rank-size of largest cities, 1950 and 1992
Marek Jerczynski
66.3 Urban agglomerations
Zbigniew Rykiel
1. Szczecin 1:500000
2. Gdansk 1:500000
3. Bydgoszcz 1:500000
4. Bialystok 1:500000
5. Poznan 1:500000
6. Czestochowa 1:500000
7. Lodz 1:500000
8. Warszawa 1:500000
9. Wroclaw 1:500000
10. Katowice (Upper Silesian Industrial District) and Rybnik 1:500000
11. Krakow 1:500000
12. Lublin 1:500000
67.1 Morphogenetic types of rural settlement
Halina Szulc
1. Morphogenetic types of rural settlement in the 19th century 1:2500000
2. Model examples of morphogenetic types of villages in the 19th century
8 maps 1:25000
3. A contemporary picture of pattern villages
8 maps 1:50000
67.2 Functions of rural areas
Functions of rural areas 1:1500000
Wladyslawa Stola
68.1 Housing stock
Alina Muziol-Weclawowicz
1. Dwellings by period of construction, 1988 1:4500000
2. Dwellings by number of rooms, 1988 1:4500000
3. Usable floor space of dwellings, 1988 1:4500000
4. Dwellings in municipal housing, 1988 1:4500000
5. Dwellings in co-operative housing, 1988 1:4500000
6. Dwellings in housing owned by place of work, 1988 1:4500000
7. Dwellings in private housing, 1988 1:4500000
8. Ownership structure and titles to the use of dwellings, 1992 1:4500000
9. Additional dwellings built in the years 1970-1992
68.2 Housing conditions
Alina Muziol-Weclawowicz
1. Number of dwellings, 1978 1:4500000
2. Number of dwellings, 1988 1:4500000
3. Usable for space, 1988 1:4500000
4. Number of persons per room, 1988 1:4500000
5. Households with exclusive use of dwellings, 1988 1:4500000
6. Population in dwellings equipped with at least running water,
flush toilet and bathroom, 1988 1:4500000
7. Population in dwellings equipped with at least running water, 1988 1:4500000
8. Population living in very good housing conditions, 1988 1:4500000
9. Population living in very bad housing conditions, 1988 1:4500000
71.1 Living standards
Kazimierz Latuch, Andrzej Gawryszewski
1-5. Material situation of households by socio-economic groups
of population, 1982, 1985, 1990, 1993
1. Households by self-assessment of material situation
2. All households, 1985, 1990, 1993 1:6000000
3. Employees' households, 1985, 1990, 1993 1:6000000
4. Farmers' households, 1985, 1990, 1993 1:6000000
5. Pensioners' households, 1985, 1990, 1993 1:6000000
6-10. Spendingallocation of households income by socio-economic
groups of population, 1982, 1985, 1990, 1993
6. Self-assessment of spending allocation of households income
7. All households, 1985, 1990, 1993 1:6000000
8. Employees' households, 1985, 1990, 1993 1:6000000
9. Farmers' households, 1985, 1990, 1993 1:6000000
10. Pensioners' households, 1985, 1990, 1993 1:6000000
11-15. Equipment of households with selected manufactured
products, 1982, 1985, 1989, 1993
11. Overall equipment of households with selected manufactured
12. Cars, 1985, 1989, 1993 1:6000000
13. Colour TV, 1985, 1989, 1993 1:6000000
14. Washing machines, 1985, 1989, 1993 1:6000000
15. Refrigerators and freezers, 1985, 1989, 1993 1:6000000
72.1 Pre-school, primary and secondary education, 1992/1993
Elzbieta Iwanicka-Lyra, Zbigniew Rykiel
1. Centres of pre-school education 1:4500000
2. Pre-school education 1:4500000
3. Primary vocational training schools 1:4500000
4. Primary schools 1:4500000
5. Children and teenagers in primary schools 1:4500000
6. Schools of basic vocational training for young people 1:4500000
7. Secondary schools 1:4500000
8. Secondary vocational schools 1:4500000
9. Foreign language education in secondary schools 1:4500000
72.2 Higher education and science
Ewa Nowosielska
1. Centres of higher education in 1974/1975 and 1993/1994 1:4500000
2. Public establishments of higher education, 1993 1:4500000
3. Private establishments of higher education, 1993 1:4500000
4. Rmployment in science and technology, 1987, 1993 1:4500000
5. Changes in employment in science and technology, 1987-1993 1:4500000
6. Employment in science and technology, 1993 1:4500000
7. Students by fields of study
8. Students per 10000 inhabitants
9. Teaching-staff, 1993/1994
10. Employment in science and technology
11. Wear degree of scientific and research apparatus
12. Expenditures of the state budget on scientific research and higher
72.3 Culture
Elzbieta Iwanicka-Lyra, Zbigniew Rykiel
1. Museums, 1993 1:3000000
2. Theatres and musical institutions, 1991 1:3000000
3. Number of performances and audience members, 1991 1:7 500000
4. Institutions promoting culture, 1991 1:7 500000
5. Cinemas, 1992 1:7 500000
6. Libraries and readership, 1992 1:7 500000
7. Newspapers and periodicals, 1988 1:7 500000
8. Radio and television, 1991 1:7 500000
9. Architectural and urban monuments, 1991 1:7 500000
10. Visitors to cultural institutions
73.1 Health care
Halina Poweska
1. Physicians, 1992 1:4500000
2. Dentists, 1992 1:4500000
3. Nurses, 1992 1:4500000
4. Pharmacies, 1992 1:4500000
5. Specialists, 1992 1:4500000
6. Hospital beds, 1992 1:4500000
7. Emergency care, 1992 1:6000000
8. Investments, 1992 1:6000000
9. Medical appointments, 1992 1:6000000
10. Stomatological visits, 1992 1:6000000
11. Health service personnel, 1938-1992
73.2 Health status of the population
Witold A. Zatonski, Jerzy Tyczynski
1. Total mortality, 1895-1994
2. Cancer mortality among males, 1986-1990 1:6000000
3. Cancer mortality among females, 1986-1990 1:6000000
4. Lung cancer mortality among males, 1986-1990 1:6000000
5. Breast cancer mortality among females, 1986-1990 1:6000000
6. Mortality among males, age 45-64, from myocardial infarction, 1988 1:6000000
7. Mortality among females, age 45-64, from myocardial infarction, 1988 1:6000000
8. Mortality among males resulting from accidents, poisonings
and injuries, 1988 1:6000000
9. Mortality among females resulting from accidents, poisonings
and injuries, 1988 1:6000000
10. Invalids, 1988 1:6000000
11. Consumption of cigarettes, 1985-1988 1:6000000
12. Infant mortality, 1928-1992
13. Mortality at ages 35-64, 1950-1991
14. Deaths from leading causes, 1960-1990
15. Structure of cancer mortality, 1963, 1991
16. Average life expectancy, 1928-1991
73.3 Tourist traffic
Stanislaw Liszewski
1. Users of places of rest and recreation, 1989 1:6000000
2. Duration of stays in places of rest and recreation, 1989 1:6000000
3. The use of places of rest and recreation, 1989-1990 1:6000000
4. Geographical range of places of permanent residence of tourists
staying in Spala, 1989 1:6000000
5. Seasonality in the use of places of rest and recreation, 1989/1990.
Selected examples
6. Users of places catering for tourists, 1989 1:6000000
7. Duration of stays in places catering for tourists, 1989 1:6000000
8. The use of places catering for tourists, 1989 1:6000000
9. Geographical range of places of permanent residence of tourists
staying in Kazimierz Dolny, 1989 1:6000000
10. Seasonality in the use of places catering for tourists, 1989/1990.
Selected examples
11. Foreigners coming to Poland, 1985, 1992 1:40000000
12. Foreign tourists coming to Poland, 1992 1:40000000
13. Polish citizens travelling abroad, 1988 1:40000000
14. Traffic at border crossing points, 1992 1:6000000
15. Seasonality of traffic at border crossing points, 1992
73.4 Forms of recreation, 1994/1995
Andrzej Gawryszewski, Kazimierz Latuch
1-2. Participation of households in tourist visits within Poland by
place of residence
1. Participation in 2-4 days visits 1:7 500000
2. Participation in visits of 5 days or more 1:7 500000
3-4. Number of tourist visits by place of residence
3. Number of 2-4 day visits 1:7 500000
4. Number of visits for 5 days or more 1:7 500000
5-6. Tourist visits by main purposes
5. Tourist visits for 2-4 days 1:7 500000
6. Tourist visits and arrivals for 5 days or more 1:7 500000
7-8. Tourist visits by organizer of stay
7. Tourist visits for 2-4 days 1:7 500000
8. Tourist visits and arrivals for 5 days or more 1:7 500000
9-10. Tourist visits by main means of transport
9. Tourist visits for 2-4 days 1:7 500000
10. Tourist visits and arrivals for 5 days or more 1:7 500000
11-12. Tourist visits by main place of stay
11. Tourist visits for 2-4 days 1:7 500000
12. Tourist visits and arrivals for 5 days or more 1:7 500000
13-14. Tourist flows by regions of residence and stay
13. Tourist flows of 2-4 days 1:7 500000
14. Tourist flows of 5 days or more 1:7 500000
15. Tourist flows of 5 days or more by main purpose 1:7 500000
16. Tourist flows of 5 days or more by main means of transport 1:7 500000
17. Main ways of spending time on tourist visits of 5 days or more 1:7 500000
18. Satisfaction of touristic needs by place of residence 1:7 500000
Bioclimatic regions [in text] 1:7 500000
Teresa Kozlowska-Szczesna
74.1 Justice and social ills
Malgorzata Bartnicka, Slawomir Bartnicki
1-6. Justice system
1. Court judges, 1976 1:6000000
2. Court judges, 1992 1:6000000
3. Non-criminal cases, 1976 1:6000000
4. Non-criminal cases, 1993 1:6000000
5. Criminal cases, 1976 1:6000000
6. Criminal cases, 1993 1:6000000
7-16. Social missbehavior
Malgorzata Bartnicka, Slawomir Bartnicki, Andrzej Kowalczyk
7. Crines commited, 1976 1:6000000
8. Crines commited, 1992 1:6000000
9. Crimes against property, 1976 1:6000000
10. Crimes against property, 1992 1:6000000
11. Crimes against the person, 1976 1:6000000
12. Crimes against the person, 1992 1:6000000
13. Drug addicts 1:6000000
14. Alcohol consumption and alcoholics 1:6000000
15. Alcohol consumption, 1954-1988
15. Crime trends, 1954-1992
75.1 Religious denominations
Piotr Eberhardt, Jerzy Ostrowski
1-6. Roman Catholic Church
1. Worshippers, 1993 1:4500000
2. The priesthood, 1993 1:4500000
3. Parishes and sacral buildings, 1993 1:4500000
4. Sunday religious practices, 1984 1:4500000
5. Religious orders, 1993 1:4500000
6. Sanctuaries and pilgrimage activities, 1993 1:4500000
7-12. Other churches and denominational unions
7. Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church, 1992 1:7 500000
8. Catholic church - byzantine-ukrainian rite, 1992 1:7 500000
9. Polish Catholic Church, 1992 1:7 500000
10. Evangelical Church of Augsburg Confession in the Republic
of Poland, 1992 1:7 500000
11. Association of Jehovah's Witnesses in Poland, 1994 1:7 500000
12. Union of Jewish Denominational Communes in the Republic
of Poland, 1992 1:7 500000
75.2 Presidential election 1990, parliamentary election 1991
Grzegorz Weclawowicz
1-5. Presidential election of November 25, 1990 - first ballot
and December 9, 1990 - second ballot
1. Electoral attendance 1:6000000
2. Support for Lech Walesa 1:6000000
3. Support for Stanislaw Tyminski 1:6000000
4. Support for Tadeusz Mazowiecki 1:6000000
5. Second ballot - support for Lech Walesa 1:6000000
6-15. Parliamentary elections of october 27, 1991
6. Electoral attendance 1:6000000
7. Democratic Union 1:6000000
8. Democratic Left Alliance 1:6000000
9. Catholic Electoral Action 1:6000000
10. Civil Centrum Alliance 1:6000000
11. Confederation for Independent Poland 1:6000000
12. Liberal-Democratic Congress 1:6000000
13. Polish Peasant Party 1:6000000
14. Peasant Alliance 1:6000000
15. Winners by electoral districts 1:6000000
75.3 Parliamentary elections of September 19, 1993
Grzegorz Weclawowicz
1. Electoral attendance 1:6000000
2. Democratic Left Alliance 1:6000000
3. Polish Peasant Party 1:6000000
4. Democratic Union 1:6000000
5. Labour Union 1:6000000
6. Confederation for Independent Poland 1:6000000
7. Non-party Block of Support for Reforms 1:6000000
8. Catholic Electoral Committee - "Homeland" 1:6000000
9. Independent Self-governing Trade Union - "Solidarity" 1:6000000
10. Centrum Alliance 1:6000000
11. Liberal-Democratic Congress 1:6000000
12. Elections-Winners 1:6000000
Distribution of votes in parliamentary elections to the Sejm (as percentage
of effective votes)
Parties represented in the Sejm (number and percentage of seats)
75.4 Presidential elections 1995
Andrzej Czerny, Ewa Nowosielska
1. Turnout in first round 1:4500000
2. Rivalry between A. Kwasniewski and L. Walesa in first round 1:4500000
3. Rivalry between remaining candidates in first round 1:4500000
4. Compiled results of first and second rounds
5. Votes cast for A. Kwasniewski in first round 1:4500000
6. Votes cast for L. Walesa in first round 1:4500000
7. Turnout in second round 1:4500000
8. Rivalry between A. Kwasniewski and L. Walesa in second round 1:4500000
9. Rise in support for A. Kwasniewski in second round 1:4500000