Books, reports | Articles, chapters, papers and others | Abstracts, reviews, notes
Books, reports
- Goch K., Affek A., Śleszyński P., 2024, What is the state of the art in modelling systemic changes in social-ecological-technological systems?, Systematic Map Protocol, Proceed, , s. 6.
- Śleszyński P., Herbst M., Komornicki T., Wiśniewski R., Bański J., Biedka W., Celińska-Janowicz D., Degórski M., Goch K., Goliszek S., Grabowska M., Mazur M., Olechnicka A., Otmianowski M., Piotrowski F., Płoszaj A., Rok J., Smętkowski M., Stępień M., Śliwowski P., Więckowski M., Wojnar K., 2020, Studia nad obszarami problemowymi w Polsce, Studia. Cykl Monografii, 7/199, Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania Kraju, Warszawa, 486 s.
- Komornicki T., Bednarek-Szczepańska M., Degórska B., Goch K., Szejgiec-Kolenda B., Śleszyński P., Haarich S., Corbineau C., Has C., Varghese J., Joyce D., Smas L., Lidmo J., 2018, COMPASS – Comparative Analysis of Territorial Governance and Spatial Planning Systems in Europe Applied Research 2016-2018 Final Report - Additional Volume 6 Case Studies Report, ESPON, Luxembourg, 334 s.
- Nadin V., Fernández Maldonado A., Zonneveld W., Stead D., Dąbrowski M., Piskorek K., Sarkar A., Schmitt P., Smas L., Cotella G., Rivolin U., Solly A., Berisha E., Pede E., Seardo B., Komornicki T., Goch K., Bednarek-Szczepańska M., Degórska B., Szejgiec-Kolenda B., Śleszyński P., Lüer C., Böhme K., Nedovic-Budic Z., Williams B., Varghese J., Colic N., Knaap G., Csák L., Faragó L., Mezei C., Kovács I., Pamer Z., Reimer M., Münter A., 2018, COMPASS – Comparative Analysis of Territorial Governance and Spatial Planning Systems in Europe Applied Research 2016-2018 Final Report, ESPON, Luxembourg, 120 s.
Articles, chapters, papers and others
- Komornicki T., Szejgiec-Kolenda B., Bednarek-Szczepańska M., Degórska B., Śleszyński P., Krasnodębska K., 2024, European territorial governance in practice: on the relationship between cohesion policy and spatial planning at the local and regional level, [w:] Red. Vincent Nadin, Giancarlo Cotella, Peter Schmitt, Spatial planning systems in Europe. Comparison and trajectories, Elgar Studies in Planning Theory, Policy and Practice, Edward Elgar, , s. 200-217.
- Pesaresi M., Schiavina M., Politis P., Freire S., Krasnodębska K., Uhl J., Carioli A., Corbane C., Dijkstra L., Florio P., Friedrich H., Gao J., Leyk S., Lu L., Maffenini L., Mari-Rivero I., Melchiorri M., Syrris V., Van den Hoek J., Kemper T., 2024, Advances on the Global Human Settlement Layer by joint assessment of earth observation and population survey data, International Journal of Digital Earth, 17, 154 s.
- Śleszyński P., Olszewski P., Dybicz T., Goch K., Niedzielski M., 2023, The ideal isochrone: Assessing the efficiency of transport systems, Research in Transportation Business & Management, 4611 s.
- Komornicki T., Szejgiec-Kolenda B., Degórska B., Goch K., Śleszyński P., Bednarek-Szczepańska M., Siłka P., 2018, Spatial planning determinants of cohesion policy implementation in Polish regions, Europa XXI, 35, s. 69-87.
Abstracts, reviews, notes
- Goch K., Śleszyński P., Affek A., 2024, The main topics of discussion and research on issues of modelling systemic changes in urban systems, [w:] Red. Vytis Kopustinskas, Hrvoje Foretic, Isabel Asenio Bermejo, Resilience assessment: Methodological challenges and applications to critical infrastructures. Proceedings of the 63rd ESReDA Seminar. Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy. 25-26 October 2023, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, , s. 141-143.