Integracja naukowca z Ukrainy - Ievgeniia Oleksandrivna Maruniak
Date: -
Supervisor: Eugenia Maruniak
Contractors: Eugenia Maruniak
No.: UMO-2022/01/3/HS4/00085
(project inny)
The methodology used in IGPAS to assess the spatial development of territories at different levels has been analyzed . The conducted comparative studies allowed identifying common approaches, and at the same time, to obtain information about the latest European data management tools which are not common for Ukrainian researchers. Significant gaps in statistical data sets characterizing the development of Ukrainian territories at the local level have been identified.
Particular attention was paid to the methodology for assessing migration flows and the peculiarities of the spatial distribution of migrants, tested in the framework of international projects. It was determined that the optimal for such assessments is a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches, as well as the use of survey and questionnaire methods. The structure of the questionnaire aimed at analyzing the behavior and intentions of Ukrainian migrants staying in Poland regarding localization, employment, and duration of stay has been proposed.
The pre-war migration situation in Ukraine has been analyzed, spatial, temporal and demographic features of such migration flows has been revealed.
A comparative analysis of the results of studies of Ukrainian demographers and surveys on the intentions of Ukrainian migrants to return to Ukraine and the level of satisfaction with the support received in the host countries, in particular in Poland, was carried out. Accordingly with the results of surveys conducted in March-April 2022, there is a high share of motivated to return from abroad, a low share of motivated to leave, among those who remain in Ukraine, as well as a significant share of those willing to participate in rebuilding the country. Later on, in September-October, the share of those, who would like to come back decreased. Surveys also revealed the problem of insufficient savings and unemployment. Against this background, there are patterns of indeterminate behavior and situational decision-making regarding migration and the host countries. In case of a more severe or prolonged scenario, the migration wave will increase, despite lower expectations during the current period.
Based on the analysis of the survey results and individual interviews, the factors that facilitate or limit integration in the host country were also analyzed.
With the assistance of the Department of Spatial Organization (IGPAS), Polish Border Guard data and labor market data were obtained, and the peculiarities of the spatial distribution of Ukrainian migrants and their impact on the development of the Polish LAU1 have been analyzed together with Polish colleagues. In this study main patterns of refugees’ spatial distribution have been defined. It was also found that due to gender imbalance and the presence of a significant share of young people, the burden on social infrastructure remains quite noticeable.
In order to clarify the situation regarding the accommodation of Ukrainian migrants, trips to Lublin, Krakow, Rzeszow have been done.
Also, in order to analyze a broader context on the behavioral patterns of Ukrainian migrants in the EU countries, this topic was discussed with Romanian and German colleagues. In particular, during the working meetings in Berlin, at the Center for East European and International Studies (ZOIS), the problems of forming an appropriate policy that will promote the social integration of Ukrainian refugees were discussed and an agreement was reached on the exchange of data on migration flows.
Participation in scientific conferences held in Poland or within the above-mentioned international projects:
Regiony Polski Wschodniej w europejskim układzie powiązań. Lublin, 13 April 2022. Participation in the discussion on migrants from Ukraine.
“Spatial Justice and Ukraine”, Warsaw, 17th May 2022, in the framework of project “Integrative Mechanisms for Addressing Spatial Justice and Territorial Inequalities in Europe” (Tomasz Komornicki, Konrad Czapiewski, Eugenia Maruniak)
“Stronger together: recovering through crises”, Lille (France), within the ESPON week, June 1-2, 2022. Participation in the plenary discussion and joint presentation (Konrad Czapiewski, Tomasz Komornicki, Wojciech Pomianowski, Rafał Wiśniewski, Julia Wójcik, Barbara Szejgiec-Kolenda).
“Climate regeneration of cities”, June 7-8, 2022, Lodz, presentation “Ukrainian cities functions and sustainable development challenges in pre- and post-war vision”.
The 9th Nordic Geographers Meeting, June 19-22, 2022, Joensuu, Finland, presentation “Flow of Ukrainians to Poland - labour migration and refugees” (Tomasz Komornicki, Konrad Czapiewski, Wojciech Pomianowski, Rafał Wiśniewski, Julia Wójcik, Barbara Szejgiec-Kolenda).
European Week of Regions and Cities (ESPON). 10-13 October 2022 Speaker of the session "Conflict in Ukraine: economic impact and refugee flows at the regional level"
“Places resilient for crises”, the final conference of the project "Interregional Relations in Europe" (ESPON), November 24-25, 2022, Pamplona (Spain), participation in the panel discussion.
Participation in the meeting of the Committee on Spatial Economy and Regional Planning of the Polish Academy of Sciences, September 13, 2022, Jabłonna (Warsaw).
Joint initiatives.
Co-organizer of the Polish-Ukrainian conference “Territorial dimension of development policy in times of crisis and reconstruction. Experience of Ukraine”(with the support of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine), which took place on July 7, 2022, Kyiv-Warsaw. The report “Implementation of the Strategy and Sustainable Development Goals in Ukraine and its regions on the way to recovery” (co-authored, L.Rudenko, S.Lisovsky) was presented at the seminar. Cooperation continued as a result of the seminar led to the launch of an Expert Platform on Spatial Development The platform aims to promote sustainable spatial development in Poland and Ukraine providing research and advisory support within relevant fields.
Publications, based on the research results:
Maruniak E.A., Bannykh A.V. Migration challenges to sustainable development as a consequence of Russian invasion in Ukraine. Journal “Sustainable Development” of the Technical University of Varna, 2022. - p.52-57.
Komornicki T., Szejgiec-Kolenda B., Wiśniewski R., Duma P., Maruniak E. Rozmieszczenie uchodźców z Ukrainy w przestrzeni Polski – wstępne informacje na podstawie nadanych numerów PESEL Reflection Papers, 6, PAN Komitet Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania Kraju, Warszawa, 12 s., 2022
Rudenko L., Maruniak E., Lisovsky S., Krachunov H. Aggression of Russia and threats to the implementation of the Goals of 2030 Ukraine. Proceedings of the II International Conference “Geographical Science and Education: Prospects and Innovations”, pp. 134-137
Maruniak Eu, Palekha Yu, Kryshtop T, Spatial development planning in times of war and reconstruction: a vision for Ukraine// Ukrainian Geographical Journal, 2022. No. 4 (will be published at the beginning of January)