Polish Geographical Review
Information about the title
The Polish Geographical Review has been appearing since 1919, which makes it the oldest Polish geographical journal. In the years 1919-1953 it was the organ of the Polish Geographical Society, whereas since 1954 it has been published by the Institute of Geography (and Spatial Organization) PAS.
It publishes original research works of theoretical, methodological and empirical character, touching on subject matter that reflect main trends and evolution taking place in Polish geography. Most of the papers appear in Polish, with occasional articles in English. Among its contributors are not only Polish scholars, but also colleagues from foreign scientific centers. Since 2001, the journal has been divided into two main subfields of geography, i.e., two of the four yearly volumes are fully devoted to physical geography and the other two to human geography.
Polish Geographical Review is a quarterly, however, occasionally in the past, some of the volumes were published jointly (in the years 1941-1946 one volume per year). In 2011, the 83rd volume appeared. The scientific quarterly has been edited by the Editorial Committee, since 2001 with the participation of its consultative and advisory body in the form of Editorial Board. Among its members are renowned scientists in the field of Geographical Sciences form Poland and abroad.
It is indexed in: Scopus, GeoRef, ProQuest-IBBS, Geobase, Current Geographical Publications – Contents, Bibliographie Géographique Internationale.
Print version is a primary version.
Electronic full-text version of the papers available in the Digital Repository IGSO PAS