Zmiany środowiska fizyczno-geograficznego i ich historyczne, kulturowe i społeczne uwarunkowania
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Supervisor: Anna Kowalska
Contractors: Andrzej Affek, Marek Degórski, Zofia Jabs-Sobocińska, Ewa Kołaczkowska, Anna Kowalska, Edyta Regulska, Jerzy Solon, Jacek Wolski
Studies are aimed to identify the directions of transformations in physico-geographical environment of Poland and Central Europe, to determine their temporal and spatial range and to pinpoint natural and anthropogenic factors underpinning these changes. They are concerned both with natural and cultural environment of different regions of Poland and Central Europe, combining natural and social aspects of the observed phenomena. Among issues that are addressed by the studies we can mention: changes in the diversity of forest communities, development of road networks, cultural landscapes in the process of making, history of lakes’ development and of soil cover. Research studies cover also methodological issues related to making use of historical cartographic materials and other sources of data. The obtained results may have application as indicators of condition and degree of environmental transformations, as well as of impact of natural phenomena and human activity on environmental components. Knowledge of transformations that have taken place in natural environment makes it possible to prognosticate the future changes, and, too, it can be used for planning actions that take into consideration the principles of sustainable development.
Articles, chapters, papers and others
- Kowalska Anna: Mapy roślinności w badaniach przekształceń środowiska geograficznego. [w]: Źródła kartograficzne w badaniach krajobrazu kulturowego. Red. Joanna Plit, Jerzy Nita. Sosnowiec: Komisja Krajobrazu Kulturowego PTG, 2012 - s. 157-169 (Prace Komisji Krajobrazu Kulturowego; 16)
- Wolski Jacek: Błędy i niepewność w procesie tworzenia map numerycznych. [w]: Źródla kartograficzne w badaniach ewolucji krajobrazu kulturowego. Red. Joanna Plit, Jerzy Nita. Sosnowiec: Komisja Krajobrazu Kulturowego PTG, 2012 - s. 15-32 (Prace Komisji Krajobrazu Kulturowego; 16)
- Hawro Violetta, Ceryngier Piotr, Kowalska Anna, Ulrich Werner: Landscape structure and agricultural intensification are weak predictors of host range and parasitism rate of cereal aphids. - Ecological Research 2017, 32, 2 - s. 109-115.
- Kowalska Anna, Matuszkiewicz Jan Marek, Solon Jerzy, Kozłowska Anna: Indicators of ancient forests in nutrient-deficient pine habitats. - Silva Fennica 2017, 51, 1 - s. art. id 1684.
- Kruczkowska Bogusława, Jonczak Jerzy, Gadziszewska Joanna: Characteristics of permafrost-affected soil in a cliff in the central part of the Polish Baltic coastal zone. - Journal of Soils and Sediments 2017, 17 - s. 960-973.
- Matuszkiewicz Jan Marek, Kowalska Anna: Dyspersja lasów bukowych (Fagion sylvaticae) na Pojezierzu Mazurskim – studium przypadku: od rejestracji faktu do interpretacji biogeograficznej. - Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica Polonica 2017, 24, 1 - s. 17-28.
- Zawiska Izabela, Luoto Tomi P., Nevalainen Liisa, Tylmann Wojciech, Jensen Thomas C., Obremska Milena, Słowiński Michał, Woszczyk Michał, Schartau Ann Kristin, Walseng Bjørn: Climate variability and lake ecosystem responses in western Scandinavia (Norway) during the last Millennium. - Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 2017, 466 - s. 231-239.
- Zawisza Edyta, Cuna Estela, Caballero Margarita, Ruiz-Fernandez Ana Carolina, Szeroczyńska Krystyna, Woszczyk Michał, Zawiska Izabela: Environmental changes during the last millennium recorded in subfossil Cladocera, diatoms and sediments geochemistry from Lake El Sol (Central Mexico). - Geological Quarterly 2017, 61, 1 - s. 81-90.
- Jonczak Jerzy, Degórski Marek, Kruczkowska Bogusława: Porównanie cech ultramorfoskopowych powierzchni ziaren pyłu kwarcowego w dwóch glebach piaszczystych w młodoglacjalnym krajobrazie Polski północnej. - Soil Science Annual 2016, 67, 3 - s. 131-139.
- Kowalska Anna, Kołaczkowska Ewa: Regeneration-degeneration processes in the inland dune forests in protected areas of central Poland (Kampinos National Park). - Miscellanea Geographica 2015, 19, 4 - s. 56-63.
- Matuszkiewicz Jan, Bielonowska Elena, Kowalska Anna, Cariewska Nadjeżda, Baranowski Jarosław, Vinogradowa Viera, Tishkov Arkadij, Litvinova Elena: Białowieża Forest (NE-Poland) and Valday NP. (NW-Russia) – biogeographical characteristics of eutrophic deciduous forests. - Quaestiones Geographicae 2014, 33, 3 - s. 111-122.
- Matuszkiewicz Jan Marek, Kowalska Anna, Kozłowska Anna, Roo-Zielińska Ewa, Solon Jerzy: Differences in plant-species composition, richness and community structure in ancient and post-agricultural pine forests in central Poland. - Forest Ecology and Management 2013, 310 - s. 567-576.
Abstracts, reviews, notes
- Belonovskaya Elena, Krenke Alexander, Tishkov Arkadiy, Tsarevskaya Nadezhda, Matuszkiewicz Jan Marek, Kowalska Anna: Conservation of the old-agrarian landscapes for the high biodiversity sustention. [w]: Geography, Culture and Society for our future Earth. International Geographical Union Regional Conference, 17-21 August 2015, Moscow, Russia. Book of Abstracts. Moscow: International Geographical Union, 2015 - s. 30.
- Kowalska Anna, Kołaczkowska Ewa: Regeneration of forest communities in pine and mixed oak-pine forest habitats in Kampinos National Park – an example of Krzywa Góra forest division. [w]: IGU 2014 Book of Abstracts. Cracow: IGU, 2014 - 1 s.
- Affek Andrzej: Dynamika krajobrazu. Uwarunkowania i prawidłowości na przykładzie dorzecza Wiaru w Karpatach (XVIII-XXI wiek). Warszawa: Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania PAN, 2016 - 244 s. (Prace Geograficzne; 251)
- Matuszkiewicz Jan Marek, Kowalska Anna: Social-ecological analysis – in search of the best criteria for sustainable development. [w]: Forest cover changes and landscape sustainability – A retrospective study in cultural borderland. Red. Jan Marek Matuszkiewicz. Warszawa: Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, 2020 - s. 391-396.
- Matuszkiewicz Jan Marek, Kowalska Anna: Changes in forest cover regarding historical regions and habitat types. [w]: Forest cover changes and landscape sustainability – A retrospective study in cultural borderland. Red. Jan Marek Matuszkiewicz. Warszawa: Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, 2020 - s. 135-177.
- Matuszkiewicz Jan Marek, Kowalska Anna: Deforestation and afforestation processes of the Masuria-Kurpie borderland. [w]: Forest cover changes and landscape sustainability – A retrospective study in cultural borderland. Red. Jan Marek Matuszkiewicz. Warszawa: Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, 2020 - s. 115-134.
- Matuszkiewicz Jan Marek, Solon Jerzy, Kowalska Anna: Assessment of historical changes in landscape sustainability based on selected indirect indicators. [w]: Forest cover changes and landscape sustainability – A retrospective study in cultural borderland. Red. Jan Marek Matuszkiewicz. Warszawa: Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, 2020 - s. 381-390.
- Matuszkiewicz Jan Marek, Solon Jerzy, Kowalska Anna: Forest ecosystems and rural communities – components and indicators of sustainable development. [w]: Forest cover changes and landscape sustainability – A retrospective study in cultural borderland. Red. Jan Marek Matuszkiewicz. Warszawa: Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, 2020 - s. 356-380.
- Matuszkiewicz Jan Marek, Solon Jerzy, Kozłowska Anna, Kowalska Anna: Potential natural vegetation – the basis for habitat characterisation and its relation to geological substratum and regional variation. [w]: Forest cover changes and landscape sustainability – A retrospective study in cultural borderland. Red. Jan Marek Matuszkiewicz. Warszawa: Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, 2020 - s. 89-114.