Hydro-geomorphological consequences of the construction and functioning of water canals
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Supervisor in IGSO PAS: Dariusz Brykała
Contractors: Piotr Gierszewski, Halina Kaczmarek, Michał Słowiński, Sebastian Tyszkowski
Foreign partner: Instytut Wykorzystania Zasobów Przyrody Narodowej Akademii Nauk Białorusi
No.: 13
The aim of this project is to evaluate the changes of abiotic components of the environment under the influence of human impact connected with the construction and exploitation of artificial water ways. The subject matter will be the egzogenic processes that take place in the lowland water canals in Poland and Belarus. Research will be carried out on different scale objects functioning under similar conditions. The study will be concentrate on hydro-system of some examples in Poland (Górnonotecki Canal, Bydgoski Canal and Ostródzko-Elbląski Canal in Poland) and Belarus (Dnepr-Bug Canal, Oginski Canal and Augustowski Canal).
Articles, chapters, papers and others
- Vitali Badziai, Brykała Dariusz: Dneprovsko-Bugskij i Oginskij kanaly, kak primery istoriceskogo, tehniceskogo i prirodnogo nasledija. [w]: Problemy prirodopolzovanija: itogi i perspektivy. Red. A.K. Karabanov et al. Minsk: Institut prirodopol'zovanija NAN Belarusi, 2012 - s. 274-276.
Abstracts, reviews, notes
- Brykała Dariusz, Vitali Badziai: Evolution of the Królewski and Oginski Canals in the light of cartographic materials from the 18th to mid-20th century. [w]: Waterscapes as a Cultural Heritage. International Conference 2015. Venice: University of Venice Ca’ Foscari, UNESCO Venice Office, Civiltà dell’Acqua International Centre i Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, 2015 - 1 s.
- Brykała Dariusz, Vitali Badziai: Evolucija sistem kanalov, soediniajuscikh bassejny Visly, Dnepra i Nemana. [w]: Geologija i poleznye iskopaemye cetverticnykh otlozhenij. Materialy VIII Universitetskih geologiceskih ctenij, Minsk, Belarus, 3-4 aprelja 2014 g. Red. A.F. Sanko, V.N. Gubin, V.I. Zuj, О.V. Lukashiov, N.S. Petrovа, D.L. Tvoronovich-Sevruk. Minsk: Cifrovaya pechat, 2014 - s. 46-47.
- Brykała Dariusz, Vitali Badziai: Historical and present-day role of water canals linking the Vistula, Dnieper and Neman basins. [w]: IGU 2014 Book of Abstracts. Cracow: IGU, 2014 - 1 s.
- Brykała Dariusz, Vitali Badziai: Evolution of canals system linking the Vistula, Dnieper and Neman basins. [w]: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU General Assembly 2014. Vienna: European Geosciences Union, 2014 - 1 s.
- Brykała Dariusz, Vitali Badziai: Evolution of canals system linking the Vistula, Dnieper and Neman basins. [w]: 2nd Annual ICLEA Workshop 2013: Dynamics of climate and landscape evolution of cultural landscape in the Northern Central European Lowlands since the last ice age. Abstracts volume & Excursion guide. Eds. M. Schwab, P. Lamparski, A. Brauer, M. Błaszkiewicz. Potsdam: Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum, 2013 - s. 39 (Scientific Technical Report; 04)