IGiPZ PAN > Badania > Projekt

EUSBSR - EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region

Termin: -

Kierownik w IGiPZ PAN: Joni Kaitaranta

Wykonawcy: Marek Degórski, Tomasz Komornicki

Akronim: EUSBSR
Program: INTERREG Baltic Sea Region, European Regional Development Found
Instytucja zamawiająca: Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, HELCOM

Projekt wykonywany w ramach INTERREG Baltic See Region, którego celem było wypracowanie kierunków rozwoju przestrzennego regionu bałtyckiego we wszystkich państwach położonych nad Bałtykiem.

  1. Matczak M., Gee K., Kannen A., Kasepõld K., Blažauskas N., Aps R., Kaitaranta J., Degórski M., Chubarenko B.,  Kesoretskih I., Ikauniece A. 2019 -  Seed Money Facility project Pathways and Needs Towards a Baltic Regional Spatial Data Infrastructure for Maritime Spatial Planning – MSPDAT, Output 1, Report on the state of play in the field addressed, EUSBSR, INTERREG Baltic Sea Region, European Regional Development Found, Riga, ss.22.
  2. Matczak M., Gee K., Kannen A., Kasepõld K., Blažauskas N., Aps R., Kaitaranta J., Degórski M., Chubarenko B.,  Kesoretskih I., Ikauniece A. 2019 -  Seed Money Facility project Pathways and Needs Towards a Baltic Regional Spatial Data Infrastructure for Maritime Spatial Planning – MSPDAT, Output 2, Main work plan for a project “Atlas of integrated indicators”,  EUSBSR, INTERREG Baltic Sea Region, European Regional Development Found, Riga, ss.11.
  3. Matczak M., Gee K., Kannen A., Kasepõld K., Blažauskas N., Aps R., Kaitaranta J., Degórski M., Chubarenko B.,  Kesoretskih I., Ikauniece A. 2019 -  Seed Money Facility project Pathways and Needs Towards a Baltic Regional Spatial Data Infrastructure for Maritime Spatial Planning – MSPDAT, Output 3, Report on funding possibilities for the main project and a road map defining steps to be taken after the seed money project is finalized, EUSBSR, INTERREG Baltic Sea Region, European Regional Development Found, Riga, ss. 7.
