IGSO PAS > Science > Projekt

Geoecological research as a base for knowing of present high-mountain landscape changes

Date: -

Supervisor in IGSO PAS: Zofia Rączkowska

Contractors: Stanisław Kędzia, Małgorzata Kijowska-Strugała, Adam Kotarba, Magdalena Oprządek, Zofia Rączkowska

Leading partner: Zofia Rączkowska
Foreign partner: Martin Boltižiar
Orderer institution: Polsko-Słowacki Program Wykonawczy

The relief of the Tatra Mts. represents a type of fossil high-mountain landscape structure that was formed especially in the Pleistocene under different climatic conditions. Therefore, the present exogenous geomorphic processes changing the landforms intensively are also different from those that were most active in the past. Problems of the drivers and impacts of natural processes on the high-mountain environment and its response in landscape structure belong to the current research topics.

The project concerns on evaluation of relationships of relevant geomorphic processes, climatic parameters and landscape changes in alpine environment on both sides of the Tatra Mts., i.e. the southern (Slovak) and northern (Polish) part. One of the specific objectives is to collect and compare existing data and results as well as to integrate and optimise the methods of research of relevant geomorphic processes in alpine environment, e.g. periglacial processes, debris flows, rock falls, avalanches, lacustrine sediment deposition, etc.


Abstracts, reviews, notes

  • Rączkowski Wojciech, Boltižiar Martin, Rączkowska Zofia: Nowe spojrzenie na mapę geomorfologiczną Tatr. [w]: Nauka Tatrom. V Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa „Przyroda Tatrzańskiego Parku Narodowego a człowiek”. Zakopane, 24-26 września 2015. Streszczenia prac. Zakopane: Wydawnictwa Tatrzańskiego Parku Narodowego, 2015 - s. 60-61.
  • Boltižiar Martin, Rączkowski Wojciech, Rączkowska Zofia, Kotarba Adam: Geomorfologická mapa Tatier 1:100 000. [w]: Geografia – skoromný príspevok na poznanie kraja i človenka zujímavého a mnohotvárneho. Zborník abstraktov. Eds. P. Barlík, F. Križan. Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského, 2014 - s. 72-73.

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