IGSO PAS > People > Member
Dr. Justyna Dudek
Department of Environmental Resources and Geohazards
Office -
Phone +48 566228520


  • 2019 - PhD, Jagiellonian University, Institute of Geography and Spatial Management.
  • 2007 - MSc, Jagiellonian University, Institute of Geography and Spatial Management, Department of Cartgraphy and Remote Sensing.

Academic career and degrees

  • 2020-2021 - Institute of Geography and Regional Development, University of Wrocław
  • since 2021 - Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, PAS

Research interests

  • Remote sensing and GIS tools in polar research
  • Glacial geomorphology
  • Glaciology



Articles, chapters, papers and others | Abstracts, reviews, notes

Articles, chapters, papers and others

Abstracts, reviews, notes

  • Błaszkiewicz M., Andrzejewski L., Dudek J., Sobota I., Czarnecki K., 2024, Rola martwego lodu w transformacji stref marginalnych lodowców w warunkach gwałtownego ocieplania klimatu ostatnich dekad - Oscar II Land, Svalbard - implikacje dla paleogeografii zlodowaceń kontynentalnych, XIII Zjazd Geomorfologów Polskich, Naturalne i antropogeniczne przemiany rzeźby terenu, Łódź 17-20 czerwca 2024, Zeszyt abstraktów, Uniwersytet Łódzki, Łódź, , s. 13-14.