The relationship between the natural environment and human activity in different climatic zones
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Supervisor: Paweł Prokop
Contractors: Eliza Płaczkowska, Paweł Prokop, Leszek Starkel, Łukasz Wiejaczka
An aim is interdisciplinary research on an evolution of the natural environment under natural and anthropogenic impact in the temperate zone (Europe) and subtropical monsoonal climate (India). Research comprise the analysis of the slope sediments, alluvial deposits and river channels as well as soil development.Findings are applied in the evaluation of causes and effects of global climate change, flood control and soil conservation.The detailed objectives:1. The explanation of mechanisms of the sediment transfer and regularities of river-beds shaping in the fluvial system of Brahmaputra along the Himalayan piedmont as well as the estimation of sedimentation rate of the overbank deposits.2. The estimation of soil erosion rates on the cultivated areas of the Meghalaya Hills, India under high rainfall and intensive farming3. The determination role of natural factors (rainfall and neotectonic activity) in the forming of landscape of the Eastern Himalayas and their foreland.
Abstracts, reviews, notes
- Płaczkowska Eliza: Wpływ działalności człowieka na transport substancji rozpuszczonych w zlewni źródliskowej w Eifel (Niemcy). [w]: I Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa „GEOŚRODOWISKO – KLIMAT, PRZYRODA, CZŁOWIEK”, Kraków, 5 kwietnia 2024, Książka abstraktów. Red. Anna Bucała-Hrabia, Małgorzata Kijowska-Strugała, Krystyna Łącka, Eliza Płaczkowska, Łukasz Quirini-Popławski, Katarzyna Wasak-Sęk, Łukasz Wiejaczka. 2024 - s. 66.
- Płaczkowska Eliza, Bogena Heye Reemt, Ketzler Gunnar, Leuchner Michael: Zmiany w transporcie substancji rozpuszczonych w zlewni źródliskowej – wpływ wycinki lasu i solenia dróg. [w]: XIII Zjazd Geomorfologów Polskich, Naturalne i antropogeniczne przemiany rzeźby terenu, Łódź 17-20 czerwca 2024, Zeszyt abstraktów. Łódź: Uniwersytet Łódzki, 2024 - s. 108.
- Starkel Leszek: Paradoxes of fluvial activity in young orogenic systems. [w]: Paleohydrological extreme events, evidence and archives, EX-AQUA 2016, September 26th - October 1st, Padova, Italy Abstact Volume. Padova: Universita degli Studi di Padova, 2016 - s. 43.
- Prokop Paweł, Poręba Grzegorz: Soil erosion under a modified form of shifting cultivation system in the monsoonal climate of the Meghalaya Plateau (India). [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU General Assembly 2014. Vienna: European Geoscience Union, 2014 - 1 s.
- Prokop Paweł, Walanus Adam: Extreme rainfall changes over the Meghalaya Hills (Northeast India) during the 20th century. [w]: IGU 2014 Book of Abstracts. Cracow: IGU, 2014 - 1 s.
- Wiejaczka Łukasz, Sarkar Subir, Kozłowski Rafał: The impact of a reservoir on chemical properties of water in the mountain course of the Tista River (Darjeeling Himalaya). [w]: IGU 2014 Book of Abstracts. Cracow: IGU, 2014 - 1 s.
- Prokop Paweł, Płoskonka Dominik: Influence of landform and land use on soil properties of the Sikkimese Himalayan piedmont in India. [w]: 32nd International Geographical Congress Book of Abstracts. Red. Juliane Bendig, Carsten Butsch, Martin Gnyp, Holger Kretschmer, Nora Tilly. Cologne: IGU, 2012 - s. 323-324.
- Prokop Paweł, Sarkar Subir: Natural and human impact on land use change of the Eastern Himalayan piedmont, India. [w]: 32nd International Geographical Congress Book of Abstracts. Red. Juliane Bendig, Carsten Butsch, Martin Gnyp, Holger Kretschmer, Nora Tilly. Cologne: IGU, 2012 - s. 336.
Articles, chapters, papers and others
- Budek Anna, Kittel Piotr, Papiernik Piotr, Muzolf Błażej: Geoarchaeological investigation of environmental evolution and settlement changes from Neolithic period in Kuyavia Lakeland (Central Poland). [w]: Geomorphic processes and geoarchaeology: from landscape archaeology to archaeoturism. International Confererence in Moscow-Smolensk, Russia, August 20-24, 2012. Extended abstracts. Compiled by Maria Bronnikowa, Andrey Panin. Moscow-Smolensk: Universum, 2012 - s. 54-56.
- Kozłowski Janusz Krzysztof, Mester Zsolt, Budek Anna, Kalicki Tomasz, Moskal-del Hoyo Magdalena, Zandler Krisztian, Beres Sandor: La mise en valeur d’un ancien site éponyme : Eger-Ko˝poros dans le Paléolithique moyen et supérieur de la Hongrie du nord. - L’anthropologie 2012, 116, 3 - s. 405-465.
- Prokop Paweł, Poręba Grzegorz: Soil erosion associated with an upland farming system under population pressure in Northeast India. - Land Degradation & Development 2012, 23, 4 - s. 310-321.
- Prokop Paweł, Sarkar Subir: Natural and human impact on land use change of the Sikkimese-Bhutanese Himalayan piedmont, India. - Quaestiones Geographicae 2012, 31, 3 - s. 63-75.
- Prokop Paweł: Runoff and slope wash along rainfall gradient on the Meghalaya Plateau (NE India) in the context of climate change effects. [w]: Water crisis in the Indian Subcontinent. Eds. Zahid Hussain, L. Cajee. New Delhi: Bookwell, 2011 - s. 153-165.
- Prokop Paweł, Bhattacharyya Amalava: Reconnaissance of Quaternary sediments from Khasi Hills, Meghalaya. - Journal Geological Society of India 2011, 78 - s. 258-262.
- Prokop Paweł, Walanus Adam: Variation in the orographic extreme rain events over the Meghalaya Hills in northeast India in the two halves of the twentieth century. - Theoretical and Applied Climatology 2015, 121, 1 - s. 389-399.
- Wiejaczka Łukasz, Bucała Anna, Sarkar Subir: Human role in shaping the hydromorphology of Himalayan rivers: study of the Tista River in Darjeeling Himalaya. - Current Science 2014, 106, 5 - s. 717-724.
- Budek Anna, Kalicki Tomasz, Kaminska Lubomira, Kozłowski Janusz K., Mester Zsolt: Interpleniglacial profiles on open-air sites in Hungary and Slovakia. - Quaternary International 2013, 294 - s. 82-98.
- Migoń Piotr, Prokop Paweł: Landforms and landscape evolution in the Mylliem granite area, Meghalaya Plateau, Northeast India. - Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 2013, 34 - s. 206-228.
- Poręba Grzegorz, Prokop Paweł: Metodyczne problemy badania erozji gleb za pomocą izotopu 137Cs na intensywnie użytkowanych rolniczo obszarach w klimacie monsunowym północno-wschodnich Indii. - Prace i Studia Geograficzne 2013, 51 - s. 69-90.
- Prokop Paweł: Land use and land cover changes in the area with the highest rainfall in the world (Meghalaya Plateau, India): Causes and implications. [w]: Environmental Geography of South Asia. Contributions toward a future Earth initiative. Eds. R.B. Singh, Paweł Prokop. Tokyo: Springer Japan, 2016 - s. 143-159 (Advances in Geographical and Environmental Sciences)
- Prokop Paweł: The Meghalaya Plateau: Landscapes in the abode of the clouds. [w]: Landscapes and landforms of India. Ed. Vishwas S. Kale. Dordrecht: Springer, 2014 - s. 173-180 (World Geomorphological Landscapes)
Editorial publications
- Singh R.B., Prokop Paweł (eds.): Environmental geography of South Asia. Contributions toward a future Earth initiative. Tokyo: Springer Japan, 2016 - 351 s. (Advances in Geographical and Environmental Sciences)