- 2005-2009 - Studia doktoranckie: The Ohio State University, Department of Geography (promotor prof. M O'Kelly)
- 2003-2005 - Studia magisterskie: The Ohio State University, Department of Geography (promotor prof. M O'Kelly)
- 1999-2003 - Studia licencjackie: DePaul University, Department of Geography
Przebieg kariery zawodowej
- 2017-2019 - Stypendysta programu POLONEZ Narodowego Centrum Naukowego z funduszy UE Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA)
- 2017 - Associate Professor, University of North Dakota
- 2011-2017 - Assistant Professor, University of North Dakota
- 2009-2011 - Visiting Assistant Professor, University of South Florida
Zainteresowania naukowe
- Geografia transportu
- Dostępność przestrzenna (transportowa)
- Przestrzenna optymalizacja
- Zróżnicowanie przestrzenne miast (struktura społeczno-ekonomiczna)
- Dojazdy do pracy
Wybrane publikacje
Artykuły, rozdziały
- Niedzielski, M.A., O’Kelly, M.E. and E.E. Boschmann. Synthesizing spatial interaction data for social science research: Validation and an investigation of spatial mismatch in Wichita, Kansas. Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems 54, 2015, 204-218. [IF: 1.520; SJR: Q1]
- Niedzielski, M.A. and E.E. Boschmann. Travel time and distance as relative accessibility in the journey to work. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 104(6), 2014, 1156-1182. [IF: 2.291; SJR: Q1]
- Niedzielski, M.A., Horner, M.W., and N. Xiao. Analyzing Scale Independence in Jobs-Housing and Commute Efficiency Metrics. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 58, 2013, 129-143. [IF: 2.725; SJR: Q1]
- O’Kelly, M.E., Niedzielski, M.A., and J. Gleeson. Spatial Interaction Models from Irish Commuting Data: Variations in Trip Length by Occupation and Gender. Journal of Geographical Systems 14(4), 2012, 357-387. [IF: 1.366; SJR: Q1]
- Niedzielski, M.A., and E.J. Malecki. Making Tracks: Rail Networks in World Cities. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 102(6), 2012, 1409-1431. [IF: 2.110; SJR: Q1]
- van Beynen, P., Niedzielski, M.A., Białkowska-Jelińska, E., Alsharif, K., and J. Matusick. Comparative Study of Specific Groundwater Vulnerability in a Karst Aquifer in Central Florida. Applied Geography 32(2), 2012, 868-877. [IF: 2.779; SJR: Q1]
- O’Kelly, M.E., and M.A. Niedzielski. Are long commute distances inefficient and disorderly? Environment & Planning A 41(11), 2009, 2741-2759. [IF: 1.763; SJR: Q1]
- Niedzielski, M.A. and P. Śleszyński. Analyzing accessibility by transport mode in Warsaw, Poland. Geographia Polonica 81(2), 2008, 61-78.
- O'Kelly, M.E., and M.A. Niedzielski. Efficient spatial interaction: attainable reductions in metropolitan average trip length. Journal of Transport Geography 16(5), 2008, 313-323. [IF: 1.418; SJR: Q1]
- Niedzielski, M.A. A spatially disaggregated approach to commuting efficiency. Urban Studies 43(13), 2006, 2485-2502. [IF: 1.301; SJR: Q1]
- van Beynen, P., Niedzielski, M.A., Białkowska-Jelińska, E., and K. Alsharif. 2018. “Investigating Groundwater Vulnerability of a Karst Aquifer in Tampa Bay, Florida.” In W.B. White, J.S. Herman, E.K. Herman, and M. Rutigliano (Eds.), Karst Groundwater Contamination and Public Health, Springer.