The effect of socioeconomic changes on the natural processes and transformations of geo-ecosystems in the Gorce Mountains
Date: -
Supervisor: Anna Bucała-Hrabia
Contractors: Anna Bucała-Hrabia, Anna Budek, Leszek Starkel, Łukasz Wiejaczka
Orderer institution: Narodowe Centrum Nauki
No.: N N306 6599 40
(project własny)
The aim of this project is to determine the mechanisms and rate of transformations of geo-ecosystems taking into account socioeconomic processes that cause land use changes. The aim will be realised through direct field research of selected geo-ecosystems as well as through registering transformations in different time periods. Completion of the project should provide an answer to the question about how ongoing socioeconomic changes have affected the natural environment, especially in terms of the composition of plant communities, the chemical composition of soil in agriculturally unused areas, and, consequently, how these changes have affected hydrographic conditions and geomorphic processes. At the same time, an attempt will be made to characterise past transformations that have taken place since the Gorce Mountains were colonised, by determining the period when deforestation and human agricultural activity began.
Abstracts, reviews, notes
- Bucała Anna, Budek Anna, Kozak Maciej: The anthropogenic influence on vegetation and soil properties in Gorce Mts. (Polish Carpathians) during the last 50 years. [w]: Geomorphology and Sustainability. Paris, 27-31 August 2013. 8th International Conference (AIG) on Geomorphology. Abstracts volume. Paris: [b.w.], 2013 - s. 463.
- Bucała Anna, Zydroń Tymoteusz, Demczuk Piotr, Gruchot Andrzej: Analysis of rainfall-induced shallow landslides in Jamne and Jaszcze stream valleys (Polish Carpathians). [w]: Geomorphology and Sustainability. Paris, 27-31 August 2013. 8th International Conference (AIG) on Geomorphology. Abstracts volume. Paris: [b.w.], 2013 - s. 641.
- Kozak Maciej, Bucała Anna, Kozłowska Katarzyna, Kostrakiewicz-Gierałt Kinga: Zmiany powierzchni zbiorowisk roslinnych na wybranych terenach porolnych w dolinach potoków Jaszcze i Jamne w Gorcach (Karpaty Zachodnie) w ciągu ostatnich 50 lat. [w]: Interdyscyplinarne i aplikacyjne znaczenie nauk botanicznych. 56. Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Botanicznego, Olsztyn, 24-30 czerwca 2013. Streszczenia wystąpień ustnych i plakatów. Red. Anna Biedunkiewicz, Maria Dynowska. Olsztyn: Wydaw. Mantis, 2013 - s. 326.
- Bucała Anna, Budek Anna: Contemporary environmental changes of Jaszcze and Jamne stream valleys in the Gorce Mountains (Western Carpathians) in relation to land use and soil properties. [w]: 32nd International Geographical Congress Book of Abstracts. Red. Juliane Bendig, Carsten Butsch, Martin Gnyp, Holger Kretschmer, Nora Tilly. Cologne: IGU, 2012 - s. 939.
- Zydroń Tymoteusz, Bucała Anna, Demczuk Piotr, Gruchot Andrzej: Analysis of rainfall-induced shallow landslides in Jamne and Jaszcze stream valleys (Polish Carpathians) – preliminary results. - Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Land Reclamation 2016, 48, 1 - s. 27-40.
- Bucała Anna, Budek Anna, Kozak Maciej: The impact of land use and land cover changes on soil properties and plant communities in the Gorce Mountains (Western Polish Carpathians), during the past 50 years. - Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 2015, 59, Supplement 2 - s. 41-74.
- Bucała Anna, Wiejaczka Łukasz: Evaluation of the hydromorphological state of mountain streams under the influence of contemporary human activity (Polish Carpathians). - Environmental Earth Sciences 2015, 73 - s. 3451-3463.
- Bucała Anna, Margielewski Włodzimierz, Starkel Leszek, Buczek Krzysztof, Zernitskaya Valentina: The reflection of human activity in the sediments of Iwankowskie Lake from Subatlantic Phase (Polish Outer Carpathians). - Geochronometria 2014, 41, 4 - s. 377-391.
- Bucała Anna, Plesiński Karol, Radecki-Pawlik Artur: Warunki hydrodynamiczne oraz hydromorfologiczne w dwóch potokach gorczańskich Jaszcze i Jamne w Karpatach Polskich. - Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences 2013, 22, 3 - s. 249-261.