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Results 1417 - 1424 of 1738 for Poland (0.1044 seconds)
Michał Niedzielski [0.54% relevance]
accessibility by transport mode in Warsaw, Poland. Geographia Polonica 81(2), 2008, 61-78. O'Kelly
member/show/michal_niedzielski.html - 35.34 kB
HydroBieszczady [0.54% relevance]
springs in the Outer Eastern Carpathians (Poland). - Hydrology Research 2018, 49, 6 - s. 1946-
project_en/events/32_5660.html - 21.08 kB
Research projects [0.54% relevance]
are carried out worldwide in 40 countries. In Poland, the consortium was established, including such
research-projects-szymbark.html - 21.38 kB
Tom 2003, Studia Geomorphologica Carpatho-Balcanica, Zakład Badań Geośrodowiska IGiPZ PAN [0.54% relevance]
(Beskid Wyspowy Range, Outer Carpathians, South Poland) Roman Malarz Downstream changes of fluvial
sgbc_37-kopia.html - 23.07 kB
Information for Authors [0.54% relevance]
of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00-818 Warsaw, Poland; or Europa.XXI@twarda.
europa-xxi-information-for-authors-en.html - 26.26 kB
Wielokryterialna ocena wpływu wybranych korytarzy drogowych na środowisko przyrodnicze i rozwój społeczno-ekonomiczny obszarów przyległychMulti-criteria evaluation of the impact of selected road corridors on the environment and socio-economic development [0.54% relevance]
-economic development of peripheral areas in Poland. [w]: Geohazrads, Biodiversity, Resource
project_en/events/p3_067.html - 24.9 kB
Oscylacja Preborealna w świetle wysokiej rozdzielczości analiz multiproxy - laminowane osady jeziora Jelonek, Bory Tucholskie [0.54% relevance]
analyses ‐ laminated sediments of Lake Jelonek, Poland. [w]: Human Impact and Landscape Evolution in
project_en/events/3_4679.html - 22.57 kB
Endogeniczne czynniki rozwoju obszarów wiejskich województwa mazowieckiegoEndogenous factors behind development of rural areas in the Mazovian Voivodeship [0.54% relevance]
the index for endogenous potential of Poland’s rural areas socio-economic development? 2.
project_en/events/p3_061.html - 21.2 kB