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Results 1345 - 1352 of 1753 for Poland (0.0833 seconds)
Karol Witkowski [1.08% relevance]
Geoinformation and Geoenvironmental Research DHI Poland Ltd., 2014-2017: 2016-2017 – project engineer ( … publications for organizers from the Lesser Poland Voivodeship Beskid mountain guide
member/show/karol_witkowski.html - 28.68 kB
Izabela Zawiska [1.08% relevance]
litoral zone deposits (Polesie Lubelskie region, Poland)). since 2011 - Assistant Professor Research … anthropogenic lake transformations, 12th Wide-Poland Limnological Conference, The Polish
member/show/izabela_zawiska.html - 99.98 kB
Ciepłe lato w trakcie zimnego dryasu? Laminowane osady jeziorne jako archiwum do rekonstrukcji sezonowości klimatu młodszego dryasu, jezioro Perespilno (wschodnia Polska) - ClimHeadWarm summer during cold dryas? Laminated lake sediments as an arch [1.08% relevance]
of the Younger Dryas, Lake Perespilno (Eastern Poland) – ClimHead Warm summer during cold dryas? … of the Younger Dryas, Lake Perespilno (Eastern Poland) – ClimHead Date: 2023-01-19 - 2026-01-19
project_en/events/3_9466.html - 22.85 kB
Agnieszka Gruszczyńska [1.08% relevance]
of Geographical Sciences, University of Lodz, Poland. 2018 ‐ opening of the doctoral dissertation. … and Enviromental Protection. University of Lodz, Poland. Academic career and degrees
member/show/agnieszka_mroczkowska.html - 54.72 kB
Zofia Rączkowska [1.08% relevance]
role of snow patches in the High Tatra Mt., Poland) 2008 – habilitation (post-doctoral degree) in … Geomorphologists since 2003 – representative of Poland in the Executive Board of the
member/show/zofia_raczkowska.html - 113.25 kB
Współczesne zmiany klimatu i ich odzwierciedlenie w morfodynamice stoków tatrzańskichPresent-day changes in climate and their reflection in the morhpodynamics of the Tatras slopes [1.08% relevance]
of talus slopes (the Tatra Mountains, Poland). - Geomorphology 2016, 263 - s. 39-49.
project_en/events/p3_026.html - 22.11 kB
Ryzyko zagrożeń naturalnych w obszarach górskich w warunkach globalnych zmian klimatuGlobal Change and Risk from Natural Hazards in Mountain Resorts: A Case Study from Carpathians, Poland and Pirin Mountain, Bulgaria [1.08% relevance]
Mountain Resorts: A Case Study from Carpathians, Poland and Pirin Mountain, Bulgaria Global Change and … Mountain Resorts: A Case Study from Carpathians, Poland and Pirin Mountain, Bulgaria Date:
project_en/events/2_1014.html - 20.69 kB
“BaltRap“: The Baltic Sea and its southern Lowlands: proxy – environment interactions in times of Rapid change [1.08% relevance]
change in a three lake cascade in northern Poland. [w]: 20th Congress of the International Union
project_en/events/2_5525.html - 22.4 kB