Hidden cultural heritage in the abandoned landscape - identification and interpretation using airborne LIDAR
Date: -
Supervisor: Andrzej Affek
Contractors: Andrzej Affek
Orderer institution: Narodowe Centrum Nauki
No.: 2012/05/N/ST10/03520
(project PRELUDIUM)

Understanding and possible protection of cultural heritage (wanted or unwanted, produced intentionally or as a side effect) is the responsibility of civil society conscious of its roots and history that shaped them.The main scientific objectives of the project are:
- identification of elements of cultural heritage hidden under tree canopy and recorded in the relief in the abandoned landscape with the use of airborne laser scanning,
- determining the cause and time of creation of elements of cultural heritage recorded in the relief,
- determining the status of conservation and persistence of cultural heritage elements and their dependence on chosen external factors,
- finding out the historical and current landscape function of chosen elements of cultural heritage recorded in the relief.
Basic research hypotheses:
- There are more elements of cultural heritage recorded in the relief in the upper Wiar River catchment than recognized during previous archaeological or geographic studies.
- The elements of the cultural heritage once performing a specific function for the human being now last in isolation from its original function.
- Selected elements of cultural heritage detached from the originally assigned functions acquire new ecological function.
- The elements of cultural heritage last in better condition under tree canopy than in open space.
There will be three groups of complementary research methods applied in the project:
- remote sensing
- airborne laser scanning [LIDAR]
- aerial photographs taken simultaneously with laser scanning
- fieldwork
- LIDAR data verification – GPS location of elements of cultural heritage
- gathering additional information regarding the time and cause of creation of cultural heritage elements
- photographic documentation
- analysis of archival cartographic and descriptive materials.
- Affek Andrzej, Wolski Jacek, Latocha Agnieszka, Zachwatowicz Maria, Wieczorek Małgorzata: The use of LiDAR in reconstructing the pre-World War II landscapes of abandoned mountain villages in southern Poland. - Archaeological Prospection 2022, 29, 1 - s. 157-173.
- Affek Andrzej, Zachwatowicz Maria, Sosnowska Agnieszka, Gerlée Alina, Kiszka Krzysztof: Impacts of modern mechanised skidding on the natural and cultural heritage of the Polish Carpathian Mountains. - Forest Ecology and Management 2017, 405 - s. 391-403.
- Affek Andrzej: Exploring past Carpathian landscape: the application of LiDAR and archival cadastral maps. - Archaeologia Polona 2015, 53 - s. 243-248.
- Affek Andrzej: Skutki krajobrazowe przerwania ciągłości osadnictwa. - Prace Komisji Krajobrazu Kulturowego 2015, 28 - s. 47-64.
Abstracts, reviews, notes
- Affek Andrzej, Zachwatowicz Maria, Sosnowska Agnieszka, Gerlée Alina, Kowalska Anna: Impact of modern forestry on selected elements of the environment (the case of Eastern part of Polish Carpathians). [w]: Forests at risk: Białowieża and beyond. The international conference, Warsaw, 12-13 February 2019. Book of abstracts. Warszawa: Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2019 - 1 s.
- Affek Andrzej: Dane wysokościowe jako wsparcie w badaniach dziedzictwa kulturowego Karpat Wschodnich. Warszawa: GUGiK, IGiPZ PAN, 2016 - 2 s.
- Affek Andrzej, Michalski Radosław: Modern mechanized logging as a threat to sustainable use of natural and cultural resources in the Carpathians. [w]: Future of the Carpathians: Smart, Sustainable, Inclusive. Forum Carpaticum 2016, September 28 – 30, 2016 Bucharest, Romania. Conference abstracts. Eds. Michaela Verga, Gabriela Manea. Bucharest: Editura Universitara, 2016 - s. 90-91.
- Affek Andrzej: Cultural heritage recorded in the relief of the landscape abandoned by people – old shapes, new functions. [w]: Crossing Scales, Crossing Borders: Global Approaches to Complex Challenges. 9th IALE World Congress, July 5-10, 2015, Portland, Oregon USA. Portland: IALE, 2015 - 1 s.
Articles, chapters, papers and others
- Affek Andrzej: Lotnicze skanowanie laserowe (ALS) w modelowaniu rzeźby terenu - nowe możliwości i pułapki. - Problemy Ekologii Krajobrazu 2014, 38 - s. 217-236.
Geographia Polonica
- Affek Andrzej: Past Carpathian landscape recorded in the microtopography. - Geographia Polonica 2016, 89, 3 - s. 415-424.
- Affek Andrzej: Hidden cultural heritage in the abandoned landscape - identification and interpretation using airborne LiDAR. - Geographia Polonica 2016, 89, 3 - s. 411-414.
Przegląd Geograficzny
- Affek Andrzej, Gerlée Alina, Sosnowska Agnieszka, Zachwatowicz Maria: Oszacowanie skali wpływu pozyskiwania drewna na wybrane elementy środowiska we wschodniej części polskich Karpat. - Przegląd Geograficzny 2019, 91, 1 - s. 83-106.