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Results 1425 - 1432 of 1730 for Poland (0.1357 seconds)
Rola regionów funkcjonalnych w przestrzennym i zrównoważonym rozwoju przestrzenni zurbanizowanych i wiejskich (na przykładzie Polski i Węgier)Crisis factors behind the regional processes in Visegrad countries [0.54% relevance]
team members in conferences organized in Poland and Hungary. Institute of Geography and Spatial
project_en/events/p2_010.html - 20.51 kB
Small and Medium-Sized Towns (TOWN) [0.54% relevance]
The main result of the case study concerning Poland was twofold. Firstly, the quantitative analyses
project_en/events/1_833.html - 22.22 kB
Ekologiczno-krajobrazowy wymiar urbanizacji terenów wiejskich Obszaru Metropolitalnego WarszawyEcological-landscape dimension of the country-lands urbanization on the Metropolitan Area of Warsaw [0.54% relevance]
Area during the EU pre-accession period of Poland and the first years of membership. [w]: Regional
project_en/events/p3_078.html - 21.45 kB
Indicators and Perspectives for Services of General Interests in Territorial Cohesion and Development (SeGI) - ESPON 2013 [0.54% relevance]
remote areas – a regional comparison in Germany, Poland and Hungary. [w]: Services of general interest
project_en/events/p1_005.html - 23.37 kB
Rola granic w rozwoju regionalnym ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem dziedzictwa naturalnego i kulturowegoThe role of borders in regional development with a particular focus on natural and cultural heritage [0.54% relevance]
areas will be based primarily on the example of Poland, with reference to their historical and
project_en/events/rola-granic-w-rozwoju-regionalnym-ze-szczegolnym-uwzglednieniem-dziedzictwa-naturalnego-i-historycznegothe-role-of-borders-in-re.html - 24.09 kB
Department of Urban and Population Studies [0.54% relevance]
areas transformations taking place in Poland and Central Europe. Also, the Department carries
department-urban-population-studies/fbclid/IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2eEOyO71m1ZuQm64t-_VHY1WmEdormvba06s0Q26LdTZZRW_0Y1VvmhmQ_aem_YM9L83qZE-1I4bKsDIQI8g.html - 24.19 kB
Recreational Centre [0.54% relevance]
in the Beskid Niskid Mts. (West Carpathians, Poland) in the Ropa river valley - this being attached
Recreational-Centre.html - 25.75 kB
Small city regions: development, resilience and sustainability (SMACREG) [0.54% relevance]
and development partners from Switzerland, Poland, England, Finland and Denmark will bring
project_en/events/33_10450.html - 23.15 kB