Zakład Geoekologii
Ecosystem Service Potentials in Postglacial Landscapes
Wydawnictwo Elsevier opublikowało monografię naukową zespołu autorskiego pod kierunkiem dra Andrzeja Affeka pt. Ecosystem Service Potentials and Their Indicators in Postglacial Landscapes: Assessment and Mapping. Informujemy o tym z dużą satysfakcją, bowiem monografia w całości powstała z inicjatywy obecnych i byłych pracowników Zakładu Geoekologii i Klimatologii (A. Affek, M. Degórski, J. Wolski, J. Solon, A. Kowalska, E. Roo-Zielińska, B. Grabińska, B. Kruczkowska). Książka, kierowana głównie do odbiorcy międzynarodowego, łączy w sobie elementy podręcznika akademickiego (prezentując w zwięzłej formie aktualny stan wiedzy z zakresu świadczeń ekosystemowych) z wnikliwym studium metodyczno-aplikacyjnym dotyczącym oceny potencjału przyrody w skali regionalnej i jej wartości dla człowieka.
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Informacja od Wydawcy:
Ecosystem services, or the many benefits humans can freely gain from the natural environment and ecosystems, are increasingly being measured and assessed to steer policy at both local and global levels around the world. However, the most appropriate methods and measurements for conducting and presenting such assessments are difficult to identify and there remains a lack of established solutions. Drawing on the transdisciplinary knowledge of its expert authors, Ecosystem Service Potentials and Their Indicators in Postglacial Landscapes highlights effective measurement tools for evaluating the overall potential of nature to provide ecosystem services from multiple perspectives.
Beginning with an introduction to ecosystem services and the theoretical assumptions and objectives associated with their assessment, Ecosystem Service Potentials and Their Indicators in Postglacial Landscapes outlines interdisciplinary methods of evaluation and analysis, illustrated throughout using an insightful case study highlighting Wigry National Park. The book includes discussions on a range of different spatial reference units, analytical and synthetic approaches to identifying service supply potential, the use of services, the impact of these uses on the assessment of potential, and the future shape of ecosystem service assessment. Ecosystem Service Potentials and Their Indicators in Postglacial Landscapes is a valuable guide for all those involved with ecosystem service potential monitoring, use, and management, from landscape ecologists and environmental managers to policy makers and environmental economists.
Key Features
- Outlines a transdisciplinary, holistic approach to assessing the overall potential of ecosystems and landscapes to support different ecosystem services
- Proposes a range of direct, indirect, simple and complex measurement indicators for multifaceted estimation and mapping
- Presents tools and guidelines to help shape effective decision-making processes in nature conservation and environmental planning