Analysis of differentiation and prospects for development of rural areas in Poland by 2015 by criteria of linkages with the largest urban agglomerations and cities as well as of endogenous potential
Date: -
Supervisor: Jerzy Bański
Contractors: Jerzy Bański, Konrad Czapiewski, Tomasz Komornicki, Roman Kulikowski, Marcin Mazur, Przemysław Śleszyński
Orderer institution: Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi
(project zamawiany)
The aim of this project is to analyze and evaluate the spatial differentiation of rural areas and their functional relations. In the subsequent parts of the study, the following issues have been covered: typology of rural areas in terms of actual and potential functional linkages and the urban-rural relations, analysis of rural areas in terms of competitive and commodious agriculture, identification of rural areas with a significant endogenous potential, identification of areas with a high concentration of social and demographic problems as well as a synthesis of the studies conducted. In the summary of each chapter, conclusions resulting from the specific analysis relating to the perspective of 2015 have been presented.
The research concerned rural areas defined by the CSO (Central Statistical Office), including cities with the population up to 5 thousand. All regional analyzes are based on mapping studies performed at different spatial scales using diversified methods of presentation. Dynamic analyzes focused primarily on a ten-year period (1998-2007), while the static diagnoses were based on the latest statistics available. Each of the four tasks is elaborated by a different team of experts, therefore a variety of methods and approaches to the problem were used (maintaining the overall coherence of the study).