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Results 1401 - 1408 of 1747 for Poland (0.0864 seconds)
Piotr Gierszewski [0.54% relevance]
, Fundamentals of Hydrology, Hydrology of Poland, Limnology, Environment Protection and
member/show/piotr_gierszewski.html - 120.36 kB
West-Zone Participatory Spatial Planning in Europe. Zadanie Participatory planning with use of geo-visualisation in the middle part of Vistula River Valley [0.54% relevance]
panel as a tool for public participation in Poland [in:] van den Brink A., van Lameren R., van de
project_en/events/p1_017.html - 25.6 kB
Interregional relations in Europe ESPON [0.54% relevance]
Konrad, Komornicki Tomasz: Flow of Ukrainians to Poland - labour migration and refugees. [w]: Multiple
project_en/events/2_8185.html - 30.36 kB
Jerzy Solon [0.54% relevance]
Studies, University of Warsaw (“Vegetation of Poland”) 2000-2011 - Faculty of Geography and Regional
member/show/jerzy_solon.html - 171.07 kB
Terminated publication series [0.54% relevance]
Catalogue of Cartographical Collections in Poland, Conference Papers, Geographical Documentation,
terminated-publication-series.html - 24.09 kB
Marcin Mazur [0.54% relevance]
Cartographic editor of the Agricultural Atlas of Poland (2007-2010) Authorship or co-authorship of 27
member/show/marcin_mazur.html - 76.67 kB
Współzależność środowiska przyrodniczego i działalności człowieka w różnych strefach klimatycznychThe relationship between the natural environment and human activity in different climatic zones [0.54% relevance]
Neolithic period in Kuyavia Lakeland (Central Poland). [w]: Geomorphic processes and geoarchaeology:
project_en/events/wspolzaleznosc-srodowiska-przyrodniczego-i-dzialalnosci-czlowieka-w-roznych-strefach-klimatycznychinterdependence-of-natural-env.html - 29.56 kB
History [0.54% relevance]
Natural Environment (conducted over territory of Poland by eight research stations), which is
history-szymbark.html - 32.47 kB