Search results
Results 1945 - 1952 of 1954 for Poland (0.1107 seconds)
Department of Spatial Organization [0.54% relevance]
thought; Problems of geopolitical location of Poland; Ethnic situation of Central and East European
department-spatial-organization/theme/'||pg_sleep(5)||'/themes/'||pg_sleep(5)||'/tid/'||pg_sleep(5)||'/time/'||pg_sleep(5)||'/timeout/'||pg_sleep(5)||'/timestamp/'||pg_sleep(5)||'/timezone/'||pg_sleep(5& - 35.77 kB
Department of Geoecology [0.54% relevance]
scale (from northern Finland to southern Poland and from Germany to Russia), as well as
department-geoecology.html - 25.34 kB
New version of the RCIN website [0.54% relevance]
the recently added "Central Database of Mills in Poland" - CeBaDoM. You can easily find new and planned
news/items/New_version_RCIN.html - 20.44 kB
Department of Spatial Organization [0.54% relevance]
thought; Problems of geopolitical location of Poland; Ethnic situation of Central and East European
department-spatial-organization.html - 30.47 kB
Institute [0.54% relevance]
The Institute is an important research centre in Poland in the fields of socio-economic geography,
Institute.html - 20.98 kB
GIS and Cartography Workgroup [0.54% relevance]
, busy with monumental Atlas of the Republic of Poland and subsequent mainstream cartographic
GIS-cartography-workgroup.html - 23.49 kB
IALE 2021 European Landscape Ecology Congress [0.54% relevance]
Ecology Congress will take place in Warsaw, Poland, and will be co-organised by the four entities:
news/items/iale-2021-en.html - 21.52 kB
Conference „Tourism and Transition in a Time of Change” [0.54% relevance]
Change”. The conference will be held in Southern Poland (13-17 August 2014). IGU_2014_Tourism.pdf (127.7
news/items/IGU-2014-tourism.html - 19.99 kB