IGSO PAS > Science > Projekt

Integrative Mechanisms for Addressing Spatial Justice and Territorial Inequalities in Europe (IMAJINE)

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Supervisor in IGSO PAS: Tomasz Komornicki

Contractors: Jerzy Bański, Denis Cerić, Konrad Czapiewski, Tomasz Komornicki, Mariusz Kowalski, Eugenia Maruniak, Barbara Szejgiec-Kolenda

Acronym: IMAJINE
Program: Program ramowy w zakresie badań naukowych i innowacji HORYZONT 2020
Leading partner: Aberystwyth University (AU)
Foreign partner: 1. Academia De Studii Economice Din Bucuresti (ASE Bucuresti), 2. Harokopio University (HUA), 3. Helsingin Yliopisto (UH), 4. Institut National De La Recherche Agronomique (INRA), 5. National University of Ireland, Galway (NUI Galway)
No.: REV-INEQUAL-07-2016 grant agreement 726950

The core aim of IMAJINE is to formulate new integrative policy mechanisms to enable European, national and regional government agencies to more effectively address territorial inequalities within the European Union, and to imagine a future for European regions in which the distribution of resources is consistent with principles of social and spatial justice. Territorial cohesion is a guiding principle for EU policy, alongside social cohesion and economic cohesion, yet in recent years territorial inequalities within the EU have widened as the post-2008 economic crisis and adoption of austerity policies have had an uneven geographical impact. There is, accordingly, a pressing need to re-appraise the appropriateness and efficacy of existing policy instruments for tackling territorial inequalities, and to consider and develop alternative mechanisms. In order to achieve this aim, IMAJINE will adopt a multi-disciplinary approach that combines qualitative and quantitative data and macro-scale analysis and case study research, involving economists, geographers, political scientists, psychologists and sociologists.


The work programme will be delivered through ten work packages:

WP1: Conceptual and Policy Review, to outline the development and conceptualisation of ‘Spatial Justice’ and ‘Territorial Inequality’ in EU policy;

WP2: Analysis of Territorial Inequalities in Europe, will present an overview of current patterns and recent trajectories of territorial inequalities across Europe;

WP3: Territorial Inequalities and Economic Growth, will investigate the relationships between levels and forms of economic and political governance across European nations and territories, and levels of economic development and rates of economic growth;

WP4: Experimental Survey on Solidarity and Territorial Cohesion, will explore public attitudes towards regional autonomy, territorial cohesion, solidarity and mobility in France, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain and the UK;

WP5: Migration, Territorial Inequalities and Spatial Justice, will examine connections between trans-national migration and long-distance commuting and perceived and actual spatial inequalities, through case study research in Greece, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland and Wales.

WP6: Multilevel Policy-making and Inequalities, will explore how states design fiscal regimes and public services to mitigate the effects of socio-spatial inequalities, through case studies in Greece, Poland, Scotland and Wales.

WP7: Autonomy Movements and Social, Economic and Territorial Justice, will investigate how claims for political autonomy are interwoven with territorial inequalities and whether political autonomy can present a mechanism for addressing issues of spatial justice, with case studies of Corsica, Lombardy, Sardinia, Friesland, Galicia, Scotland, Wales, the Kashubian minority in Poland and the Hungarian minority in Romania.

WP8: Re-imagining Rural Futures, will integrate and synthesise data from WPs 1-7 to translate research findings into policy recommendations, employing the techniques of participatory scenario building and policy scenario testing.

WP9: Dissemination and Engagement, and WP10: Project Management, complete the work programme.


Abstracts, reviews, notes

  • Komornicki Tomasz: Migration impact on the scale of territorial inequalities and spatial justice in Poland. [w]: American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting 2019. Washington D.C.: American Association of Geographers, 2019 - publikacja internetowa 1 s.
  • Czapiewski Konrad: Territorial Inequalities and Local Development - some narrative stories from Poland. [w]: International Geographical Union Regional Conference "Appreciating Difference", August 6-11 2018, Quebec City (Canada). Quebec: Laval University, 2018 - 1 s.
  • Czapiewski Konrad: Small Sized Towns – a catalyst in territorial cohesion process on peripheral areas in Poland. [w]: Nordic Geographers Meeting, Stockholm 18th – 21st June 2017. Stockholm: University of Stockholm, 2017 - 1 s.
  • Czapiewski Konrad, Cerić Denis: Integrative mechanisms for addressing territorial inequalities in Podkarpackie Region, Poland. [w]: 6th EUGEO Congress. Brussels, September 4-6, 2017, Palace of the Academies. Brussels: Association of Geographical Societies in Europe, 2017 - s. 161.


  • Komornicki Tomasz, Szejgiec-Kolenda Barbara, Czapiewski Konrad: Poland as an emigration and an immigration country – dynamics of change from the local and individual perspective. - Journal of Contemporary European Studies 2024 - s. 1-19.

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