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- 2005-2009 - PhD studies: The Ohio State University, Department of Geography (promotor prof. M O'Kelly)
- 2003-2005 - MA studies: The Ohio State University, Department of Geography (promotor prof. M O'Kelly)
- 1999-2003 - BA studies: DePaul University, Department of Geography
Academic career and degrees
- 2017-2019 - Scholarship holder of POLONEZ National Research Center's program with funds UE Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA)
- 2017 - Associate Professor, University of North Dakota
- 2011-2017 - Assistant Professor, University of North Dakota
- 2009-2011 - Visiting Assistant Professor, University of South Florida
Research interests
- Geography of transport
- Spatial accessibility (transport)
- Spatial optimization
- Urban spatial diversification (socio-economic structure)
- Commuting to work
Selected publications
Articles, chapters
- Niedzielski, M.A., O’Kelly, M.E. and E.E. Boschmann. Synthesizing spatial interaction data for social science research: Validation and an investigation of spatial mismatch in Wichita, Kansas. Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems 54, 2015, 204-218. [IF: 1.520; SJR: Q1]
- Niedzielski, M.A. and E.E. Boschmann. Travel time and distance as relative accessibility in the journey to work. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 104(6), 2014, 1156-1182. [IF: 2.291; SJR: Q1]
- Niedzielski, M.A., Horner, M.W., and N. Xiao. Analyzing Scale Independence in Jobs-Housing and Commute Efficiency Metrics. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 58, 2013, 129-143. [IF: 2.725; SJR: Q1]
- O’Kelly, M.E., Niedzielski, M.A., and J. Gleeson. Spatial Interaction Models from Irish Commuting Data: Variations in Trip Length by Occupation and Gender. Journal of Geographical Systems 14(4), 2012, 357-387. [IF: 1.366; SJR: Q1]
- Niedzielski, M.A., and E.J. Malecki. Making Tracks: Rail Networks in World Cities. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 102(6), 2012, 1409-1431. [IF: 2.110; SJR: Q1]
- van Beynen, P., Niedzielski, M.A., Białkowska-Jelińska, E., Alsharif, K., and J. Matusick. Comparative Study of Specific Groundwater Vulnerability in a Karst Aquifer in Central Florida. Applied Geography 32(2), 2012, 868-877. [IF: 2.779; SJR: Q1]
- O’Kelly, M.E., and M.A. Niedzielski. Are long commute distances inefficient and disorderly? Environment & Planning A 41(11), 2009, 2741-2759. [IF: 1.763; SJR: Q1]
- Niedzielski, M.A. and P. Śleszyński. Analyzing accessibility by transport mode in Warsaw, Poland. Geographia Polonica 81(2), 2008, 61-78.
- O'Kelly, M.E., and M.A. Niedzielski. Efficient spatial interaction: attainable reductions in metropolitan average trip length. Journal of Transport Geography 16(5), 2008, 313-323. [IF: 1.418; SJR: Q1]
- Niedzielski, M.A. A spatially disaggregated approach to commuting efficiency. Urban Studies 43(13), 2006, 2485-2502. [IF: 1.301; SJR: Q1]
- van Beynen, P., Niedzielski, M.A., Białkowska-Jelińska, E., and K. Alsharif. 2018. “Investigating Groundwater Vulnerability of a Karst Aquifer in Tampa Bay, Florida.” In W.B. White, J.S. Herman, E.K. Herman, and M. Rutigliano (Eds.), Karst Groundwater Contamination and Public Health, Springer.
Research problems
Ministerial projects
Articles, chapters, papers and others | Abstracts, reviews, notes
Articles, chapters, papers and others
- Niedzielski M., Goliszek S., Górka A., 2024, Signals, tracks, and trams: public transport signal priority impact on job accessibility over time, Scientific Reports16 s.
- Słowiński M., Związek T., Swoboda P., Niedzielski M., Słowińska S., Konopski M., Jonczak J., Kruczkowska B., Chojnacka A., Róg D., Szewczyk K., Brykała D., 2024, Human impacts on environment in the preindustrial forest landscapes in Poland - an overview, Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 12, 1, s. 1-26.
- Yue L., Niedzielski M., O'Kelly M., 2024, Modal disparity in commuting efficiency: A comparison across educational worker subgroups in Shanghai, Cities, 147, 1047909 s.
- Jing Y., Hu Y., Niedzielski M., 2023, Neighborhood divides: Where you live matters for commuting and its efficiency, Cities, 13211 s.
- Śleszyński P., Olszewski P., Dybicz T., Goch K., Niedzielski M., 2023, The ideal isochrone: Assessing the efficiency of transport systems, Research in Transportation Business & Management, 4611 s.
- Słowiński M., Szewczyk K., Jonczak J., Związek T., Łuców D., Halaś A., Obremska M., Słowińska S., Róg D., Mroczkowska A., Noryśkiewicz A., Chojnacka A., Ważny T., Gmińska-Nowak B., Kramkowski M., Barbarino V., Tyszkowski S., Kruczkowska B., Kowalska A., Kołaczkowska E., Swoboda P., Kardasz C., Niedzielski M., Konopski M., Brykała D., 2022, A novel multiproxy approach to detect the impact of charcoal production on the natural environment in NW Poland – project concept and preliminary results, Geographia Polonica, 95, 3, s. 205-225.
- Niedzielski M., 2021, Grocery store accessibility: Different metrics – Different modal disparity results and spatial patterns, Journal of Transport Geography, 9611 s.
- Wu H., Avner P., Boisjoly G., Braga C., El-Geneidy A., Huang J., Kerzhner T., Murphy B., Niedzielski M., Pereira R., Pritchard J., Stewart A., Wang J., Levinson D., 2021, Urban access across the globe: an international comparison of different transport modes, npj Urban Sustainability, 19 s.
- Niedzielski M., Hu Y., Stępniak M., 2020, Temporal dynamics of the impact of land use on modal disparity in commuting efficiency, Computers Environment and Urban Systems, 8311 s.
- Górczyńska M., Śleszyński P., Niedzielski M., 2019, Impact of property rights and ownership on the development of Warsaw’s contemporary city centre, European Planning Studies, 27, 1, s. 160-180.
- Niedzielski M., Kucharski R., 2019, Impact of commuting, time budgets, and activity durations on modal disparity in accessibility to supermarkets, Transportation Research Part D-Transport and Environment, 75, s. 106-120.
- Van Beynen P., Niedzielski M., Białkowska-Jelińska E., Alsharif K., 2018, Investigating groundwater vulnerability of a karst aquifer in Tampa Bay, Florida, [w:] Red. William B. White, Janet S. Herman, Ellen K. Herman, Marian Rutigliano, Karst groundwater contamination and public health. Beyond case studies. Proceedings of a conference held in San Juan, Puerto Rico, January 27 to February 1, 2016. Organized by the Karst Waters Institute, Advances in Karst Science, Springer, Cham, , s. 261-273.
- Śleszyński P., Niedzielski M., 2018, Zastosowanie danych telemetrycznych do szacunku ludności dziennej i nocnej w Warszawie, Czasopismo Geograficzne, 89, 1-2, s. 43-60.
- Kovarik J., Van Beynen P., Niedzielski M., 2017, Groundwater vulnerability mapping for a sub‑catchment of the Rio La Venta watershed, Chiapas, Mexico, Environmental Earth Sciences, 76, 23, s. 1-11.
- Niedzielski M., O'Kelly M., Boschmann E., 2015, Synthesizing spatial interaction data for social science research: Validation and an investigation of spatial mismatch in Wichita, Kansas, Computers Environment and Urban Systems, 54, s. 204-218.
- Niedzielski M., Śleszyński P., 2008, Analyzing accessibility by transport mode in Warsaw, Poland, Geographia Polonica, 81, 2, s. 61-78.
Abstracts, reviews, notes
- Niedzielski M., Goliszek S., Górka A., 2024, Wpływ priorytetu dla tramwajów na dostępność do miejsc pracy w Warszawie, 2015-2022, IV Interdyscyplinarna Konferencja "Warszawa w Świetle Badań Naukowych", 28-29 listopada 2024, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warszawa, 1 s.
- Słowiński M., Szewczyk K., Halaś A., Jończak J., Mroczkowska A., Łuców D., Słowińska S., Tyszkowski S., Kowalska A., Kołaczkowska E., Chojancka A., Ważny T., Gmińska-Nowak B., Kramkowski M., Kardasz C., Barbarino V., Noryśkiewicz A., Niedzielski M., Kruczkowska B., Brykała D., Związek T., 2022, Produkcja węgla drzewnego w średniowiecznej Europie Środkowej i jej konsekwencje środowiskowe, [w:] Red. Jacek Skurzyński, Zdzisław Jary, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz, Późnoczwartorzędowe środowiska sedymentacyjne Pomorza Wschodniego. XXVII Konferencja Naukowo-Szkoleniowa Stratygrafia Plejstocenu Polski, Stara Kiszewa, 5-9 września 2022 r., Instytut Geografii i Rozwoju Regionalnego Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław, , s. 159-160.
- Niedzielski M., 2019, Spatial inequities in modal accessibility disparities, Towards spatial justice - territorial development or marginalization. Warsaw Regional Forum 2019. Book of abstracts, Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania PAN, Warszawa, , s. 34.
- Niedzielski M., 2018, Access to non-work activities: What is the impact of daily labour mobility?, [w:] Red. Wanda Miczorek, A World of Flows: Labour Mobility, Capital and Knowledge in an Age of Global Reversal and Regional Revival. 2018 Annual Conference, 3rd –6th June 2018 Università della Svizzera italiana Lugano, Switzerland, Regional Studies Association, Lugano, , s. 149-150.
- Niedzielski M., 2017, Assessing the horizontal and vertical equity of job accessibility, Space and flows. Warsaw Regional Forum 2017, 18-20 October 2017. Programme and Book of Abstracts, Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences et al., Warsaw, , s. 49.
- Niedzielski M., Śleszyński P., 2007, Ready, set, go: the coming urban sprawl explosion in Warsaw, Poland, Association of American Geographers 2007 Annual Meeting, San Francisko, California, Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, 1 s.